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124 Cancer

We live in God's creation and nature is our healer.


'going without the exotic' – original text: about the imperial empires taking the artefacts of the developing world for themselves.


It is without doubt difficult to define that which is exotic when its definition is precisely that which is introduced from abroad, strange, bizarre, most commonly thought of in the context of nature.  For example an exotic plant or an exotic fruit.

Therefore with this understanding it’s possible to understand our perceptions of the world in the context of our own surroundings and culture.  By this I mean that which is different and new as the exotic is only something different to what you already have or know.

The exotic means precisely something which is introduced from abroad, strange or bizarre.  Its most common use is within the context of plants and wildlife.  An exotic plant is normally thought to be from the tropics and may be less easy to define or understand.

It’s power lies in its complexity.  It is something normally found in a warmer climate where natural life can freely grow.  For this it might be seen to be strange or bizarre or awkward even, when put into a new context.

So why is it such an important issue?  Because an understanding of the exotic widens our perspective, complexes our perceptions and hence gives us a better picture of the world as it is now.  Our understanding of things, can only come from real experience and so to understand the exotic is to embrace it.

One may come to discover that the strange or bizarre gives us a truer representation of life.  However above this ideal of a truer perspective on the world must come respect.  Not only towards the new and strange, but also towards the person who may be perceiving that which is exotic.  It's a two way education: ‘Akoonu’. However consistently people prove to have little understanding of the exotic – 'the different', which is reflected in a lack of respect for that which is new, and a lack of self-realisation that they may be restricting their own view of the world through little attempt to break out of the mould that society may have put them in.

We are not what our televisions and newspapers tell us we are, we are a natural part of the world that should be craving for more creativity, that should be living instead of consistently acting on foreseen fears.  Our own repression will lead to our own demise. It is unfortunate to have to make that last sentence, since hope is our biggest virtue.  But persistence will be the true winner if life must be thought of as a game.  Persistence that is led by the need to move forward.  In order that our views and perceptions may keep changing eradicating fear.  Fear leads to destruction.

 To know and learn another language is by far the best way to eradicate cancer, with a teacher or best, the Holy Spirit.

What is heaven?

Is it on the ground?

Why do we speak to our spirit guides, but not see them?

How do they talk to us?

Through the garden.

With the spirit of the birds.

Heaven is in nature.

That's why it's important to have a garden.



The divine creator. I am divine.






We reject what we fear but what we fear will save us.


There is a preconception that cancer is a mutation that can't be explained.  But now there is belief that it is caused by an imbalance in our lives.


Balance relies on both the body and mind being in harmony with the world.  How do we find balance in a world that seems unbalanced.


We must remember that we don't live in symmetry, our world is on tilt, we live in a certain longtitude and latitude and so our exposure to the universe and it's energy is a unique experience dependant on that location.


Our minds are not in tune with the universe most of the time, so we must work on re-balancing our minds with our bodies.


You will find you are dominant in either the left side or right side of the brain.  Whichever you are you will find that the side of the brain that is dominant corresponds to the opposite side of the body.  For example if you are more dominant in the left side it is likely that you are right handed.  If you are more dominant in the right side you are more likely to be left handed.


The left side of the brain tends to be more dormant because it is logical, based on language, while the right side: the creative and expressive side of ourselves, something we lack in everyday life; is probably why there are more right handed people in the world than left handed.


Therefore we are looking at encouraging use of the right side of our brain in order to re-gain balance, in most cases.

RIGHT side of the BRAIN

The following are all ideas and concepts thought to help the process of healing particularly with cancer using the right side.




Brain function lateralization is evident in the phenomena of right- or left-handedness and of right or left ear preference, but a person's preferred hand is not a clear indication of the location of brain function. Although 95% of right-handed people have left-hemisphere dominance for language, only 18.8% of left-handed people have right-hemisphere dominance for language function. Additionally, 19.8% of the left-handed have bilateral language functions.[5] Even within various language functions (e.g., semantics, syntax, prosody), degree (and even hemisphere) of dominance may differ[5].


5. ^ a b Taylor, Insep and Taylor, M. Martin (1990) "Psycholinguistics: Learning and using Language". page 362

          1.       ^ Regarding different languages: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-11181457


'A creative individual intuitively sees possibilities for transforming ordinary data into a new creation,

transcendent over the mere raw materials.'


If we want to compare unlike ideas, we say on the one hand  . . . on the other hand . . . when really we should be compensating for our lack of use of the opposite hand  - i.e. if you are right handed try drawing with your left hand, or we should be using both hands.


Both hands leads us to the importance of craft, as a means to centring ourselves and connecting with the ground beneath us.  Making is a key to achieving a balanced mind by reflecting the joy back to us that we put into it in the first place.


“The main theme to emerge . . . . is that there appear to be two modes of thinking, verbal and non-verbal, represented rather separately in left and right hemispheres, respectively, and that our educational system, as well as science in general, tends to neglect the non-verbal form of intellect. What it comes down to is that modern society discriminates against the right-hemisphere.”

            ⁃          Roger W. Sperry Lateral Specialization of Cerebal Function in the Surgically Seperated Hemispheres 1973.


Imbalance may be caused by feelings that one has not dealt with.


The right-hemisphere is not good at sequencing, it may start anywhere or take everything at once.


Breath into the pain and think with your body, use your intuition and relax.


Percentage of left/right handed people Globall2022 = approximately 11% left-handed


Everyone has a dominant eye, hand, and foot.


Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Picasso were all left-handed.


Try both hands and see which is best for you.

Try speaking a foreign tongue to teach yourself to use 100% of the brain, a clear winner!




Mutations of the cells that regulate the growth of cells, (that govern normal cell division)


Abnormal division of cells.


Chemical/pollution/genetic – probability.




Cucumber (no skin) - + carrot, lettuce and spinach – or Banana’s: promote hair growth.

Raw Food – Carrots

glucose levels.

If you are going to cook your food remember not to over-cook and loose the useful nutrients.