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81 Flow

FLOW =1st (sex & love) WHAT EXISTS =2nd (architecture & design) HEALING = (drugs & medication) PEACE = 4th (people & places - in the round) JUSTICE = 5th (money & god).

PEACE = 4 in a circle.

We are peace and you are not. We are civilised and you are not. We are the revelations, you are not. I am a 9th dimensional human in Christ’s consciousness.

It takes vision not 'telecogitatio'[i]. I do god things searching for my blood. I am the natural one searching for natural living and natural money in a new world order; the nature of order; in endless cycles. This is French. 'Soundcloud'[ii]: Poet, ‘Monouni’, ‘God was always French’, conceived on the planes of Brittany, Bono is where I will go . . Don’t bother me and I won’t bother you.

Passing around drugs, because it’s pressure to win. Coercive drug use and intentional infliction of emotional distress. She lives in a light house how many must we displease. So closely tied together, co-dependant together, stop the drug. Fragile load, the people know. Minds are eyes, let us convivially convene to create and re-create, in love. Preserve this planet, people of the World.

Blood in one area of the brain, synapses firing, at all, times. Consciousness let go and fading into deep. Fading into Svenska. It is now the 5th dimension love and light to God. Lost and found I’m so profound, fatefully moral, never underground.

Searching for a hit, like music and deep with Reich, a euphemism to be re-interpreted not in spite. Just what we need, to meditate. Wisdom is a lot to me, and not just a smile. To not know the difference between life and death, you fight someone slowly, to gain spiritual power and claim that is the only thing that will make you god, when you too are in his consciousness.

The achievement of work is the accomplishment marker of where you are right now as a culmination of years of study and repetitive theorised themes. So, who’s in your fan club? Any? I have no given authority to be better or help anyone, in a society of victims of aesthetic disparages, no theoretical basis, a lack of good organic food, correctly pitched music and enough communal love to move forward.

Instead we live in a land of those who suffer, who want no sympathy to fight in it and an army of believers to fight together creating post-code gang wars on drugs, to survive a fateful blow and retaliate. Historically at least.

‘The beauty of Darwin’s theory is that it does not need to assume an intelligent designer to explain how giraffes ended up with long necks.’[iii] ‘change itself offers the most invigorating picture, in that even its cruelty flatters our sense of power, and in so doing calls the world, as one, to action. At least I hope it does. But that is another meaning of the climate kaleidoscope. You can choose your metaphor. You can’t choose the planet, which is the only one any of us will ever call home.’[iv]

There is therefore, a link between poverty, pollution, the world and its environment and people and their mental health. So, why must we arrest and charge each other for betterment crimes of a class divide of those born with and those born without; it is called a higher level of control above the systemic line of failed compromise, in turn poverty when it was not your choice to find out that is what you are left with, in crime and to begin with in bad luck, the beginning of abuse. An abuse that the religion of hip-hop and respect, never mind a history of black music to emancipate the soul of slavery that they have never regained that dignity from physical punishment, now we live in free, choice.             

The capitalist, United Kingdom, is to work hard for life’s true values and gifts: by way of their own and must only remember to be organised above bat to bat heresy, purgatory and delirium to fight to stay a part of the collective in their spiritual minds and in on the party: a deep set desire in the sub-conscious to relieve the conscious pain as described above all things including as the mind works on attractiveness.

When we need aesthetic construction, then we have the concept of life’s ultimate problem. So, are our attitudes to work and life progressing together in unison or is it still a case of the slyest wins; only to continue fighting everything because that was their method initially: a working-class attitude. A method that works is unconditional love as we continue together as a team to make national and international improvements, particularly, with regard for those who have travelled.

An age of containment, a process of Monism and the heart to give to charity and other altruistic adventures, whereby class beliefs are broken down to devolve to the individual’s values.

A set of pre-requisite incantations that ‘abraq ad habra’ explains not to go on evangelically describing all from a meta-modern perspective but an affirmation that; ‘I create what I speak’. “I love you all and pray your dreams come true as well as mine.” The dream is the missing element in all. To suffer and harm has never been a worthy answer of so many people who live in such proximity to each other.

