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130 Perfect



"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love."

- 1 John 4:18

I hope it is only a fad, this perversion into the dystopian and dark side within the arts.

Perfection can describe your ultimate form of being like a peace-making Mahatma Gandhi, your favourite song like ‘Tendril’ by Lyra Pramuk (Type ‘Tendril’: into magnifying glass search engine on the blog!). Or your lust for a man or woman that hits you in the heart. Perfect puts aside our misplacement with a man-made world, our terror to hear the daily news, and our rebuttable diagnosis that should never have been given in the first place, if only we had the will to move forwards. We are extradited from our minds when scared or shocked and so either PTSD sets in or a whole host of past traumas are dug up. Perfection is then known when stress occurs because we push ourselves for a result. That result can only be won over in the heart by sheer dedication and ownership of the idea. Always do your best, and that is good enough.

To harbinger the autumn into winter – we have moved from the perfection of the body with its phlegm from the brain: the mind and renewal; to black bile, and the spleen in the coldest months. Not forgetting the beer and yellow bile at summertime from the gall bladder and fresh blood in the spring, from the heart.


The seasons are a necessity in Gods creation through evolution as important as celebrating a birthday. We are coming to the end of our second month long lockdown in the ninth month of the year, ‘nove = nine’, and ‘dece = ten’. Do not forget that King Julius Caesar, added July in 44BC and King Augustus added August in 8BC, to give us near 12 perfect months.

Why must we aim for perfection? Because we want perfect love, and so, love is always perfect. How do we appease a broken hearted loved one? We either settle with them or leave well alone. We must be distinct in our ties and soul making. We must move on if we see no hope of a better future because it is perfect love we are aiming for. Perfection is a strong word, neither imperfect, or feckless, neither marginal, nor biased. It is in all of us, to make a love of goodness in perfection. We are perfect when we have slept and risen for a perfect new day. We still evolve in an age of devolution, handing down power, today evolving our DNA into more relaxed, knowing, savvy, adorable beings. For everyday is perfect and so we rise to the challenge and perform well.

Love is perfect in its unrequitedness and giving. Essentially it is what binds us in matrimony even to friends. We can define ourselves as being married or tied to many people. Now we can return to faith and deep inner healing child; with utter trust in each other. We are the product of each other’s judgement, as to what is acceptable by one another’s perception mindfully. It is perfection to be alive with a healthy brood at our feet, or a baby on the way to adore. We celebrate life everyday of the week. We are here to look back in kindness and forwards to a better future in hope.

What is it that puts us at war with man’s peaceful world? There are not only diseases killing us and an environment in dire need of care, but miscarriage is at 10-20% of children, and a massive 17% of children are born disabled, to a total of 18% of the population, adding 1% becoming disabled over a lifetime. These are scary statistics, so let us remain as healthy as we can be to keep our chances of a healthy child higher and give up the vices and ask the Lord when to conceive. To breathe since the industrial revolution has killed causing ill health, through pollution, since the late 18th Century. How long on Earth is it going to take to do the right thing? And pervade the way to cleaner oxygen, for time is running out. Boris has just inaugurated his 10-point plan for a green industrial revolution of £12bn worth of investment, under the waste of £16.5bn on defence.

We are the generation who can expect to see World Peace in our lifetime, making good of what remains. But life today can turn on a 6 pence from success to struggle, and back to success again. This makes the vision difficult to see and to make headway when you believe the ideal result will never be accomplished. Some like the resistance of a wire brush to rub up against because life has always been so stressful. Let us ease the pressure off and give ourselves a round of applause; for we have done enough so far. Sometimes just teaching an innocent child is enough, through personal repentance to achieve re-birth, to the extent we regain our innocence. Re-birth is the loss of provocation, guilt, and shame. Until we finally have respect for the Lord’s love, who loves us unconditionally, but our prayers would come true if only we would take the straight path.

There is so much cause and effect in the entropy of the World, causing us more and more heartache, wouldn’t it be better to try to make the World a better place with our domino effect; by joining the Green Party, volunteering and making headway in our chosen vocation, or just being a good Christian.

“Peace be with you!”

A child needs 24/7 guidance in effect and into adulthood. It comes down to order, and order of a healthy kind. So, let us eat, drink, live and exercise healthy lifestyles to increase our chances of a healthy child. That order can be a busying kind, to achieve a nature and acquisition through the breath in perfect love. From lessons, we can bequeath things and people to learn of love, it is never too late, to celebrate all those around you!


AB x