129 Fear

129 Fear


Fear / Evil / Money

To go to war is to make money through the evil of never making enough, namely: fear, in rival factions; here at Passion Politic, we have one rule, one of global peace. Unfortunately, a sum-zero: ‘Game Theory’ economy rules the World – particularly in the West where communism has never existed, despite Cuba.

The fear in Men’s hearts causes us all evil to a familiarity of conflict. Most people act passively and amenably to avoid conflict, and their own evil. There is however an overarching fear in us all that we will meet conflict if living in fear, for not having enough money to trap ourselves with our desired comforts.

So, why are we fearful? For many reasons: that our past will come back to haunt us, why we break ties, that our present will not be calm and comfortable enough, and that our future does not hold the promise we wished upon ourselves, if we do not put enough hard effort, and work in.

We need to be objective: timeless and universal. This is the only human trait we have left, distinct from animals, we fell from the Monkey; all animals are generous, kind, moral, get angry and show jealousy. To be objective requires a degree of indifference, it is impartial, and free of bias. Our only bias is how much we are worth? Based on an intellectual and aesthetic basis. The more attractive we are, then we hold an automatic pass to life’s riches, and our intellectuality is measured against this, and overrules our looks.

Commerce can be evil, a method of causing a problem to be solved by its very solipsist existence, in one solving and causing the problem itself. By its potential overuse of the product in question. Objectively this is wrong to make a shampoo that loses your hair, and a conditioner that replaces the hair in the scalp, one cannot do without the other, we are in the ties of a cyclical family of similar products, the tower of economy profiteering on both sides of the coin.

Most people desire a nice house, a nice car, a watch, jewellery, fashion, food, and art, in the age of all things online, the internet. Never mind the personal chef, cleaner, and even butler. But the vocation of a career has turned to simply worshipping money, and therefore, there is no purpose. There is such a commercial streak in the financial assailant that they are just ripping people off. The divide is known. Most people live with a conscience, that honestly, they disagree with commerce and the fear of spiritism to counter people’s ultimate well-being; they are just taking our hard-earned cash.

The seemingly unassailable adverts, and money laundering emails to earn as much money as you feel is right, this makes us open our hearts when all we need to do is ditch the con. An education provided is the home run to see us into the love of a vocation that will serve us as the best stimulus beyond all other financial means.

If we could have everything, we wanted, would we return to our normal operandi or choose to serve this World with something more creative? For some have it made in mystery, by zigzag thinking and initial mono-graphic inspirational intelligence through the fortitude of finance and a decent education.

People should be admonished not to try to get an education in their younger years. For youth means money. Instead they follow genetic qualms. “I cannot be bothered, because I am more into my aquarium”. Delirium sets in. Diligence to reach an acumen of overall talent is in the end what everyone wants.

The history of money dates back: to a recorded account of the Mesopotamian Temple in 3500BC. Coinage was not available, it is believed, until 600-500BC in Northern China and India, and around the Aegean Sea. The Shekel in the Jewish community being the first known currency. In the Bible Matthew 17, it states the Tyrian Shekel, found in the fish’s mouth - named after a port in Lebanon.

So, if we are objective, and forget our want to make money, but build slowly, we find the universal and timeless, building on historical context, to make our niche with recourse to education. We know we are all valuable, driving the economy forwards, everyone, on a global scale. However, money can come down to simple taste making. It is yet, other worldly, and based in everyday life, but not of everyday life. It is more like power seeking and with the power of God, we have no fear, no evil, just money, money, money.


AB/FP xx

130 Perfect

130 Perfect

128 Always

128 Always