104 Good

104 Good

104 _ THE GOOD LIFE _.

The Good Life today, is home astrophysics; from the quark to strings, we are all being syphoned around our own hadron colliders!

I am the Sexer, that I am, the Andrew, who always enjoys himself.

The diagonal of The Good Life is a stumbling block between the Telephone, and the Planet. How many of us are involved in Earthly activities? And what would we do for the person who found our Lost iPhone? We are basically stuck between an astrophysical rock and a hard place. Technology/Earth will only satisfy our soul once technology has satisfied the Anthropocene.

There is no profit in the rectitude of today’s good life, especially under the margin of a cool wind or a beating Sun, in the haste to get high, and feel rhythm, all vices abound, we smooth out the operation of: ‘the e-speaking unit’; ‘the realm’, the inside out, the outside in; of a poorly broken mind in the midst of Lockdown, crushed by ice cold remedies from myself, and others, who knows what is heard?

We have discovered, the Earth, nature’s way, plays with the same awakened impolitesse (French for rudeness), for all. So, are you hearing a belting echo of vice induced conversation, that you have not quite got through the casing of the walnut, and let go yet?

As we have discovered, the voice translates as a sub-conscious mastery, and so many questions are asked, that I am spiritually awakened, to find the word ‘rectitude’ from the spirit above, by way of moral correct behaviour, despite, like most of my habits reigning in my mind, as defining moments of where I come from, but certainly not where I am headed, but if I get it right, I will continue meditating on those moments with a prettier face, peeled, and strained, for I am worthy of cupid’s arrow always pointing at my tight torso, looking for me to take power, and take care, ready for her Queendom.

So, how can I define time, to head for the real Good Life, of a bounty of children, a big-bosomed wife, and plenty of food on the table. A Porkpie is merely a quaint idea, in comparison to my plans of banqueting. With the new seasonal split of a shattered Earth, Nature really calls out: “You have no idea how this feels”, now is the time to rectify and be a warden of your own recycling plan, your make believe vision of a World in consonance with itself, and consequentially, it’s people.

Money is requited, but money is not people, and so, it becomes an ulterior utopia, of ardent posture, in a name of nameless networks, even ‘ecstasy’ means no longer:

N. [mass noun],

1 an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.

2 an emotional or religious frenzy or trance-like state, originally one involving an experience of mystic self-transcendence.

-ORIGIN late Middle English (in ecstasy (SENSE 2)): from Old French extasie, via late Latin from Greek ekstasis ‘standing outside oneself’, based on ek- ‘out’ + histanai ‘to place’.

“TO PLACE OUT” gives a feeling of ecstasy, but to find out, everyone is on a drug to keep putting themselves back in their loosened minds, puts the demand on all of our brains to be left alone, in all righteousness.

When you smoke, do not go near your children, reflect a tree, and become it.

Now I am a hustler, so I would do good to get out of the system, but a system is only there to support people. So, how do you play it? If you are listening to subversive music, at least love the other so, to enjoy it. Do care in essence - because: perfect love is perfect sex, to care for each other, and to find your comforts, and never unendow. My heart goes out to those without comfort. A rich life, and a rich heart and mind is where you can start, as the salt of the Earth, to build something from your mind itself.

The conscious is becoming ‘one’ fighting for reprieve, to make it align and conjunctive to all those it hears. Those it hears are entities to control it and so, by becoming aligned it is being controlled, however the answer is not for it to control, otherwise it is still mistaken, but to ignore. Blissful sanctity helps it ride the river, but it will only know where it is going if asked. To ask a question is more covalent, and is, in itself: an answer, to an age-old problem of spiritual possession – only keeping the possessor unkind and kind in real. You become futile relative to the other.

There are ways out, but drugs muddle you if you are like me, drink disrespects, smoke makes you forget: so, you must come together, in unison, and in foreplay.

It closes me down to try again, and so, to conquer all. An image turns someone into money: the idol of your dreams, ‘to satisfy the soul’, she opens me up. And indeed there are less sun photons, than atmospheric photons, to say; Oxygen is being produced by billions of trees all the time, and the sun is constantly heating it up, and the night cooling us down, the cool means we know there are less, otherwise we would not cool in the Northern Hemisphere, of ‘time’, the South of ‘sex-play’; with the heat, the reason for ambient day light, so there is quite obviously, a lot more ambient daylight than higher direct sunlight at noon.

The sea is truly turquoise from the blue and green of the world, and the sky being blue from the sea, and light itself. I believe the atmosphere will expand as more CO² floods the system, the ecological system, like nature, and society. So, a natural society is born, as well as a Carbon sink in the sea, causing more acid rain, than before, how can it stop? Maybe nature will replenish itself? If we just try!


“The consciousness, identifies with karma, patterns inside your inherited patterns, confused with who you are?

