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49 Fame



The consummation of: 'the act of completing/perfection' and of course 'intercourse once married' allows the final frontier to take place. Just as the convergence of place, work and connections allow the confluence of fame. Once famous for their consummation one can often relay the act of convergence that brought them to that climatic hiatus in their own time.  But were the couple perfect as individuals? Or rather perfect for each other before the perfect bit?


It would seem at first glance they were not perfect individuals. Just as we are seeing man and woman couples leading the brand new political party 'Renew' and the 'Green Party' into power in 2018.  The Greens seemingly want green power, a green economy and overall equality in trade, health and education, i.e. free childcare from birth to a nominal pre-school age, whilst Renew seem to positively have similar ideals, particularly about renewing Britain, whatever that may hold? And paying off national debt to third world countries, in effect renewing the entire planet; a steep bargain, but admirable to say the least.  You know which is already famous!


An individual surely can be perfect on their own can't they? Thinking of an old friend, a real all-rounder, I would not mind betting he will join Passion at some point in his career; the door is always open, (as pictured): Andy Burrows. To play the drums that well and consummate his instrument to the sound of his own creation: 'America' by Razorlight, to go through the upheaval of a failed marriage in parenting, and then the Razorlight tumultuous split.  He has risen like a phoenix to make seemingly Platinum worthy albums, one must go and buy all of his works, (I insist!). Under his own name, with a splash of Californian soul, we all want to be there when we listen to such sublime high melodies, and he really does play every instrument. There is a perfect human being, consummate without the convergence of another.


However, Razorlight made him and broke him in.  What did his wife go through to get this far. Often we are not 'half the man' (Jamiroquai 1994) we used to be, but we become half the man we want to be.  Am I exuding enough testosterone as I write this blog piece? Because where is my other half? Well not here, so I am a single bachelor searching.  It takes to hunt her, to wooh her, to challenge her, and to reflect her.  To do me as well as her would help, but to do an impression back to her shows how I care, reflections, after all, are eternal.  I will provide for her, look after her, protect her, and will ride her.  I am in love.  Still, yet, infatuated by every true born girl in a magazine, who brushes past me in the street, but to her I obey, and prove my love for her, as we all do, really in our hearts, we are all trying to be monogamous, 100% of the time.


What does this say of the individual?  (Bachelard: Science and Objectivity, by Mary Tiles, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, Pg. 39:) 


'Reflection on modern science thus prompts a questioning and rejection of two linked assumptions of Cartesian epistemology: the assumption that we should be looking for epistemological starting points, indubitable foundations, and the assumption of the possibility of privileged and complete self-knowledge on the part of the reflective knowing subject. The possibility of complete self knowledge is one of the assumptions needed to underwrite the idea that in empirical knowledge the subjects constitution can be clearly and unproblematically separated from the contribution made by the object.'


In essence objects fill us with desires, including people, but a person should never be objectively desired but subjectively, by another individuals persuasions, and so we have indisputable foundations.  People are not objects so there is no empirical knowledge involved in relationships, weighing things up is done on purely an epistemological basis, by judgements.  We have now ascertained for a relationship to work there are subjective, persuasive, knowledge and judgement elements involved that coalesce, which do not all work at ease as an individual on their own but through the confluence of union, as a partnership.  Record and producer.  Man and wife.  We can only know what we have already experienced to go on living, and however hard it gets, there are still: 'reasons to stay alive' (Andy Burrows 2018 OUT NOW!). Excellent record a bit more funk than we first imagine!  Man try's to conquer and in doing so may aim for a better woman each time, but truthfully he is aiming for what he needs in that consummate moment.  I'm afraid it is really a combination of a lot of things that sparks love: past, present, future, looks, love, fancying someone, legacy, presence, height, attraction.  After all we are all visual people.  Please take your time to take it all in, realistically there is someone out there for everyone. Therapy can be a good way to find your path back to the ultimate relationship: check ‘X/ Twitter’ @TheLantern5


We have established through the epistemological evidence if we are to take any given relationship we are all dependant and that convergence allows fame to come about, we may not be consummate the first time around, before the precipice of fame, but that first attempt gets us acknowledgement to converge. Often a first album is where we always remain, relative through progress, not forgetting we are always improving.  So it takes two to tango, and like any good religious man I would rather consummate first, as I try to here, for the new birth of all of our creations.  In essence we all converge to consummate, for even I have a few helpers!  Now I will leave you with the conceit:


'A father leaves his son.  He runs, he runs for parliament.  He meets someone special, years before, who shows him unconditional love.  Something he rarely knew before except for his mother.  He runs.  For I showed him unconditional love. Some day soon I wake up from the storm caused by my loss of love, unconditional of course because sometimes it just doesn't come, I wake up and there he is.  'Sorry' he says, 'my turn to help you out this time'.  'I thought I had lost you' I say heartedly.  Sometimes we do lose each other.  But it is so overwhelming to see him (I am crying as I write this!), we thank each other for the divergence that brought us both fame and walk our separate ways, until the day we can converge to realise it was not what we meant to each other that was so important in the first place, we have found unconditional love since, it was who we were; it was just the right place at the right time, and so one day we may converge, who knows?'