139 Cunning

139 Cunning


What is this cunning? That is talked about underground?! When the Lord holds us all in the highest esteem, through faith on the cross, until we go a step too far. It’s a scam! Who’s plan says id? Not mine, I am fine, I am the innocent righteous one. Who is in prosthetics? Who is the American with the promise? The cunning on my behalf is good, but most are bad! There is respite for the weary. The only cunning, I need left is to climb the ladder successfully, quickly, and without double trouble, who live over there, yes just over there!

The spirit world come in very handy to be cunning and again that can be good and bad! Good if you have the righteous answer, and bad if you know how to manipulate others into believing hypocrisy.

It is clear as a fresh-water river, with fish, a wooded bank, and a green valley.

Psalm 37:1-2,8,30-31

Unto us and to others:

A Prayer of confession of Sin:

Most merciful God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, We, confess that we have sinned in thought, word, and deed. We have not loved you with our whole heart. We have not loved our neighbours as ourselves. In your mercy forgive what we have been, help us to amend what we are, and direct what we shall be; that we do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you, our God. Amen.

“Jesus is here.”

Keep telling people about Jesus.

Keep going in faith: in Jesus.

Live out the Gospel.

It just takes to love to heal.

So, people now, is the time to reveal the truth on everything!

I mean everything!

From COVID-19, to China? Who wants to do that job? Not I sir.

As my friend states: ‘Giving up something takes one thing at a time.’

And as I say: ‘No guilt or shame for the past.’

After all you are forgiven.

Unless the truth is never revealed, then it is really: up to God’s judgement.

But niggling, (persistent annoyance) is really a nightmare – true cunning, must STOP RIGHT NOW, yes: I’m right now, yes: I’m alright now! So, do not frown. I just wear a crown. This arguing with others can cause discomfort and anxiety, so, the Lord asks us not to come to wrath, except fighting the powers, and principalities.

Ephesians 6:2-4,12

John 14:27


The Japanese have three different versions of cunning: ‘cribbing, cunning and guile’. But it really means to be dexterous in the use of a skill or knowledge or attaining an end. It can still of course mean trickery (cribbing) and prettily appealing or guile: intelligence, so, I need not only a run up the ladder, but a method to get there.

The Japanese happen to be very cunning in their architecture, small and compact, the smallest house for a couple with a baby on Google measures only 3.4m wide, named: Kakko House:


Architect: Yoshihiro Yamamoto.

Location: Osaka, Japan.

It is a simple grey steel structure with tensile cross-bracing, a garage on ground level and living room, kitchen, bedroom, and courtyard above, with a split level for more private functions towards the back and living accommodation to the front street façade as a double height space. It is as simple as that. It is as simple as that to make money, to reveal the truth about buildings and people! (Rogers, Richard, Quote: “You should be able to read a building like a book”, Chairman of Rogers, Stirk Harbour and partners, 2008, RSA Bossom Lecture, Thoughts on the Design of Cities and Buildings,


RSA Bossom Lecture on architecture, 2008, London, UK).

Today certain countries are energetic at designing: ‘Japan, Switzerland, the UK, France, Germany, India, Africa, Italy, Spain, and the USA’: in fact, the entire world has picked up on the idea of design as restraint. A previously undefinable statement. Genius or cunning? When our lives play out, we find the answer an age away, it is in the things we do, a short walk from here.

For Barton Farm, a housing project I entered into, to gain design credibility as Acordia in Cambridge, on the outskirts of Winchester, my home City; I suggested we collaborate as local Architects and designers and make the most of the good home talent to bring Winchester variety, quality, order and restraint in our world, as money grabs developers, doing a job half done, not well begun, (Aristotle, Quote: “A Job Well Done, is Half Begun.”); if there were such a thing as devolution in Architecture that is what it would be with a collaborative contract, (see @perfect_fold idea #?©).

I have also envisioned an underground ergonomic oval performance space for commune, conversation, and celebration, with a curved glass roof, and a danish brick vat of water filtered and recycled to collect surface water, dust, and pollutants, possibly full of plant life.



So, ‘cunning’ can be:

1. Thinking effectively of undefinable genius.

2. Found within our lives, through an acronym, and the things we: have, do, see, and experience, so, spell it out.

3. Playing, kind of like a child.

4. Expressing justice to those copying you.

5. Reason, and no treason.

6. In a lifetimes work, (Banksy).

7. Putting up with the worst, you feel anxious, so, put that to good.

8. Being right first time.

9. Getting your price right – BIG.

10. Value.

11. The higher the value the better it is!

12. Avoiding cons.

13. No stress.

14. Laughter is the best medicine.

15. Wearing a hat at night not to lose the hair on your head! Hot/Cold shower, washing your hair every other day, etc.

16. Galatians 5:25

17. Innocence: gain: righteous brothers and sisters.

18. Deception, unfortunately.

19. Conceit: used in lyrical prose.

20. Twist: DNA: polymorphism: evolution.

21. The human attention to clarity.

22. The complex to the simple. By being simply complex itself.

23. You ought not to follow signs of sequence and un-sequence your mind.


On Valentine’s Day I bought myself 11 red roses, received a card from my mother and father, and presented myself with a ticket to watch the Brand New Heavies online live at the Jazz Café. I had a great time, fresh cake in the fridge, coffee pot on, and some good classics, despite the crew being the only live audience. And so I write this to Angela Ricci, the lead singer:

24. She’s hot

25. She’s back

26. She’s a lot

27. To check

28. She’s got the right

29. Respect!

30. Because I am madly in love with a woman who can stet

31. She can stand and respect!


In loving kindness,




140 Cool

140 Cool

138 Cities

138 Cities