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T R U E  L O V E .


There is a secret.


Are we the people we look like?


Try looking in the mirror making different faces, until you feel comfortable with who you are.


Now try looking in the mirror with a loved one or friend to see the difference between the two of you.  


With someone you aspire to look like to remind yourself of who you truly are and to see the differences in how you look.


It is important for all of us to realise our faces change over time, as we evolve, so keep a photographic diary of how you change over the years.


Over time do we get manipulated to become someone we do not recognise in the mirror, either by ourselves and/or others, or by accident.  By looking in the mirror with a friend we are used to seeing, we discover our true characteristics.


Worse still do we recognise our face as the person we have been manipulated into by ourselves or others?


One answer is to never be in a manipulative relationship, or try not to go beyond being and feeling like ourselves.  The truth is to know yourself.


The other answer is to learn who we really are, before we become intimate with a loved one.  Defending off manipulation by the other to become someone we do not feel comfortable with.


By recognising ourselves visually in the mirror, preferably with a friend we are harnessing our aesthetic qualities more so than in a still 2D photograph.  Fine we are seeing a reflection, but the reflection is the spirit inside, and is of the utmost importance to the initial recognition of ourselves.  The visual is so powerful as to how we recognise someone and their visual behaviour.  We may fall in love at just a glance, maybe from a mannerism, maybe something we do or want to do ourselves, as a pure reflection of ourselves and a visual support to our very own being. 


Does this mean we should make our loved one to be, someone who looks similar to us, to find our true selves together in love? Do we have a mind, body and soul twin who looks like us?


Or are we ever pervading along the meandering river of our lifetime searching for an opposite and equal face that would make for happy joyous children.  The importance of finding someone pretty, positive, with a good personality and from good stock, to make similarly radiant children with.


Are we, the children of now; the product of love, sex or preferred pro-creation; balance?  And in affect are we repeating that self in creating our own children.  What does it mean to be a child as the product of sex? Will we be loved enough? Will we have an inkling for sex ourselves as a response, and as an innate part of our personality?


Are we just too nervous of true love to constantly be in balance with another.


Do we fall in love with a face, but can never understand the pain that person has suffered before meeting them, or do we reconcile to make it our aim to help them and make that help the basis of our relationship; seeing them become the virtue of who they are meant to be? Until we part? Or similarly enjoy remaining in the company of who we have both become?


Do we live for a lifestyle we have read, seen or discovered about? Something that could be out of touch with ourselves or push us to evolve to our true selves. A genome.


What is a model from a magazine like underneath?


Does sex drive us or is there such a thing as true love?


How do we know when we have found the secret? - true love, and the law of true love.


How will we ever meet our true love with a World population of 7,313,101,500 at 20:58:00 on Wednesday 6th May 2015, of which approximately only 457,068,843.75 would see us as a potential spouse, and we are only likely to meet four or five of them in a given week if we try hard enough.


Th impossibilities are never ending.  Therefore our ability to be flexible, and morph into our partners desired spouse is so important.


T H E  L A W  O F  T R U E  L O V E:


The importance of being similar.


The importance of living and working together.


The importance of communication and no communication, but knowing.


The importance of trust.


The importance of truth.


The importance of honesty.


The importance of attraction.


To know yourself in the presence of another.


To avoid what we call 'the balancing act'.


To build meaningful memories.


The importance of love.


The importance of support to build one's own power.


The importance of sharing, particularly feelings.


Unrequited love is truth because you do not feel obliged to help.


I N  E S S E N C E  T R U E  L O V E  I S  W H E N  E V E R Y T H I N G  S E E M S  

N E W ,  W H E N  Y O U  K N O W  E V E R Y T H I N G  I S  A L W A Y S  N E W  

A L R E A D Y .


Why do we find it so hard then, to find out everything is new, and apparent, when we live our normal day to day lives out of love.  Can we just love our friends and family enough to know love is everywhere and always new.  I think not because it is the sensation of touch to feel and to hold another body, every time: new and in a different way that becomes the beckoning of our love as a couple.  Those who are not monogamous, take it to the extent that they are willing to use themselves for a new experience, of the sensation of touch.  However those who are monogamous, every time they hold their loved one are regarded even higher in each other's minds; to the point that they are reminded of every time before that they have touched and the bond that sustains and grows into an abundance of a million or even billion different sensations, explorations and true understanding of another fellow human being.