We have no time to keep challenging each other for more brain and heart damage through spiritual intention to react constantly and feel the uncertainty of a split mind. We must be ourselves, always, in love, in existence, yet ecstatic against the dark melee of others, who accept suffering as a daily routine, when you must fight. To be outside everyday reality as an artist and happy to begin the new revelations in literature.

To treat others as your own and not in transcendence which becomes a drug addiction.

A person in a world of people, amicably expressing themselves with the ‘human attention to clarity’, in your own good self-image. Where image or sound or taste is a, reflection of your values. So, take-action, why are you trying to make me into something I’m not?

The why, to be synthetically programmed by cannabis: like some and their own remaining reality. That is not me in truth and light, it is exactly possessive – ‘gas-light’, manipulation.

To focus on the positives, when they define you as defining yourself for your choice to lose yours and win, the pressure causes inflammation to the brain. To be judged on Earth from your forebears and therefore to be spirited through drugs for they will feel the negative consequences in the game theory if they don’t, so, now they build a madness in their minds of control – all because we were trying to give power back to the people.

Is the Tipping Point double jeopardy, for one man to push, or for the technological industry to turn us into robots and kill Nature? One seemingly prepared, the other a consequence of the fateful action of the industrial revolution. So, how do we change fate, through discourse?

Our animosity and sadism is the consequence of not showing intelligence to change through instinct to find the answers and to get out of the trap, not manage an unmanageable situation, so, be adult with respect for your enemies and friends as humanity, just remember they are the stupid ones not to appreciate you.

Protection that kills will never be worthy of joy, so we must aim right, with our spirit contained from within. Not to be Jesus our self but within the divine, to not be mad, but to understand the prose in love.

To remember when our internal conflict began, we used either our hearts or our heads, to have a broken one on recovery and a return to love-thought, and the revelations hidden in the bible as if everything we create exists. Only we don’t want the banal and so we search for the innovative, ecstatic and contemporary – a redefinition of seemingly historically based paradigms of recent making which are all historical roots of methods and the way for a given cultural context of a land and its indigenous or immigrant people to de-contextualise them as a new paradigm of our functional utilitarian aesthetic style. For history was and is always based around the premise of work and so even our fashion of well-tailored clothes of distinct functional virtue make a world of refined continuing order of a society too easily mislead by a false regurgitation of tradition, and so, style gives us a break from a fast paced, capitalist, run society to re-interpret the old of pure, expended, cost. Function to satisfy the mind by the eye, and not be continued in order to create fairness which still does not exist in society.

The only New World Order is “free-money” but to be told how to spend it for the desire of not only a ‘refined’ society, but an age of timeless ‘homogeneity’ of minimally and simply executed buildings as built in God’s country: Switzerland.

The premise is the basis of a new community that holds all accountable in the “floating-city” of now and to build with money and to be known as ‘money’. Once everything is the same with a transaction of free valued goods, we can re-make the World into an equality of justice.

This equals flow, as the ecstatic; to be outside everyday tasks and reality, whilst pre-occupied by them. To be tamed, but not in self-pity. To be completely involved, focused and concentrated, with inner clarity, knowing what needs to be done, and how well we are doing. A doable activity, adequate skills to the task. Being liked for your efforts, not only refined, progressive and peaceful, but genuine appreciation. A simple language to explain complexity in a chaotic mind reflecting the self-styled interior of your home, the love of organisation.

Serenity, no worries about oneself, growing beyond the boundaries of the ego. Timelessness, focused on the present, as hours pass by in minutes. An intrinsic motivation, whatever produces flow becomes its own intrinsic reward. Fitting in with all. A diaspora and compendium of differing views. A longing to help others and to be explanatory. Using the plain as a template to be embellished through concept.

A compromise from drug wars to ascertain all suffering and to focus on helping, a sex driven enlightenment. A sign of the times, on repeat that the age of refinement is a two, as an invention in history and the first is an age of finance of the times, something expensive is of virtue to the consumer, as the cost of making establishes the two values of truth and light: ‘the way’, in conceptual bliss, healing by social engineering to change the DNA, to be neat and tidy, not an unfortunate loss of a known pattern.

