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95 Complexity

The complexities of simplicity and technology making.

We can essentially see the city as a gumbo, hotpot or stew. If we like what we find, we stay, and if we do not we leave promptly, peoples behaviour can be altruistic at the best of times. Therefore how do we go about making simplicity, we keep stirring and adding to the pot until it is tasty!

That metaphor may have gone a bit too far, but it is like that in the City, Town or marketplace, and so we must diverge to disassociate ourselves from each other or better still come together in unison. 

There are often problems of agoraphobia, anxiety and statements like 'I do not want to get up for work today'. These can be seen as signs, and quite naturally, of nihilism and narcissism wanting perfection – Sometimes we put things off, this is natural too, because too much stress, and not enough rest complicates things. This can be trauma, to hear a repeated voice telling you something you do not want to hear, or worse still you collapsing in on yourself. Now widely known through radio broadcast, you either, seek the help of a doctor, or better still talk through your problems with a friend, no-one is alien to you in times of need, but you can certainly be alien to yourself.

The reduction of the City can cause friction, known as social warfare. My neighbour said this, and my flatmate thinks this, and my brother or sister in the street is talking about me. It is not necessarily paranoia, one just does not know each other as well as one would like to, or has not had the time to fully understand and comprehend a fellow human being and the expectations that arise between us. In fact to talk about others, when walking down a street who you can see, and particularly who are in ear shot, is utterly rude, and dogmatic, for they have no way to return the banter. 

Preparation for the city is utmost. What shoes you will wear for long walks, whether you have a hat, scarf and gloves, whether you need waterproofs etc. So make sure you have at least one pair of comfy shoes like Nike's you can depend on and get away with at work, when you do not have a meeting on, or if it is raining. There are other things, bus money, lunch – mix it up, or don't, if you know you will be disappointed! I have just bought myself a 15 minute timer from The School Of Life, to do my blog pieces by, a handy organisational tool.

One is allowed to show weaknesses, standing out in the crowd – you are often more loved by the public because everyone although they do not admit it, think the same about feeling different to everyone else inside, everyone else is always better than them – unless of course they are brash enough to know they have got it going on. You need in essence tolerance to make it, and like Sir John Stuart Mill said in 'On Liberty': 'If a person possesses any tolerable amount of common sense and experience, his own mode of laying out his/her existence is the best, not because it is the best, but because it is his/her own mode.' (1859). We are at the end of the day autonomous beings so live like it, as most do. But some lead the way in bringing us together again, (MJ Cole).

One can for instance go out of their way not to offend others, but when we are being ourselves that is of course not our intention, so live a little: just remember to wear another skin, if someone is commenting on you. We certainly need more empathy, etiquette, and consideration in the City to deal with a growing mental health problem and even environmental stigma of an architectural kind. It is built you cannot change it. So build your dreams of how you want to assert yourself as an individual. But those of you who are good, live it the same all the time, winning. If all fails, come home and recalibrate, prepared for your next big adventure, learn. There is true positivity in existence so do not question it, we have to come from somewhere, so why not just want to be, and live playfully - for that is allowed too. Creativity answers all our complexities through both simplicities and simplicity in technology. 

We do in our adult lives what was missing from childhood, but I know pointing out the obvious is the worst thing to do here, so we will stop there with meta ideals.  However our emotional exhaustion is allowing us to spend more time on family and friends and less on our creative financial pulls, because we need a reticence and more life affirming experiences to inspire us, to be ready for the quell, however infrequent.

On technology, it takes just a 5.4mm thick iPod Nano 7th generation to get lost in your pocket, and as every gadget gets bigger or smaller dependent on the retina display we must thank Apple, Microsoft, Google & Amazon for the fact they have the courage to make these technologies on a mass scale. We are at the custom end of technology, and as an architecture it works very well. It is however, making us lose love for each other, so do not forget to love the street and heartily replenish in the places and spaces you know that help you as an individual. It is not the coolest or best any more it is affording the technology. It is when the 'Anthropology questions the student' (BT 2018), that we ask ourselves how we have evolved to be so crass, crucially inimitable and undeniably false in our love, and scare of cancer spreading. Those fumes are dangerous, I would say in every City, we need masks, it could be the missing Chinese key to society, and a cleaner pair of lungs.

Therefore technology that helps us with: 'where we are at', would help. Like this idea for a new Apple advertising campaign way back, in about 2013/14, (On behalf of Monouni all rights reserved):


It could have been an age of healing but  there is not a great deal of healing going on, so Remedy stems from the Latin: remedium/mederi = back heal (with intensive force) and what counted was the pertinence of it's timing. Where cancer treatments were improving, and all Mum's needed a hug, you can go ahead right now and try her, I am sure she would agree, a talk and a hug would help you both, when you are stressed out. Unfortunately I did not make the grade.

If technology cannot simplify complexity like the iPod, next we will be 'Bluetoothing' everything, and then one day we will be harvesting our own sustainability kit, 'How to survive a world in dire need of a hug!'

Please just remember it is pretty desperate opening spirit, and being overly playful on the street so use the principle of Love = Appreciation, and similarly dangerous to knock on the door of someone you cannot relate to,  so be creative in your approach to one another. Relations just got better, so why not enjoy yourselves next time you are out and about on the street with your loved ones, I bet it will be like the best football match you have ever been to! Are we living in a re-world?

Complexity is above all a lack of understanding. So understand how it works and play the game. You are better off loving whilst playing than not, and you are better off taking part than not. Creativity is the key to game play, and an active mind, searching for knowledge. Keep going and you will be up that mountain in no time. The remedy is this: Love everyone but be purposefully selective, and keep dreaming one day there will be no barrier in sight. Remember it is etiquette, politeness, and consideration that will get you to that selective mode of thought, then you are home in the company of friends and family, wondering what any of this complexity was ever about.