63 Getting

63 Getting



Getting used to what we want it to be like.


We must stop, wait and ponder. To pontificate is to wonder why we have a purpose. And we all do. Whether it’s a street protestor, through to the newest Prime Minister at the House of Commons, it could go that way?! But to pontificate and ponder is to really listen to the silence. There is always normally some background noise. I currently live next to a busy road, so one can imagine the annoyance and karmic release one causes by being distracted by this hub-bub of life playing out its dutiful pollutive purpose.


To listen to the silence, means the mind becomes intuitively connected to the body and we start to get used to, what we want it to be like. Touching with strength different parts of the body to see how they align in a zig-zag fashion with one another. The souls of the feet and toes represent the internal organs, as you will find out from any keen reflexologist. If you suffer from any form of headache, try putting the pain in your feet, and walking it off when you are ready to stand and move around. That is why I highly recommend on every Sunday, bathing your feet in warm water, in a bucket, on a towel, in front of the TV, with a tub of salt, and some soap. The feet take a lot of toxins.


Because we are listening to our bodies, we can start to add up our habitual lives into the source of the pain. I am an ex-smoker, but still vape. I know from my birth record I had a raised lymph gland which I still do today, I have done enough fighting to stay sane; from when I was three years old. Therefore, I must be careful of Lymphoma disease. Like smoking, vaping is still harming the brain and respiratory system!


Our habits are our vices, our altercative loves. Our passions and desires are raised by a habitual vice. Well, STOP! There is no need to carry on. One must grow up eventually, to have children and therefore, a clean body, heart and mind, one must start to slow down. If you do STOP make sure when you return, you STOP again, until it is fully out of your system. I once met a Cardinal Guzman, (Gabrielle Garcia-Marquez), who only smoked you know what on a Sunday, as if it were a holy act. Such discipline. Remember the balance of lethargy, retard and pain that comes with drugs of all kinds, and so try to do it less often; you are only killing yourself. Reasons to Stay Alive (Andy Burrows & Matt Haig) are many, so write them down. In fact, oxidative stress, is probably the biggest killer under the Mental Health Act today, somewhere no-one wants to go, so take it easy!


If you are bored of your same-old (SAMO, Basquiat), vices, then just write down one word, one should remember to learn, doing this everyday for five weeks, equals 35 new big words in your vocabulary, now all you need to do is apply them. Maybe a sentence or two on the current zeitgeist, the age of rhythm. Maybe bake a cake or listen to music as therapy, dance; or even draw my famous Japanese craftsman: a small circle, “an exact circle”, with two dots for eyes, a triangle for the nose, a horizontal line for the mouth, and a wavy line from the chin, to below the circle. It’s lots of fun to do. Remember to absorb something and let it filter in.

You are beginning to get used to what it should be like. And the aim, like most animals, is to pro-create. Time is passing and so are, our body clocks. Most of life, is pre-ordained so do not fear, being a bit later than your average, if you are safe. Anyone paranoid about: media prescriptive families, infatuation, bodies and having enough money to raise children should remember the following fact of a well-known fable:

‘The fairy Princess, met her soulmate, Prince charming, at a ball, they were both invited to . . . ‘

Make your life sociable with friends of similar interests. The more friends meet friends, and therefore, the more friends we accumulate, the more likely we are to find a spouse, through the web of life. Now we are used to what it should be like.

64 Crisis

64 Crisis

62 Her

62 Her