156 Beans

156 Beans


Dreams are a blessing of new history in God. The dream is a form of bean as a pictorial emblem of what is to come or extrapolating yours and others various ideas communicated through the psyche. Dreams are important story boards to encourage our growth and reckoning with the world at large. Dreams are a night-time pastime and daily humbleness. They begin as a seed and grow and grow into nurtured ways of being, living, and giving back. They are from the cosmos and the Medici. So, count your beans, for the new-born.

The Medici were a family bank that ran Florence from 1434-1737, for the most, that period was spent billowing in money, but by the assassination of a founding member, we have known of their rise and fall. They were rich yet severely austere, because of their artisanal lifestyle. The wealthiest of all Florentines; they reigned for nearly 300 years, a true success. They were highly respected and in fashion, as God has always been the fashion in Italy. They lived with white-washed walls, good, simple wooden benches, and tables, and simple gowns and hoods, sometimes hats with feathers in them, long white socks, velvets, firs, and lace, silk, leather, and the finest trade in all that is needed to make an abundant life.

My dream last night of a bean, was to win titles and artefacts over dear friends, writing our answers on cloth, betting and winning. Count your wares, parcel up your old, and carry a sack of money. A dream, in reality from the bean, becomes the truth. The outer conscious collides and creates a harmony to form a dream in the inner conscious, of how you interpret and reinterpret the World in-front of your eyes. Our dreams may be similar, for clean precise living, in style.

Most ancient civilizations now in their rightful place in the cosmos, are aliens to our planet, and so we humanise, and use domestic order to facilitate a new take on civilization in the palm of our hands, and so, the word became flesh and blood, in God. For the Medici ruling bank, it was a black bean in the bag for a newly born boy and a white bean for the birth of a girl. There were many bags of beads, buttons, coins, beans and dreams at this time in this area of the World, and there is something satisfying of analogising ourselves, our play and our birth by way of a small whole object in a bag. To be accounted for.

The law of attraction prophesises over belief, and so we must check in on our belief systems, making us perceive through the almighty powers, and sometimes scaring our boats at sea, by a wreckage, where no-one wants to be. Dreams are there for you, so believe your dreams will come true. They say, acceptance is the beginning of change, and therefore, we must accept what we must start with, but bless ourselves with statements of already receiving gifts, it might be our mind for expression is worth millions, it might be our heart, it is in fact both. Once curtailed by an aesthetic, we search and search for our identity, and eventually give up on impressions, and just get to know people for who they are, and what they stand up for.

Wisdom is not knowledge (Hermann Hesse, 1922), but the more facts we extrapolate from the world around us, the more evidence there is for wisdom to come through us, not realising you have just said something wise, and forgetting it for a later memory. The antique memories are commodities, seen through our dreams. To order our lives, in sequence or not, we are passionate about living as our own merchant, pushing boundaries, provocation of our sad story. You are never alone, and so the World keeps spinning, and the Sun still burns, until we refract the light, and make ourselves light and love once more. Remember we are all aliens, to this World, but it belongs to us, and so we can make it as real, and idealistic as we can dream, in all humbleness. Calculations to salvage means we can be Merchants, and live by a new rule, of business, that if we dream for our results, they will come, wrapped up in our belief system.

The underworld might not exist anymore, but there was a time, everything was a game, the Merchants led by example, and were known to rule well, despite two breaks in their reign for very short periods. You need a uniform, a heart and mind, and love for those struggling, and jealous of your swagger, to give it up, when it is your turn to bring forth the energy of a dream. We are now a tag team, working to make everyone’s goals come true, with clear collaboration – the dream, to share ideas and concepts until we achieve a global policy that each side of the team has a title, money, and love and light for each other.

Se contiamo insieme i nostril fagioli e apriamo una banca, possiamo dire che la pace sia con te e che vinca la squadra migliore. Buona fortuna Inghilterra.

If we count our beans together, and start a bank, we can say peace be with you, and may the best team win. Good luck England. X



157 Daisy

157 Daisy

155 Self-Reliance

155 Self-Reliance