We are designed to feel sensations and the ultimate epitome of that is the act of sharing our bodies in sexual intercourse, as and when we are ready in the relationship.  To me intimacy is so important I would believe the relationship would not last if there was no intimacy from the start.  We were designed to fit together and are designed to be aroused by the opposite and same sex depending on our preference.  True love is true sex, and true sex is true love; only with trust and care; again it is easy to manipulate one of the couple into sex, so consent is always required.  We are told we instinctively fall in love with someone within a split second of setting eyes on them, because as men we are hunters, and find sexual attraction a big plus to the added romance and attachment we will make to our sexual partner.  If the sex is good we will fall in love, if we fall in love then the sex will be good.  Can we really exist in couples both in abstinence, maybe if that is an equal choice.


Therefore what is the law of attraction?


The law of attraction is the key to, not only success in health and wealth, but most importantly in relationships.  We are the product of our thoughts, and pervade emanating feelings and thoughts from our inner souls to those around us.  We C A N attract those we want in our lives just by believing in them as much as we should, will and do believe in ourselves.


The law of attraction is like seeing someone in a magazine, or thinking of the qualities of a best friend and attracting a partner who will help us become the spouse we have always dreamed of being with that gold bar, that dream in our hands, helping us to heal humanly with the success of receiving what we truly desire.


In fact the nuances and intricacies may be enough to fall deeply in love with someone, but just imagine them meeting your status, wealth and image expectations.  Here we balance the intrinsic qualities and extrinsic qualities of marriage.  The all important P A C K A G E !


Remember like attracts like.  Which refers back to our inquisitive mind, do we suit someone who looks like us?  Or do we both have an inquisitively exotic mind, and hope to marry the opposite to us?


Do opposites really attract?  With tolerance psychologically, and with desire visually, then yes!


Think of a beautiful situation; who is it that you want to see on the other side of the table; sat with you in the comfort of home, and so lying next to you in bed.  Who is it that you want to share your life with?  Who is it that gets you deep down, and why? That pulls at the heart, and inspires the mind.


One must be in a healthy emotional state in order to enter into a healthy relationship, and therefore we must prepare for our future love.


N O W how do we prepare?


P R E P A R A T I O N  F O R  L O V E .


The first thing to do is to sit in a quiet place, and debate in your head, maybe with a notepad, how you want to be within a partnership.  This conjures up words like:


L O V I N G / C A R I N G / G I V I N G / M U T U A L L Y  R E S P E C T I V E / S H A R I N G / 

C O M M U N I C A T I V E / T R Y I N G / F O R G I V I N G / F E E L I N G  L O V E D .  


Other requirements we have to study and accept, which might be less desirable are:


D E M A N D I N G / J E A L O U S / U N F O R G I V I N G / C O M P E T I T I V E / R E Q U I T E D / 

A R G U M E N T A T I V E / I M P A T I E N T / R E S T L E S S .


Once we have analysed these attributes we know we want or exist from past relationships we can build on the past and help ourselves to understand us before we meet them.  In order to find unity between us.  If this is our first relationship this is a great exercise in order that we do not enter love blindly and know ourselves well enough not to take a risk!


Energy goes where attention goes, so remember first to give your attentions to yourself, and then to your loved one.  And always do this throughout your relationship not to ruin the bond with over attachment, and oppressive protection, whilst nurturing each other's talents.


Everything in the Universe is energy, so we must build with the Universe the energy to give all our attention to the one we love as often and frequently as possible.  We must realise that love is going to energise us.  And here is the important point to make:  The love we give must be given and received reciprocally in order that we feel pure balance in love.  An abusive relationship or over-commandeering relationship often found by the man over the woman, not to say it cannot exist the other way round, must end before it causes serious damage.


P E R S O N A L I T Y .


Personality becomes more important than looks, however aesthetics may be the initial catalyst to love.


We have established our own look, and compared this with others.  


We have established true love.


We have established the law of true love.


We have established the preparation for love.


Now we must establish attractive personality traits.


Attractive personality traits are much like the words useful for preparing for love; these are good words as affirmations.  But beyond this we might want to be:


H E A R T Y / You may want to cook a hearty meal for a loved one, or invite friends to the pub, or at home for drinks and games, or even put on a dinner party as a surprise to your loved one.


J O Y O U S / You may want to go on long walks, or live by the seasons; beach on a sunny day, and kite flying on a windy day.


P L E A S A N T / You may want time alone but to bring a gift from your stroll in the country; fresh heather, wild flowers or juniper berries for making sloe gin in the autumn, which could be gift wrapped as a present for a birthday or anniversary.


K I N D / Kindness comes in gifts, attention, and special treats.  This can encompass anything from inspiration to your partner or a loving gesture to remind them of yourself as inspiration.


G E N E R O U S / Always give to them, by example.


The secret to LOVE is Appreciation . . .