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132 Discipline

132_Discipline of Love


The discipline of love is something sanguine and delightful to defend and give colloquy to determine whether one loves each other more than the other. When we are in love, nothing can divide us, and so, why do we have to imagine ourselves with the latest girl at the coffee shop, when we have all that we need in our hands. Are we enticed by good looks, or are we trying to conquer all? We are merely in comparison distracted, when we must focus our attention on the signs of our partner. The discipline of love, is a might stretchable at long last, to extend our bond into a heart and mind, as a conjoined collection of dreams and experiences, never letting each other down in our astute attention towards one another and our vaporous delight in making headway beyond all doubt that it was always meant to be. For we know now how to relax, now we are together.

The discipline of love upholds reputed discussion between and of a couple. There are only so many quirks one can handle until perfect love is upheld by a couple in the name of God, and so, all couples should be the same as a mechanism of any other couple. Does this make a man any less manly? Well no! What makes a man is to lose his aberrations and anomalies being previously the feminine side of the relationship and herself his surrogate mother. A gay relationship at worse could be a get-out clause for avoiding a mother’s love in a relationship, but to love one’s mother more than another female or father and vice-versa. That is not to say gay relationships are not genuine love for one another. The discipline of love upholds reputed discussion, and we are finally free of our past.

We like to be accredited for making it to the discipline of love, and out of our immaturities. Confirmed like a Christian making love at least: daily, however much the Lord abstained we must today live in freedom. To purify our souls and take heed of our changing bodies into old age growing ever closer with grace to our own discipline. We must therefore grow fit and strong and impress our loved one with a fit body to share in the bedroom, always experimenting!

So: “save me woman, from this love’s drought and half-heartedness, and I am strong enough to save you too.”

The tribulations of love cause adversity, so let us have none from the start, because the chanciness of catastrophe would hurt more than to get it right first time, like a dream you know can come true. To reverse the thought of doing wrong will cast out a spell of misfortune and make utter respect for what your loved one receives; always getting it right. A cataclysm of tragedy between us can rupture a weak relationship, yet in discipline there is no animosity and we live on in justice. Because sometimes we forget our past mistakes and how the winner always wins! But to undergo misfortune should be no qualm for each partner in love, we must tie ourselves together and see it as a discipline of the ever ripening soul, to undergo surgery or worst still death of those around us, we remember in all sublimity.

The minimum basic wage is enough to enjoy ourselves, and anything above this we can be thankful for; so, that we may pay the difference back into our children’s lives. In opposition to flamboyance but to invest in the prevalence for both us and our children to have the preference in parity. Our children are a shared sacrifice, and you can expect them to be like us, and our unique past, never let them down by explaining your mistakes and mishaps, so they are further up the ladder, teaching them the discipline of hard work.

The bigot of an overly mature gentleman enlivens the full internal woman of yesteryear, when today we are disciplined in modern love, with the strength to invigorate trajectory innocence on each other’s curves in neutrality. Today we are aware of being, and have become far more sensitive than ever before, it is just a touch to console each other’s furrowed brows, and broken bodies; a heart is all it takes.

We can invalidate alchemy as a requirement, to travel so far, we find gold at home in our loving arms by discipline. It is more beneficial to remain. We know what we share in love, and this we must always aim for, until our castle is built, as we assumed, as a child.

Historically there is a dichotomy of always being objective, and subjective to each other’s love. And here is where the discipline comes to fruition, to be objective, agreeable, and amenable. There is an assailant in our generation that stands for a rectitude of requital. Being requited is our subjective self, and that is not OK even if in perfect love, but we do it to please the other, and this could be inane, or deceitful, when we need clear and calm communication to critique our way to being better people, together, not frightened to change on each other’s behalf.

It is an extreme for children if you are indecisive and stereotyped instead of objective and clear to learn to live with each other as an open-minded couple of people who promote each other’s unbiased, unassumed objection which does stand to scrutiny if seen through the lens of a family style, when we are steeped in experience and we really know best. Do not be frightened to tell your children how to do things, or to show them what you know. So, all things are good, and historically because our lives are ours to grasp in holy matrimony, there is no need for polyamory, or the need for guidance from ageing parents, but we can act and aim to be as we please. We have our whole lives to evolve into a shared couple of people in disciplined love. We must, therefore, from this moment on and for a lifetime, perfect a better fate, by rationalising, not necessarily deductive rationalisation, but something without evaluating recurrent histories of thought.

We must above all, remember not to listen to the inner chatter of a thousand ill-advised past friends and move into the fore of intellectually based love as a discipline and make our children always better than before!
