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103 Accessibility

103 Accessibility

We approach most people on total, composition, through the corners of our minds. There are septimal candles lit in the basements of our hearts, but we still don’t know, how we got there? We seek parodies of past lives and motivate ourselves into well-being by blasphemous reprise to equate us to our hearts and minds, and back again. Coming back around, there used to be a hiatus, when we went out on the town, and now living is available only as an essential, only us and them, the government at our door, looking in, while really we are looking at them. We melody along into cognition of other kinds, as if we are at the top of the Matterhorn, not so much suffering, but acclimatising to a high-altitude. We regret that we cannot get a hug at the top, because we persisted alone, and no-one is too indite to be happy for you. You made it happen, so you celebrate alone!

Once forecast with a spell of ice burning on snow, you retreat down, and check your barometer, for oncoming winds, seeing your way through the blizzard.

We are all indite to find we can only make these things happen callously without regard for the ever changing World, of requiems into a devolved retribution, that you will be told off for travelling too far, and yet travel, is what keeps the human in tact with sane living, to see the other side of the road. So, I will go one day, and find my way. I would be happy too! But with this comes breaking ties, that is: ties that only exist in the ether, between minds, like tapping into unreasonable remorse. The Lord opens-up and finds his heart is pulsating, giving back the love, we took from him, over and over again. It is time to wake up: Ladies, and Gentlemen, we need this salacious regard, we need community to work again, with both intellectual and loppy credentials. If rise again, were to be performed, we would all know who is embracing tragedy, before cool cuts in, and makes serendipity worthwhile. There will be a time, around the corner to rise, but stay loose, this is the birth of new craft, new business, organic growing, and self-sustainability, a whole World revolution. Are we scared? Well no because it is quite comedy, and unbelievable, to think people are dying? No-one I know is at least.

This new accessibility, does connect to a World Peace, of unbelievable bounds, making an equivalent equable, insouciant, remedy in me, that my restrictions, hold me at guard, to learn again, and breathe, not pervade as before, and to relinquish, reverence on the literature circuit, and architectural digression, into objects, of simplicity. The complexity of this recites my mind in all its glory of celebration, beyond previous over-zealous stress, making excitement a form of arousal, that leaves me dirty and cool, using myself for equitable means. I am now at one.

When there is an accessibility of prevalence back into normality, I hope we can figure it out, but I fear we are losing social skills, without burning flames, leaving the pit for eternal sanctity in the Sky’s. Therefore, this means, we will be more amenable, and less lost, in a fortitude of loosened bodies, making, sex with no-one but ourselves, and we may now take our time, to be and to become. When we fall, we land on crumpled glass, and make bridges from old weed, we stand up to shine from it, but it is just a deadness of thought, that burning, will foresee. If there is a mystery to our fortitude of longevity, we must become, regarded as soldiers, of virtue beyond all reckoning, without misery in our lungs. We can play well without all this and feel solid on a diet of wheat and sugar, milk, and pudding. Loosely said, we are good when we stay well, and self-care for the sake of ourselves, making more of our looks and blood, and bone and skin. They say the only two ways to look after the inside, is both through the inside, and what covers the outside.

If we make ourselves put upon, by servitudes, of colloquy, again, we are made into beings that we don’t understand, so just relax, and think, of your own conversations of theology, as if you made it, as if you gave a damn about the verses, of now, the social dynamic of making, and the results of the plethysmographic fortune, that your blood flows in equal strength, rather than over-zealous appetites for cause to reason, that food, drugs and alcohol, will only give you a headache, if not, try water, and nuts, sweets and coffee, hot chocolate and chocolate, and green tea and an orange. What goes in: is what comes out, and don’t try and control things – just be.

By thinking we leave space for accessible emotional change, and calm, to enact anew, a new idea, or fill our  books with notes on playing better. The emotional charge we gain, makes us re-calculate our troubles, as equalling, not much at all, and so our lives are accessible again, to the sound of the beat of a drum,  rhythmically playing tunes of old past-times, and new born creations, we have just made in our living rooms. We are all in a living room, of living people and just need the hum of a song to turn against the grain of imaginary thuds of the copious dehydrated mind, and back into good living.

Once we are there, we can talk and talk of ancient prose, in a modern tongue, through our rooted behaviour, to sing prayer, after prayer, something meaningful to us, it is so meaningful we remember to write it all down at the end of the night, and show off to our friends about our new-born creation in the living room. If there were doubt, that we were made in heaven, then now we know we were. And the deep inner healing of a child, requites and then unrequited from our bodies, from our minds, back into us as being. The Garden is a lovely place to do this, late into the night wrapped in blankets and coitus progression, that the outside is now in, and we share our hearts with a pleasant open bracket, close bracket, comment in return.

The relationship is now accessible, and so, we are meditating into life, with our most magnificent selves.

When we are bound for prayer, we gather our minds, and show our souls to the Lord. But only know this if we are untying our inner pain, of being caught up in social and economic demand. Once there is sanctity, and salvation, we know we can cusp the regard for our own prayer to be heard among the people of this World and show how we will give grace back to the children of this Land. If there were an answer to our prayer, we would know immediately, if unbounded by the bondage of cataclasis, and to know we are heard. But sometimes, even the Lord cannot unbreak our chains, for we make them ourselves, and those that are put upon us, from higher powers, then if there were a vicissitude of these prayer’s, there would not be a reason. Therefore, we need deep, deep, meditative cognition once more, to search for ourselves: the answers, with and above ourselves. I am looking for a 5’7” brunette, 36/28/34, I dream about us in prayer!


Love, AB, xxxxx.