An overly dramatic or heavy or sad reaction, identifying with any viewpoint through your ego – this can lead to extreme defensive measures. Under that egocentricity there is your real self and the entity biting back.

You dream of your life in a hypnotic state. In a state of frenzy, the story builds and perpetuates the reactivity to proliferate into what a dreadful person the other is, to strengthen the entity. It is all self-referential, the anger and accusations. It becomes something dreadful and can proliferate for a large section of their lives.

When I interpret something, I am projecting – that is how it is. Are the others enlightened? Otherwise you will cause another reaction. It is futile to fight with the egoic entity. Reality confirms you were right all along.

The ego is there to teach you more presence, its function here on planet Earth for mankind to understand. Human beings are fundamentally challenging – the World is here to challenge you. Every challenge that you encounter is turned into unhappiness. But you believe life does not leave you alone.

The function of challenging, is to awaken you out of the egoic consciousness, that it comes from your mind. But, what about the word, ‘comfort’ away from habitual frustrations, called ‘peace of mind’. From the self-talk, the heartbeat, and the reactive thinking you mistake for who you are.”

[See ‘Repartee’/Youtube/Playlists/Favourites – for the full video]

Tolle, Eckhart, The Futility of Egoic reaction & Navigating our Awakening, http://bit.ly/EckhartYT, May 2020, COPYRIGHT.


So, learn something, ignore the environment. If I am not looking after myself, I cannot expect those I love, to love me back. I am letting them down and more so, myself. My confidence is requited, my strength is a front, my weakness a passion, when I am becoming too blunt. I must stop the stimulants, I must go through the resistance, the temptation gives me distraction, the work is pittance. So, change the relationship with the voices, try something else. Hell is delirium, and so, it must stop, not being in control. So, in fact my front gives me the control, my strength and confidence are unrequited, and that is who I am. I need to brave the weather for the success of the ‘big-time’.

If, you cannot accept me, then do not get in my way. The direction is black-forwards, choice, reason, and always being flawless. The lesson is not to live in fear, from evil hearts and minds. Drugs must be literally pure, and not taken in front of another. You should be allowed to do what you want, with no harm to another. To be accommodating, of more than one, to cater for them. People are different. No arguments, if so, ask why? It is not their fault to be argumentative, it is down to elucidation. One must be clean, ready for a new creative dream. There is no need for suffering in this era, otherwise you will feel, dogged, depressed, and sick of everything. When there is already too much revelation to comprehend, to meditate on love, and love only. Of images: girlfriends, artistry, self-image, clothes, buildings. An ‘Image of God’, through reclamation; ‘An image of language’, through emancipation; ‘An image that satisfies the eye’, through sexuality; ‘An image aligns energy’, through line; ‘An image aligns sexual power’, spirit.

The resistance of being pushed, to push back on everybody, and build an increase in money and a fan-base. Do I know how to do well, without a self-imposed performance? With a given impressionable target. In and out with the Lord because I am trying to rouse myself too. That is not me, but someone’s history working through me, like ever after. Let your history through, now we are on the train.

Am I fighting myself?

1. For good health.

2. Is it possible not to smoke on medication?

3. My plan has not worked.

4. How do I build my confidence from the shock.

Unravel it all, and you will find.

How to be international, of a country through inventory means of a new influential paradigm. An insertion in renovation, possibly in new build too. Regulation is divine. The Earth and its abode in-line and accommodating the ergonomic or devolution of evolutionary technology. “An element explained on a Universal level”, (MH). ‘House Style’, a very heavenly house-style. Or are we just mugs fighting for the longest straw. Think of everything and more. Because you deserve it, when you have worked for it. There is no point emulating another, for the only state of affairs, is the master and itself, the work of the master’s mind. A mind of context. And so, sex is the fire of the water of love, just bubbling on top.

Colossians 3:2

Think about the things that are above, not the things that belong on the earth.

Sex can be innocent, whilst love can be hot, in the bathroom, in the kitchen.


We are born on a tram, we escape others to find ourselves on another, we remain on the other with all our friends and family, we ride left and right at the junction, but for however long it takes, we drive our own vehicle, to the place we want to live in; our forgiven pivotal B – where we were meant to end up, before we die, everyone gets there. Or do they? You must try to - it is never overdue!

Eyes wide open, the Good Life is about trust. Love is both consummate and loving. So, again: TRUST. But do not forget sex can be chaotic, which is why we wear clothes – to keep ourselves protected from distinct altercations. The fashion is sex, but its monkey business, you decide, when in a deciphered mood, you choose filthy sex, and no care for the kids or the brood. Who am I really, underneath it all, a prosaic monster? Who am I? I am the sexer, that I am, the Andrew who always enjoys himself. We want as men, for her to look like the sexer, as a feminine desirable person, just one change aside from the 22 autosomes, the 23rd pair, yet women are made of X chromosomes, and men are made of X and Y chromosomes, so men are somewhat alien to bearing children, just try talking, explaining your life to them. 