Finance something progressively increasing in a New World Order of money, means it will only ever get easier to socialise as a sociopath in a richer society, to make us try harder for new models to heal, just as money does in a relative World of ants as a redefinition of the complexity of the arts to find the simplest solution, one of “free-money” in a moralistic World, to try harder at the truth and light of an answer not a dog eaten struggle of the complex as the literal expression of a mélange of chaos and mess, as if ever the zeitgeist was too inventory. To study to make it a simpler way from a disordered mind, the utter solution, in unconditional love to be seminally universal, as the conscious push to be accessible and the answer, in dignity.

To de-criminalise disability, as a dependent belief as same, on an everyday basis away from the ecstatic conditioning of old. A realist, in allegoric ulterior poetry. Never lost or stolen, I live with God using hits of old mechanisms to create new moral ground, to hide it and unravelled as the new revelation that exists, but change must come into new patterns as if crystal hypnotism would bind critical theory as the truth and the answer.

The hit stops the immigration of inflammation of pure stress to keep it hidden, so drop the facts. The natural ones will change things, murder goes on to assassinate cognitive, civilized complex simplicity. The recovering civil war of outcasts done and the Producer to lead the way. To: decriminalise medication and stop others getting ecstatic in your zone, your mind, your show, the purpose of the civil war. All schemed, all dreamed, you’re depressed, so, keep it simple. Because you are tired and depressed, distract with deep conversation, never realising language is the only complexity for a city already too complex. So, prove it. It is an ongoing real reality from the poor, requiring etiquette.

Avoid sexual spirituality and innuendo at a distance, it’s a real experience in love we all need. So, fight to be left alone. Be in practice, deep in meditation with Portico, to make everything in absolution to unravel the next revelation, not to be stolen and destroyed by the devil as an opposing attempt at expression of thought creating by coincidence possession, to be owned by it.

‘Possessed by the author’ as we are possessed by the civil complexity of an ugly city, still not finding the hit to keep yours a secret. In the ages of Containment, refinement, finance, death and ultimately possession.

Possessed by the dead to bring heaven down to the ground as a first: Kingdom, second: Phylum, third: Class, business and socioeconomic stance, fourth: order, fifth: rhythm. If not an ‘age of heaven’ brought down to the ground. Now is to dream. For our function is to make peace, to make what we are, to make what we believe, as what the Earth becomes. By applying our own intelligence, we can no-longer be in poverty in any given context. Now re-civilised and out of hell to teach respect to those without intelligence.

A complexity of the brain is it must feel free and good in order to proliferate successful creation otherwise you end up with a disordered answer, so we must set them free. Pain just makes you forget yet evidently righteous repeats in their heads in the continuum of time, to make timeless truths of our own discourse. There is no uncertainty in this and therefore it represents order.

You keep finding the hit, to be reliant on it as a healing guide and to dispossess the literature, not the architecture, art or life of what exists. So, nothing has changed but in the age of the ‘Kingdom’ we must reconcile the chaos of heaven to know and suffer and be trusted to do so.

Is it music or one’s life? Is all art a memoir? Or a persistent artistic motif in repetition? Of life of the everyday, now away from the ecstatic into realism, and fading into deep. A karmic resolve the essence of creation. Not by thunder, but utter forgiveness by The Heavenly Father.

Discovered by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi there are seven rules to flow by studying various people:

1.       Completely involved: focused, concentrated.

2.       Ecstasy: outside everyday reality.

3.       Inner clarity: knowing what needs to be done and how well we are doing.

4.       A doable activity: adequate skills to the task.

5.       Serenity: no worries about oneself, growing beyond the boundaries of the ego.

6.       Timelessness: focused on the present, hours pass by in minutes.

7.       Intrinsic Motivation: whatever produces flow becomes its own intrinsic reward.[v]


[i] Brinkman Andrew-James, “A new word meaning: 'Telecogitatio = Thoughts-at-a-distance'.” UK, Winchester, 2015.

[ii] Brinkman Andrew-James, 'Soundcloud', A music and poetry app. displaying poems by AB - Monouni Poet, UK, Winchester, 2016.

[iii] Harari, Yuval Noah, 'Sapiens', Vintage, Penguin Random House, UK, London, 2011, p.464. 

[iv] Wallace-Wells, David, 'The Uninhabitable Earth', Penguin Random House, UK, London, 2019, p.228-229.

[v] Csikszentmihalyi, Mihalyi, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_u-Eh3h7Mo, ‘TED Talk – Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi – Flow’, Monterey, California, USA, 2004.