112 Appreciation

112 Appreciation



‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne, covers ideas of the law of attraction, to bring an abundance through belief-systems, but I have always known: ‘Love is Appreciation’. For the oneness of time, there is change in one’s life, when one starts the slow process to love again. From a vase of flowers, to a true love, we appreciate them more and more each day. Imagine Sophie Griegson making a herb salad, an Elephant in the jungle finding clean drinking water, and a parrot repeating what you have said while sat on your shoulder: these are all things people and animals appreciate. Are we frightened to homogenise into synchronous appreciators melding as one; we must break through the ice and find resolve in our appreciations. It will take all of us to appreciate the love in our hearts to communally heal, so, let us meld, it only takes to love, unconditionally, and we can all do that!

Love is kindness, so, we awake with a startle and we are alone in the dark. The sun is barely rising, and we have nowhere to go other than stay in bed, before reaching the bathroom to get ready for the day. Some know their first purpose of the day, while others have mostly forgotten who they are; however, we arrive in the morning, look at something in the distance to appreciate. We can choose to appreciate that shower even more – once under the hot water.

Do the trees wake up at night?

Is there a low hum in the forest of the animals asleep and the wind brushing through the branches?

Crackling through the leaves as we go to investigate the next day, finding bracken, and twigs under foot. Seeds drop and sometimes the adventure never ends - the discovery far outweighs the drudgery of more reading and writing, drawing, and cooking, cleaning, and working. The trunk unfurls to a secret mound on the bank and we discover a badger set, using their noses to sense their way home. They are really in the dark, under there, so, we will not disturb them.

So, love is appreciation because without appreciating anything there would be no value to life. Values, of your own are most valuable in critical times like today. We must embrace the dramas to do everything mindfully. Breathing as an exercise, noticing it as we wash, read, write and draw – purposefully breathing deeply while doing our daily business. This gives us poise, and credence in achieving with a relaxed state of mind. There are thousands of ways to appreciate the Sierra Maestra, the Grand Canyon, the Euphrates, and the Matterhorn. We must know of these splendours all the time; that is what the World is made out of, these natural wonders exist, and so, we must hold them with an image in our mind, or in our pocket - remembering their presence. Too often we are cocooned in a bubble, just as we hold onto a picture of a loved one to avoid dismay.

To appreciate means to take notice and to study something, like the trees. Collecting seeds and leaf samples to match in our book on return home. There is so much wonder to our perfectly formed planet. We can go with the flow, and say none of this, matters, but it does; especially, as we become greener in our work and productions. Just listen, watch, smell, taste and touch, and we begin to experience the phenomenological side of life, a shadow darting across the room, a cream cake sliding to collapse - across the plate, the residue of a cup of tea. Appreciation does not only include wonderous natural events, but also the end of something; time alone, time listening to a favourite song, and on we go. Appreciation in essence starts somewhere and ends somewhere else, it is following the allegoric poetry of each event and encounter along the way, so, expect the unexpected!

There is a love of the seemingly bizarre as well. Fetishes: someone’s ankle, someone’s small of the back, someone’s neck, and someone’s hand or foot. Because it reminds us in contrast, of the utter beauty of the body, and the amazement of our own. Our bodies are miraculous, whether you believe in pure creation or Darwin’s theory of evolution. We own our bodies, so love them and treat them right. To breathe is the biggest love of all, to feel the blood pump around the body, the tenderness of a kiss, the fragility of bones, and the hardiness of the entire form of the body.

We are lost in time, to galvanize and fortify ourselves for the journey ahead; prepared for any mistake, anomaly, achievement, or requirement of the here and now. We are truly blessed, by God, so, we must harness our energy and feel proud of ourselves with the vision of an eternal flame, angels healing us, and all sorts of magical religiosity.

There are none other than three places to be in the mind: the past, the present, and the future. However, we must remain present, never blaming our past, and never knowing the outcome of our future before healing. Unless it is really meant to all happen as it unravels.

So, can we change our future?

And become rich both in mind and in money.

How can one have a dream of comfort and make it a reality?

Appreciative behaviour, like gratitude is the beginning. But it is more than that – it is like a true love, at the insipient moment she brushes past, to the first moment you see him. From then on, your world changes, along with your priorities, and we begin to inspire each other, to be wealthy, but that inspiration must cause action!

Appreciation can be broken down into varying degrees of love. The love for an inanimate object, a person, a building, and a philosophy. We can tell how much love we have for it, by the amount of time we want to spend on it. If something bad comes along, such as the reminder of a childhood trauma, then we must persist at a consistent appreciation of the everyday, until we have balanced ourselves again. To build the smaller things and to love them; to re-build ourselves, ready for the ‘re-birth’. This experience can be so powerful that we learn a great deal from it, and it should make us feel whole again; through suffering, as a result, we will have an edge over everyone else, for we will have made it through the worst of times.

To appreciate ourselves is our top priority, and to better our personalities, and feel humble, not too proud. To conjure with the elements, and to make ourselves golden.

Appreciate, and remember to follow the breath.


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113 Break

113 Break

111 Noughts

111 Noughts