While in order, to ask a man WHY? a woman is always chosen (in heterosexual relationships) by men, the artwork of the man’s feeble eye, not to see her heart first. We all need care and attention. We are looking for someone who has been taught how it is done. And so, what is wrong in your life, is the same in most: sex is the moment, more than the act. Never feel ashamed or guilty of sharing bodies, they are here to love. If either/or want some, the other decides how it is done, particularly the woman, for being so sublime to her man:

“I want a girl in ecstasy from above, it is just a mind talking to a brain, if life’s hard, you’re insane.”
(André, “Name”, 02: G-Observe, 2014) – See Playlists on YouTube, ‘Video’.

But to stay in a good mood, I currently use stimulants, I still however have to build a life with Children, not to find them cute and funny, but just little people, who need care and attention, above all I need to take responsibility.


Fear is rage, we run from what we are frightened of, we are fearful of what is close to us, within reach, not next to, but within. The messianic anomaly in alliteration spells out an oxymoron, e.g. faith in the unfaithful. And a man of good virtue should have an intelligent countenance. There is more faith in the faithfulness of the mess of an oxymoron. So, the moral mind states, trying to decipher the mess. To complicate simplicity and cogitate on the dynamics of complex junctions and complex language. The complexity of the language of architecture, to explain the moral code in both, mind and technological webs, nature, and nurture.

What you want is what you need, in this time of today. Avoid greed and gluttony and stay real to yourself. You need something familiar, depending on your introversion. I try everything out – to find the answer. America’s war, like the film, is shock, all war is shock. I am an example to the children, peace is a dream of reality, freedom is gain, marks are destroyed, location is the answer, rather than holding on, life is good.

The three laws of attraction are: 1. Like attracts like. 2. Nature abhors a vacuum. 3. The present is always perfect. So, is it infatuation, or love, or attraction? Are we all going to the ball game, tonight? Can sex serve a requirement? Or is it better to stand by your Queen, SAVE THE MEN! I want not, one-body, not somebody, not anybody, but everybody to enjoy themselves - all the time, and I mean that passionately, especially when studying, with SAFE humour. Is there a baby above your head, and you walk like an Egyptian?


Do you have a conception of language and communication?

This is real, no make-believe.

The misnomer, of a Masonic, past as misogynists, of Mesopotamia, is clearly led by others.

God has crumbled Babylon.

The mobile phone is the best way to Save the Planet, especially during lockdown.

Prepare, Meet, Ready!

The voices in my head, are a determinate loss of lostness, to hear thoughts, as a reflection of self by way of a dialogue or conversation by planting the pain in others I know and dearly love. Am I a medium? I might be?

I appreciate the language of art, currently surreal, becoming more, Earth and visceral as ephemeral objects of nature. I frame a view and see it as a painting, our generational disgruntlement with the old means we have gone from the future, now to a split technology/earth, to man-made nature and back to real value in our natural habitats, and new technologies and so we want change.


  1. To trust

  2. To feel safe and content

  3. To love one another, more

  4. To save fuel

  5. To eat well

  6. To have clean water

  7. To enjoy music

  8. To be a philanthropist

  9. To be and feel remarkable

  10. To give each other privacy

  11. To live in peace and quiet

  12. To respect each other’s ongoing education

  13. To feel freedom

  14. To gather socially at the correct time

  15. To celebrate history with the future modernism

  16. To predict the present and future zeitgeist

  17. The age of contemplation

  18. A philosophy of life

  19. For the children

  20. For all of us

So far, here at Monou_ni.org, we have covered the following syllabus:

  1. The Human Attention to Clarity

  2. Peace, Poverty, Justice, Community, Health, Environment, Organics

  3. Person, Product, Process

  4. Loving Each-Other

  5. No to Drugs

  6. Clean Sex

  7. To Follow God

  8. Micro-Macro

  9. A Person in a World of People

  10. To use the Eye to Draw Out Images

  11. To Take Great Care of the Children

  12. Not to Let the Ego Rule Images

If one does not acquire, or meet the requirements of a good sexual image – there is no desire to conquer them, and therefore they are naïve and misrepresented, falsified and palmed off as inadequate for pro-creation, when anyone can survive with money and a good sexual image, particularly the female of the species and today, both sexes. To deal with pressure, as sexualisation sells, but it is inconsiderate towards personality traits and true human values.

Hebrews 11:3

By faith we understand that the Universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made of what was visible.

