203 Affirm

203 Affirm


An affirmation is a resolute comment to oneself to build oneself up to the challenges of the day, like: ‘I am good, I am gold, and I am resolute in my belief of the Heavenly Father, to guide my life, and therefore, I will love all my neighbours, on this small, but beautifully formed planet.’

What is missing is nature, and this is precedent of todays weather conditions, having snow in April, and the big chill, as we fight the coming ice-age; healing the planet of the vigour of pollutive particles stuck in its breathing mechanism, so, we pray for the planet, and the end to the previously forward-thinking industrial revolution. Please make it chemical free and go easy naturally.

We affirm ourselves on the scene of work life and street culture making headway for new realms of respect and impressions on others – tailor cut and priced at the top of our couture. We are sharp, voyeurs of fashion. An economy of people impressed and impressionable. Similarly, nature and our origins affirm themselves to a force of sunny, ice-cold forays, as if the weather will make us; our mood, and even our facial appearance: lively or down, fresh, or dry. The moon fades in and out as it circumnavigates the Earth, also making us awake at night or well rested.

Unfortunately, due to the thief – the car: it makes oil stretch us to a governmental economy, for power for the people, yet the people disagree and need real power. The government are still not making radical changes in terms of opening the renewable industry, based on retrofit. And they are not taking advantage of sea power. Tidal technology is available, with connecting square tubular arms floating on the seas coastline to collect electricity; as waves swoon into and back out of the loosely connected caterpillar tubes.

Australia is in the news for being at the forefront of renewable power, which they are investing in at the moment, both nationally and internationally, to help those abroad: ‘the Wallaby is jumping’. The eco-economy affirming itself and its beliefs in a climate revolution, with big capitalist investors, closing coal mines and creating recycled products; alongside renewable energy sources, for the entire planet.

We do not think - we bust a gut to get everything done, and habitually buy products that do not account for eco measures, or innovation; knowing we are partaking in this revolution, and when we do, can be very satisfying. We must not be pessimistic, for it will take everyone to partake, sitting down, analysing, how we save power, if only our bills are a catalyst for a cheaper lifestyle, never mind the goal of the planets affirmed healing; alongside ours, as our main goal today. If pollution is invisible to the eye, well think again: the smog over London, the fumes of machinery and cars, the dust at home, and the feeling of the build-up of short breath.

So, we must start to do our research of our own energy habits, through TV, media, radio, newspapers, magazines, and Apps. If God knows what is right for us, think of the aesthetic we could pertain by creating the World anew, little by little.

Lesson 1:

God heals a blind man, to see the world afresh.

Luke 18:35-43

Is nature the same if we cannot see the morning flowers, the green Verdigris, the stone grey of the bridge, the moss and lichen on the timber house. We can feel the heat of the sun on us, and the cool of the breeze, breathe the air, and take in the oxygen of the plants and trees in affirming alternating, and an ecstatic conglomerate of senses, sensing our way, by way of the aesthetic, and still for those so unfortunate to be blind they see more than our repeated recognition. But the visual is so powerful identifying our route to the field.

Lesson 2:

We do not need money to appreciate affirming our reflection in nature.

Luke 18:25-30

To be a King in nature is to own it and disown it to the people, so that all creatures can appreciate nature and its greenery. From a beggar to a rich man, there is no difference other than one’s heart of appreciation.

Lesson 3:

The picturesque.

John 1:3

We learn more about ourselves in nature than in an urban environment because we are relaxed, entrained, and close to God. Yet we must start to take from nature inspiration back into the urban realm to find harmony on our streets, and the real virtues of God, and his building.

Lesson 4:

God’s kingdom.

Job 12:7-10

Nature has so much to teach us, we yearn for our Sunday morning walk and bike ride. It is once and always the same invigorating pleasure. To hear the bird song, and watch the deer, make merry with bee’s harvesting pollen, and to allow the entertainment to take place of nature’s forever changing cycles happen right in front of our eyes. So, spot the Kingfisher!

Lesson 5:

Goodness for our soul.

Psalm 96:11-13

Creation is such a difficult yet also a metaphorical subject until you dig deep into man’s origins within the Bible and our ancestors. God judges us because we are the making of God’s hands, and his creation must blossom with his love and guidance to show love back to our creator.

Lesson 6:

The making of Neanderthal man.

Psalm 95:4-5

For God made something of us by coming to live with us and so, we are in unison to believe in the story of creation. If life is creative, despite our burgeoning power to evaporate creativity in business, then creation makes sense. For when we turn to God: we know everything is the making of God and His hands, otherwise Heaven would not exist.

Lesson 7:

This beautiful story joins the dots of each one of us in togetherness.

Psalm 33:5

The Bible says: ‘those who destroy the Earth will be destroyed themselves.’ And that leads me to presume we must not use money frivolously but through an education on all things of the environment, we must invest in ourselves and our planet, by the virtue of God, and the Earth’s rise and depletion by us.

My World like God’s real intention is quite different to this world, so, how can I coalesce the two, to find myself a worthy member of society respected for my conceptual slant in God’s World over and above the nature around us; and to be guided by God. To solve this problem, I must relax my mind in transcendental meditation to find love and light to Him – “of this era.” And to make my mind anew giving in to autocratic persuasions – to enjoy my own company with others in blissful harmony of Heaven on the ground, (The Lord’s Prayer).

There is no need to affirm to other’s, other than ourselves, quietly in our own minds, like the affirmation at the beginning; to let go of the stress, and vigour, and the guilt of the past, the consonance of the future; now God, ‘let us be romantic about nature’s call your making, and our own made urban realm’.


Love, AB, x.


204 Heaven

204 Heaven

202 Aptitude

202 Aptitude