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142 Finitude


‘Finitude’: N [Mass Noun], the state of having limits or bounds.[i]

We are happy, ready and the proof.

“33. Given the material we are made of what is the sanest thing you can do or say? Whatever it may be, you can do or say it. Do not pretend that anything is stopping you.

You will never stop complaining until you feel the same pleasure that the hedonist gets from self-indulgence – only from doing what is proper to human beings as far as circumstances – inherent or fortuitous – allow. “Enjoyment” means doing as much of what your nature requires as you can. And you can do that anywhere. A privilege not granted to a cylinder – to determine its own action. Or to water, or to fire, or any of the other things governed by nature alone, or by an irrational soul. Too many things obstruct them and get in their way. But the intellect and logos are able, to make their way through anything in their path – by inborn capacity or sheer force of will. Keep before your eyes the ease with which they do this – the ease with which the logos is carried through all things, as fire is drawn upward or a stone falls to earth, as a cylinder rolls down an inclined plane.”[ii]

Our self-governing laws of spirit and nature in a world where drugs are in fashion, means we are unpredictable to each other, wrangling with each other’s qualms, karma, and hatred levels to stop loving when it would be better to get along, as a shared community, saying “hello” to each other in the street. Of-course what I say is what will cause an opposition to drive forwards, so let me drive back. Do start a war on drugs, on hatred, on terrorism, on war itself and on self-drama, to murder your own insolence: to find trust, happiness, respect, justice, a good environ, agreeability, and a little hedonism, or some drugs in moderation, but promise to stop! Or God in celebration, but do not fall like the stone on each other, do not roll down the incline like the cylinder, and do not use fire to rise so high you forget yourself, and who you really are. Pathologies are already set to make us before we know where we will end up. But there is a self-indulgence that tempers and allows that self-control. There is a paradigm of constant enjoyment in moderation by the expression of a message.

It is the nature and spirit to understand the finitude of Earth/Wind/Fire & Water. These elements allow us to see the weather but more so allow us to see our birth, our life, and our current climate as one of a burning, bush, like a star. Burning to find the commandments, like Moses on that heavenly day in the Wilderness. Salivating over-turning soil, and feeling it, as a visceral enigma of brown, soft putty, and the breeze through our hair, the burn of a vape; and the reflective gloss: of water on matt ground and plants, with such life bubbling under, in the murky green-jasmine brew of a river. The elements are who we are, who we have become, who we have always been, who we will be evolving to be, and whom we share this world with; it is the conjoining of man and nature, through spiritual use: awakening, replenishment and vigour, i.e.: strength. Man is element & coincides with element as man.


Hip-Hop brings us the samples of heaven and heavenly music, into rapid re-invention, to live on, in our communities, as a Godly heaven, and rude enough to dictate old paradigms until it features creative flow to funk: an incurrence of flow, over just racking over hate crimes and Dillinger gun fire. To concubines and coke (it contains: ammonia, bleach, salt, concrete, and sulphuric acid, not a substance to get involved with – FYI); flaming flags and white/black fighting over supremacy. It has been a struggle, but may peace reign through the funk, and may the real go on making, without forgetting positivity in mind. Otherwise, it is the same old totting gangster extinguishing innocence and moralistic values. It should be a basis of thought, and of that only. The Game is the end, not the beginning! And the End right now seems in sight, to share with, and invigorate each other, as an attitude of good mind.

I take life far too seriously, and feel a sense of control over hellish paradigms, the war on being manipulated into a thousand shows, to be mad, when madness kills, do I take a: ‘Reasons to Stay Alive’ placebo and go for a party, or do I rest in a bath of Hip-hop nocebo, and say that it is someone else’s life: just there! Maybe both, but love comes from my heart and no-one should feel forgotten, in pain or so diligent they start a war, unless they can carry it off to the means of the betterment of all. Someone just caught the terrorists in despair, and felt obligingly to keep it a secret, never revered for the faint hell of starting a World War over a celebration, when going quiet makes it all, the more, peaceful.

When I find a good idea, I have described it, and as previously mentioned, I feel it shatters its existence, so I hope some of these words sink in for good effect. With good there is evil, with consolidation there is loneliness in the self. So, be aware of the martyr, there is no party! That is plain self-loathing to the point of nature over spirit, when it is spirit and then nature, invoked by the spirit. There is enough spirit on planet earth to make new environmental paradigms, but where is the road map?

We looked at wilding Britain, but maybe governmentally they think that it is devolution of the wildest manifesto, by Sebastian and an outrage concurs! I believe nature should be wild, but how do we convince a government that a new creative model is to reverse the situation both naturally and spiritually into a positive one, as opposed to competition markets making individual responsibility of unfortunate wastelands: the revert to devolutionist theory is still applicable. Individuals ruining the whole will evolve into detriment. Reverse psychology is all it is, always making good out of self-promises.

The embodiment, of Amp, makes us heard, and we must accept there are both created stories and dependencies on one another, but no real meeting, just an email in the inbox. We are excited to be a part of Monouni to see the next provocation of standards. Here we must throw down our towel and be a part of the uprising, making the next movement from our failings of the past. Your Father once fell, so rise with your father!




Classicism and the abstract, intense music, passion for something like a vocation. Pouring sugar over barley. I know I am clever; I know I am better instilling power; I control myself, and that is all I need to do: to set the example. We must accept people are different and stand off at provocation to fight but defend not to harm like psychological Aikido. Allow them to make their mistakes and find intellectuality at the end of the day. My army of people will hold down the barrage of conciliatory means to waste time understanding others unless it is a virtue of making money. Left behind we power through to new heights, free to roam and free to party. Things will work out, however long we spend creating them, it is something to digest, in digression of powerful esteem to push all the buttons and find what is made at the bottom. It does go to plan with skill, and so there is no need for depressions, but happy memories and positivity throughout. So, let go of the past and make sure there is no end-date, yet.

Good self-control, like nature and spirit is all it takes, despite the hedonistic application of freedom of expression, to laugh and enjoy. Application will allow us to find freedom rights and a centre of gravity about which we take the adoration of fans and appreciation, at the end: by our own audience. We are now finally at the end of walking alone, so, think no boundaries. Be a ‘World, Architect of Love’: alchemist. What is that in other words? To communicate our ego – the contents, of self-beliefs in our minds without owning the street and being rude about it. Sharing our mischievous cunning for all things. We all want to leave the past behind and dance on the streets to heavenly beats, move the nation into a democracy, (less a system), a heavenly realm of appreciating each other’s works and making, and finding clarity in a symbolic zeitgeist, that all movements return to one of love of the finitude of realness.

Self-forgiveness is to party and work, work, and party!

Love AB/FP.


[i] Dictionary, English, Oxford, ‘Finitude’, online, app., Apple iPhone, UK, 2021.

[ii] Aurelius, Marcus, ‘Meditations’, W&N, 2004, London UK, p.167.