We must think of omnipresent idols. A career or money, a family or true and perfect love. God hates idol worshippers. It breaks our relationship with his deeds and creation. Am I a material God worshipper? God’s eternal power and divine nature are what we must worship.


And so, through accusation we blame those who have lost face, gained disability from birth or otherwise, of forming an oversight, here now, or in a past life. This is not a fair analogy of something that comes from so many genetic, environmental factors, and genetic contrived factors by the environment, your nature and nurture are to blame for – sometimes parenting, sometimes drugs, sometimes smoking and alcohol, most of the time it is just not foreseeing a break, and a win through the depravity of a self-possessed mind trying so hard to see through the mist, and playing games as an outcome. I do care, therefore, we cannot blame those afflicted by disability, but reach a helping hand out and celebrate them for who they are, knowing if they have changed in their lifetime, to go easy, and to do our best for them, knowing they are the same inside, just possibly in some pain, and relieved to get to the bottom of their lifetime anguish, to be reclaimed by God, in better health than before, now the pressure is over, but the scars can of course be hard to heal. So, let us heal, together in prayer, for Jesus Christ – The Heavenly Father loves us all the same, and it was just a childhood accident. So, let us take responsibility of our children please.


I am the sexer, that I am the Andrew, who enjoys himself, all the time. Not just somebody, not just one-body, not just anybody, but everybody, enjoy yourself all the time! Ultimately, I want a picture of me in my Parisian outfit with Croissant hands like Picasso’s famous picture, that features on instagram: @brinkmanandrew. Because colour is indigenous.

I take back all those harmful assumptions and accept my present condition. It is not for me to decide right now, but I want to save myself first, before I commit to a loving relationship, and be the man I know I can be.

I would rather my wife did not feel it necessary to sex herself up in fake breasts and ecstasy. The real men, like natural women, just to brush their hair, and watch them put their make-up on, au-natural. As if man were designed for either? Yet a woman who does, still gets to my erogenous zones. However, it is the feeling of using someone, and them feeling used, it is all too obvious a sensation, so we just lurve the pretty ladies. Stick to British Vogue men! It is more about someone who has been taught the symbiosis of the established ways, with an education. I have a strong attitude of mind. What is wrong in your life, is the same in most all lives, so tell them you love them, and let it be known to the World, and then do not worry, the sentiment is there.

Supposed predictions, are not loving yourself, trying to stay-in, in effect being more than you can be. You must think of other’s minds, so, love yourself first. You are staying with it; use it. You need to get what you want. What you want is what you need.

People are challenging and a source of suffering. The World is challenging. The expectation is delusory. So, every challenge causes unhappiness. You believe something has gone wrong, life not leaving you alone. To challenge is to awaken, it is quite scary, that 90% of the unhappiness is made by the mind of having such great expectations. You cannot immediately get what you want.

Courtesy of Tolle, Eckhart, YouTube.




On God’s wrath:

The answer is a cardboard box, of purity.

Romans 1:24

Therefore, God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity.

There is a race to be proficient and efficient in the making of the best sexy product, whether through the virtues of the object itself – simple and reductive or through quasi-ergonomic vanity. The less Godly desire. The Lord sends true love and protection and is also righteous and compassionate. We must be true to him in ourselves. For he was anti-social-order, and was therefore, here to re-order the truth. There is a jealousy of monotheism that we feel vain, empty, and dark to know we have no power like God’s.

Isaiah 59:2

But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so he will not hear.

John 1:29

A person without sin, could take away the sin of others. As the lamb of God.


The war for arousal, leads us to understand happiness:

When we are positive and aroused = we are joyful and excited.

When we are positive and unaroused = we are content and calm.

When we are negative and aroused = we are anxious and angry.

When we are negative and unaroused = we are sad and depressed.

Courtesy of Dolan, Paul, Happiness by Design.

We find when we are unaroused, we are better at reading, writing, drawing, and learning. When we are aroused, we are either bored, angry, frustrated, excited or other extremes. Sex is an extreme, yet we must fight for nature, but we must not fight ourselves for our sex. So, is nature indifferent as a man-made paradigm? It might be. But nature can be rationalised, with its own order and rhythm. Therefore, we must make nature, man-made nature rational, as if man made it as we cannot emulate nature’s provenance like ‘Capability Brown’ attempted on a small scale. This remains natural, but not the method, the context, and its meaning. Despite the voluminous surface form, it is an intelligent organism governed according to fate. A chain of causes - as one ancient source put it: fate works through us; we are contributors to fate and parts of the larger natural World governed by it. One of the key things, on sex, love, health, and the planet, is just how much we do not know. Therefore, the Good Life, has not changed, it is what comes natural to us, so, do not take my love for granted please, as I will not take yours, we are all astrophysicists at heart.

Love AB,



105 Desire

105 Desire

103 Accessibility

103 Accessibility