44 Anthropology

44 Anthropology



Anthropology images genes.


"The classical view is that genes control how nutrients are broken down into important molecules, but we've shown that the opposite is true, too: how the nutrients break down affects how our genes behave," explains Dr Ralser, in the interesting commentary on Sciencedaily.com February 11th 2016, Source: University of Cambridge.


“Eritis sicut Deus: scientes bonum et malum”


‘In the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil’


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


If we analyse our evolution there are some funny things going on, to do with cultural looks, and I say cultural in the loosest of terms but to be more specific: geographical differences.


Why do Chinese have slighter eyes, and fairer skin?


Would you believe it is about our food!  If Buddha is anything to go by, maybe it is because their staple meat was mice?


There are a number of other contributing factors, but we are beginning to look like the animal that made us.


Fish, Meat, Vegetables, Fruit, Nuts, Seeds, Oils, Vinegars, and Staples make our lives more often than not a result of our food habits, and our incessant hanker for the foods we loved as a child, a paleolithic man or as a subordinate purveyor of food.  We end up eating with our own evolution to the result of processes of food making, and today for ease of efficiency: processed food; just think of the love or pain that goes into making food and meals.


There is something else going on, after all food and a square meal gets us through the day.  The following are related:


1. Work, 2. Rest, 3. Play, 4. House, 5. Conversation 6. Food, 7. Genes, 8. Ancestry 9. Sex, 10. Community, 11. Communication 12. Protection, 13. War, 14. Fighting 15. Peace, 16. Manufacturing, 17. People, 18. Experiments, 19. God, & 20. Water.


1. Work causes us to need supplementary food or the ease of over-eating without doing exercise.  That or we will eat to live for our daily physical jobs.


2. Rest means we sometimes sleep, sometimes do not sleep, and sometimes do not bother to get rest, so our metabolism is messed up.


3. Play, we play hard at drinking or sport or both, and suffer from withdrawal of either and/or burn out from burning the candle at both ends.


4. House, we live in the house of our dreams with a kitchen that functions, or our house is old, a mess and disorganised making meal times difficult to happen.


5. Conversation, either we talk around the dinner table, as a focus of gathering at three times in the day or we begin to wane and just focus on eating our meal wishing no-one else was at the table.


6. Food, the food we eat is so important like the superfoods we see in the image actually permeating and changing our genes for longevity.


7. Genes, our genes are definitely affected through the foods we consume through new research, and we want to evolve so we can indulge as well to be human.


8. Ancestry, our ancestry tells us we come from meat eaters but we may evolve into vegan or vegetarian diets.  It is not uncommon to have many different food tastes in the same family.


9. Sex, if we get enough we are satisfied, and with the right foods we can make it exciting because we are in good health, but to be greedy and gluttonous often makes sex disappointing.


10. Community, if we partake in our communities we evolve with them, and enjoy fun times together making us as healthy as the food we eat, it is not just about sitting indoors eating nuts.


11. Communication, we must communicate about our food, and the times we sat around the camp fire melting marshmallows with our friends, eating times are for stories.


12. Protection means we have adequate knowledge we are safe in society and our behaviour follows suit, also in the bedroom to prevent little ones just turning up uninvited!


13. War, meant rationing, but today means an unwieldy fascination with power, and wealth.  At the end of the day we are all rich enough if only in mind to satisfy ourselves we do not need to be extreme in our ideologies except for healthy eating and exercise to live a fulfilling life.


14. Fighting, we fight a lot of the time, but do not know what the sub-conscious and amygdala are up to, so feel drained and exhausted, let's check-in and love ourselves more.


15. Peace, peace of mind is the best drug going, and drugs do cause wars, as well as prescription drugs, there are plenty of drugless answers on the net.


16. Manufacturing our food, means we use cheat processes, so see food as a whole, to be created into a dish as you prefer by yourself. 


17. People are the answer to our food problem, organic people, growing, producing and making organic food, it is so important.


18. Experiments, if you keep seeing the same 'Dolly' the sheep, crop up, you ask yourself if they've been cloned, luckily that is completely illegal, but foods can be experiments, all the looks and no flavour!


19. God, lets us know we are loved, and stopped an evolution of serendipitous culpability, a lot of research where God is present, goes into a healthy lifestyle, so listen to the broadsheets.


20. Water, if one does not drink approximately 4 pints a day one can start to incur genetic mutations.


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45 Vernacular

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