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122 EL

EL = 1st name, The Son of God, Jesus Christ.

I have faith in God, Amen

In the information age, we ask ourselves, what is real information? At one time I was trying so hard to join the dots of all known phenomena.  A preventative to cancer = amino acids, the building blocks of life, a preventative to HIV = anti-oxidants, breaking down the oxidation of HNO4.  The numerology of the American and European Al-Qaeda Bomb attacks:  2,996 killed on 9/11/01 at the World Trade Centre, 191 killed on 11/03/04 in the Madrid train crash, 52 killed on 07/07/05 in the London tube attack, 130 killed on 13/11/15 in the Paris bombings, 32 killed on 22/03/16 in the Brussels bombings, 84 killed on 14/07/16 in the Nice truck disaster, and 12 killed on 19/12/16 in the Berlin truck attack.




The numerology of these 6 bombings conclude by adding the deaths and dates to a series of: 3,2,8,7,1,4,5, no tricks there? Apart from your best friends phone number.  However our hit London can be deciphered as 52 on 07/07/05, the total deaths calculate to 5, and the total dates, calculate to 2, and the total of 3,2,8,7,1,4,5 = 6.  If there was a black cat on the devastating day of 07/07, it certainly did not run past Jean Charles de Menezes.  So the information does not add up, but we dearly miss Jean and those lost but not forgotten to all these heinous attacks on our freedom.


When does information become a part of God?  According to Jim Al-Kahili, 'when a photon touches the surface to reveal colour, when a symphony is carried through the air-waves to our ear-drums'.  Therefore scientific information is important to our sense of faith.  Without music, without colour, without the structure of the city we would not be a part of the beautiful dimension we know and love.  There is X, Y, Z, time, and now heaven coming to the ground.  May we forever prove our freedom and democracy to those unjust extremists finding revolution in death.


Unfortunately of course it was too deep set, for a thousand and this reason, and the boys were scribbling and scrabbling, so, rioted on the streets of London during 6-11 August 2011, having killed OBL 2 May 2011.  There is with a return to reason, (The Enlightenment), a reason for everything, but lest we forget the faith we put in God, the faith we have in each other, and the faith we have to conquer all evil.  May we go on never looking in hindsight to fathom, accede and ascend with the faith we already have.