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We constantly go back and forth trying so hard to rise together from, hardship, drugs, and re-incarnation, by re-birth; a life past in doubt and trouble, congruent with an amalgamation of pessimism and no understanding what one prophet is trying so hard to make in Universal love. To a propensity that we can only trust and care for ourselves, as if selfishness was an idol. But to be holy is to be the difference, advising others of wisdom and knowledge, teaching those who have nothing: making a wider path when a pathology has crucified you to question, your own fate but to know once you have love for yourself, nothing will change you.

However, if you cannot fit through the haystack, the needle will never leave the doctors practice to deceive your chance at freedom of life. So, please know your own holiness to find graciousness in love and in kind that one day your children will know of your hardships maybe to never express them but rise with you in universality.

From holy man to holy man, we will rise to the heavens and drag God down when some say he is already here just inside us.

So, it is not showing someone your naked body and possessing them but demonstrating love and care. Making more love and giving in to another’s pain. Most importantly guide upon guide – allows us not to steep so low you feel it, but totally understand it otherwise you are just another casualty of faith in God to never find the Gold in your heart, to never make a passionate progression into a communal unknown future.

To have a true and utter perfect belief system of a love to create something gives you a tangible cause to perfect making it and a feeling of truth to one’s own individual vision of their future among their creations to know they are in their creations like God is in me, with me and never without me. This allows me to learn something of myself by creating a reflection of my beliefs and the ultimate power of my own knowing to heal myself and others so that I can feel I have left a legacy to all legacy hunters needing truth and inspiration along life’s journey; not just to stand and admire, but to beautify a world sick of pain – both physical and physiological. Suffering of monetary jealousy belonging to their birth into all realms of living circumstances by varying degrees of love, lostness and severe questions of existence.

Should I be here?

Why am I here?

What is it all about?

Have I tried hard enough?

Do I know?

Many don’t know that the World constantly challenges us to ask of authority why do I exist? Until we have found conclusive answer that life is best when we avoid classical career paths, 2.4 children, and a dog in order to make a brand-new set of values that can make us stand up as our own government of individuals who only know exactly the best way to make something from nothing just as creation was made.

The only context to account for is nature, when a maker, makes from the heart and mind, why right angles, rationality and reduction allow a new order of being by light and shadow that one day this planet will be made into a mindful thought of intellectual standing so that all men, women and children can appreciate a sameness in the continuum of time. For, we may be at the realisation that everything can now be made correctly to achieve heaven on the ground.

That sameness allows a jazz record to be heard from the bellows of a minimalist ideal, so that all senses have been chosen to be perfected, no-longer by the virtues of habitual sameness to avoid sickness but by knowing. Like I.

We all know what is good, right and proper. So, may we begin to build a castle of defence against the scowling savage of an evil, that man too easily gives up on himself to refer back to themselves as merely and only a question of existence not someone of meaning to others, by virtue of their propensity to be able to know how, what and why they love to create with all senses choosing a profession, and therefore, making a harmonious life with nature’s healing and God’s quest to return to planet Earth in order for miracles and the true story of creation to return to its home allowing pure and perfect healing, happiness, love and truth to reign over all and one nation.

What I make, makes me. And that’s how I heal and evolve. Life’s healing has never been a game, so STOP!

It’s still a fight to get there, to speak truth, to find a complexity as the only simple answer.




Thanks be to God.

Love AB x.