208 Archi.

208 Archi.



Andrew’s 10 principles of best design: © Mr. Andrew James Brinkman.

1.     A lifetime’s work manifests the same point over and over again.

2.    The Earth is the most important resource so, a design must be sustainable.

3.    A visceral design is better than an over manufactured commercial one.

4.   Real materials must be, crafted and adhered to, at all times.

5.    All materials must be cradle to cradle in assembly and disassembly.

6.    No glue or fixtures in detail all must fit and slot together and be fit for purpose.

7.    Detail as a generator of design, from a small-scale to the whole.

8.    A vision of the whole must be the initial premise and adhered to, at all times.

9.    Less is more, as little design as possible to overcome decoration.

10.  A minimalist aesthetic, as all parts must function and work together.

Andrew’s 8 principles of best process: © Mr. Andrew James Brinkman.

  1. Mono

  2. Gestalt

  3. Dimension

  4. Grid

  5. Volume

  6. Section

  7. Detail

  8. (Mgdgvsd)


Research based work within a given discourse:

Repetition in isolation and set against itself tells the story of 1,000 allegorical prayers.

Creation of a material space invites dialogue between Architect and Client.

Design is the accumulation of so many sonorous things to invite one into the gestalt.

Light penetrates deeply the spaces one designs through its ambience of precision.

Material takes solidity in comparison to the void of space tectonically textured.

Cartesian physical geometry governs all natural things made by man.

An image of images shows an aesthetic through which all your dreams come true.

A stone tells of ubiquity. Because it shines out among itself, allowing bricolage in all its forces.

A planar wall makes a plant in the ground to never be taken or deconstructed. Can we make it deconstruct itself?

A vase sits in the kitchen, a vision of domestic bliss, it grips the worksurface to find its ephemeral graph.

A kitchen tells of a plethora of materials when one would do. It states the hearth of heart making - wood.

The kitchen repairman is an architect himself, with such precision and perspicacity; he knows.

The bathroom is a vestige of cleanliness, ventilated from below to follow the steam.

In the mirror we see, strict guidance, to somewhere – what the eye does not forebear.

Sadness is the shoreline, lapping up the musk of a winter’s day. Today I disagree.

Happiness is about achieving and overcoming trials and tribulations, through our desire to be better people.

A building is a statement in the ground and on the ground of a million analogous themes in tautological logic.

My family plaintively love me, joyously love me, but sometimes there are accepted misunderstandings.

My feet sit in the mud, plunging deeper, until set clay, dry in the summer sun.

My higher self: the evolution of years of life hopes to sit on the throne of the right-hand.

My self-love pours on the page in hearts, a whirlpool’s end of vigour, determination, and prognostication.

We will rise together to new diagonal dynamics, of elation, creation and fellowship of meaning and colour.

My love is unbounded by the promiscuity of kindness in sharing bodies, life, soul & spirit.

Healing is all care and contention, dissipating into the background, allowing fuel to re-energise the mind and heart - good food and water.

Old fools die hard of all things known to solipsism and cynical gibes, making pervasions into each other.

Penetration and deep fellatio allow the man to set his mind and heart at ease, when the time is right.

Men and women walk the World in equality, courting along the way into each other’s arms.

A house that reads as natural is a house that appears and disappears into the landscape. All things are ephemeral, so man is immortal in all relationships.

Life is an experience. It is over in a/or the next second of time. Therefore, we must get it right. Think twice. Or be spontaneous. It is all in the making.

Salt reminds me of Gold. It is everywhere, in the rain, in the sea, and on the table, it is our heart blood; because White, Black, Brown, Red & Yellow matter!

🤲🏻 🙏🏻


Love, AB, x.

Thanks God, x.


209 Grave

209 Grave

207 Sex

207 Sex