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192 Galvanize


Peace is required in every land, city, town and village. There is no-one who has stopped fighting another of late, but now is the time to drop your gun.

“Some we don’t know ya,

Some we don’t own ya

But some we’re mad about ya,

Don’t fight you’ll come to justice.”

And justice comes right after peace, in the following: trust, after truth. And then a good environment. So, declare: “Peace” on your neighbours, open the courts, and let us reign free in our reverence for the innocent to make it fair.

Peace is judgement and it helps to judge oneself, for all our ills are in defence of spiritual harassment, of a kind that niggles at our new-found generation of strong mum’s and dad’s, strong couples, and strong individuals. It is an injustice to put your stamp on us, when we are organised well enough to get you back! And while some believe the cause is not a law, it is still unlawful to get an unlawful effect from technically an unlawful cause.

While my potential wife and I do not judge other people, it is still up to the Police, in good justice to investigate and take seriously every perceived criminal conviction. So, what is justice if not the Bible.

Exodus 21:22-25

Matthew 15:16-20

So, evil comes from the heart, from saying blasphemies under fear. And there is justice in God’s World, by example of a pregnant woman to take a life for a life. Therefore, we must not defile each other in fear, but stand as a beacon of light to those without any, and a shoulder to lean on for those with only some, and as a humble person to all our neighbours, in order that we know we are getting it right, so, we must be the strength others need, through our mutual interdependence, for, if we have not helped another, we will not know if we are right. And not one man standing is better than the next, unless under critique for what each knows from experience, not out of fear, and only then can we flatter.

So, why is fear so evil?!

And why do we fear voices at a distance, the unknowing at a distance, the paranormal. All things are born out of love, and so that is all we need and expect. Not to be over-exposed, by like for like, to give them selfishly peace of mind, then they have not taken their responsibility well enough, and are overtaken by another. A healthy nervousness takes stead, in the melee, of making, and making others better people, because we never know if we have got it right. In order to protect our own humility, we astound ourselves with a lack of knowing ourselves, because we are selfless and wise, and this is usual, but everyone thinks it is knowing your cool, how you are cool, and why you are cool, which does not stand up to todays cultural esteem, so leave everyone behind, and abandon the zone for love and kindness. Because that is what we thought you always were.

Fame comes into the frame, and it is not all we thought, for you can still be famous without the gear, and dollars, and in effect have to go the plain and simple of good health in order to be a lighthouse, of the epitome of goodness, in order to know it, and make those changes in diet, habits and timing to prove yourself, only against yourself, so, do you still enjoy those karmic vice releases please, or can you finally learn to go another day without it and its own turmoil back into the bad karma?

If making was still getting spun out of control on vices, you have let in bad entities, which may be the calling of the voice in your head, the unknowing and paranormal, which gets translated into accusation of a loved one, never understanding your inner workings, not working, for not feeling loved enough.

We are at the precipice of knowing. We have come so far, that we will take it easy to come off our vices and galvanize with one image of nature on our doorstep, and ask it repeatedly, what it needs, to feel healthy, and wise.

We now see the land mass as a homogenous breathing natural entity, and we can galvanize working on ourselves day by day to get it right, no more futile arguing over why abuse as a joke is never funny, and quite literally degrading our souls, and skewering our spiritual energy, that if we do not get this right, we will just give up!

Learn your nature, from the nature around you and galvanize.


Love, AB. x