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191 Five


We are still trying to predict our future: from a life away, next year, an hour or so, or just the next five minutes, when feeling upset by others most particularly. Our psychotic side of chaos and remorse overrides until we symbolise and calm down. Through madness we become enveloped in chains and sequencing ourselves, because either something or someone is controlling us, and it is clearly hell not to be able to predict what will go wrong next, in the worst case: making us make those anomalies of hatred come back around as if being hated was normal. And then we are plainly out of control.

If we are someone who is seemingly fixed every five minutes by a doctor or other tactician, it may be because we are bombarded by a network of underground haters, only in it because they have not considered the illegality and their section we enforce in good time. And while not a shared experience, the guilty party only know too well, how remorseful they will feel at being uncovered and it is our chance to belittle them this time around. It is normal for the hater to be conscious of hating but not necessarily be fully aware of who or what they are hating about someone, after all, no tricks given away here - it is quite feasible for someone to use the chaos of the subconscious to accuse the other, and have subliminal suggestions towards you, until you are blue in the face with murder and anger on the mind at those who are doing it, yet, they do not even pick up on that, for it is unheard, an unshared experience. Their posture in quiet tells it all, and we are to go victimised, and unheard by the police, until we set up our own underground network against them, and then it is the utter practice of war, when I would rather walk away with my mature head held high, while they are fraternising of immature humour.

They continue of course, for it is all they can manage to operate on, because they are a habit, a drug, and a stubbornness, that will not cave in, because that is all they are, and there would be nothing to them if they stopped. To feel the force they think they have a crowd of supporters, in fact they do not, it's just a toy with them.

If we sit back, and avoid confrontation and progression, we pre-meditate on losing the war, the battle, and catastrophising into more failure, which can be in-bred at birth, a victim brings up another victim, so, let's have words please.

If we thought: "just do your best!" Was enough from a parent then they have no idea what it took you to be the best, so, where is the "Well done!, You are the best." In affect, we are left as half the man or woman, much later on, never being guided by the wise maturity of an adult, because they expect you to know what it took them to be, what they term: "the bee's knees." When we are not that impressed. So, flattery will go a long way.

If a protest is required, we can protest, or stop and write something down, symbolically draw, something positive, or meditate. Begin with, ‘I can resist the temptation to jump into the centrifuge of their damnation, because I will be, I am, and I have always been better than them. I am calm and I am positive today, tomorrow and my future will be here for me, and my loves.’

Music is a great healer, but ill-considered it can become an ongoing distraction, unless empowering and beautiful, at the same time. To initiate a spark of intuition and deep inspirational faith in oneself. Sometimes everyone second guesses your indeterminate future, everyone second rates you for their riches: "So, I'm OK - gutted." Because they are frightened of you, and everyone needs the upper hand. For luxury, you have already proved you are a Champion (The Roots, Champion, Passyunk Productions LLC, USA, 26th May 2016.)

Ezekiel 36:6-15

Because frenemies will wear you down to stole. Wear you down to bones. And wear you down to nothing at all and wear you down to scrubs. Well, guess what? They look stupid, but their childish humour rubs off on most, looking for an easy escape from the realm not to get involved and be toyed and entertained, while the real performers are coming through. So, we tell them to give way, because we are not their business.

If there were a designated place to be at these times, it would be the heart, because when the frenemy puts you in a hell of mirrors, to self-hate with shock of powerlessness and weaknesses, well it is just a game over God. They say they are as a joke, and we know we are not, but will empower ourselves with Jesus to knock all down and over, until our day is respected, no traps, just men with maps, looking for fun, no trouble, no gun, just purism of happiness, an untold belief in oneself, that we know we are loved for how we see ourselves, nothing more.

You think you make my history?

You think you change my history?

Well, life is a performance.

I am listless in sexual intercourse.

And a lack of monogamy.

Yet, sex is all that drives me,

It has been so long to thrive,

Make a baby,

And live by me,

My woman & I,

Peace out.

Love AB x.