78 Heal

78 Heal

78 Heal

How do we heal? Does it really take metaphysical pain to get over it, when psychologically money and success will really get us there. I would say pain and suffering just make us bitter, twisted and angry about the state of ourselves and the World. To never truly love things the way we used to, and to feel regret, about losing our way to those who make us undergo the pain and suffering of jealousy, to create a personified denominator that can only be laughed at by those who have never suffered, and who rise to the challenge every day.

Where does love lie? Where do allegiances lie? Are there realities in elements that construct a heart that make us believe we can cope with struggle?

Once upon a time there was a princess, and she reigned all the land, but she kept all the Gold. Therefore, the people suffered without, and they began to feel rejected, not trying hard enough to survive. They in fact, made a plan to steal all the Gold, and share it out, for once to feel wealthy. They in effect, brought the princess down from her height of vanity. If there was another way, then they felt, relatively they would have lived in a fairer world, for they had not been born into riches.

These elements of reality that put the struggle in us when it does not exist, like most things, come from relativity. For instance we choose through evolution to have cancer as a sacrifice to ourselves instead of expressing our emotions. Everyone’s heart is made up of different realities. These elements make a World for someone’s mind to play out relative to others. Through the given senses we find our interpretation of the phenomenological world and mindfulness to keep coming back to a way of coping for the struggle we put in our hearts, as an element of reality amongst many to be relative to each other, and particularly, our own wealth. To break free of the real struggle, we must take away the elements that had connotations and associations relevant to the heart that held them, and live free again.

Disorder of the mind is really defending oneself from religious indoctrination over forced secular accusation. The difference between the two is very little, but the interpretation between religion and a secular society effect the result. Sinning is the religious interpretation of avoiding human perfection and constantly trying to prove bad behaviour is correct as a result of secular sadistic nagging and abuse of others. Proving you cannot cope with their bullying jokes and deceit, never to respect you as a true human being again through possible jealousy of a natural talent. This will cause the on-going “sin” of self-abuse through drugs, and addictions, to top it all off. Sinning is a better way to understand the situation, in terms of simplicity, but can feel too dictatorial in a Western World, full of fun and temptation in order to succeed the system into choices of your own making.

For those we don’t get on with, arduously expecting and fighting for the respect of ourselves to unfairly, in their minds prove they are better than us, if only because they feel they have something to prove relative to our wealth of talent or coping with life; we get drawn into their technique of proving we are reasonably better at the end of the day, for studying, trying and having a natural flair for strength in a given art. Energy is saved up, to stop success, based on past fighting and struggle caused by each other, just suffering from some trauma or affliction in the first place, not for necessarily doing the wrong thing. Based on the law, one feels caught out and deceived, to have been led to break it, by a system that fails the individual, because parents cannot see where childhood habits will end up; both depressive and misguided. The exhaustion of feeling that mind-set was always wrong, disregards the context of what a lot of people were experiencing at a given time, making a web of deceit to fight each other over who can cope the best. Best nipped in the bud through communication. The perceived tyrant is in fact only defending themselves from the purgatory of others who know the system inside out and will therefore, make everyone unworthy of them, until worshipped like an idol, when really that is not what life is about.

In essence, to cause competition in business, and therefore through to persona, and strength in art, the system no longer creates a society of healthy, communal people who will go on to better each other, but will just play endless tricks through a lack of trust.

Can psychology in turn, heal a physical illness that causes a psychological illness in the first place?

Being an “it” in this generation whether through bad parenting or drugs at an early age, means having many semantic affiliations, i.e. names from the arts gives one a bigger ego to regulate the stress of feeling they were talking about you in the first place, because it makes you invincible to a set trauma or loss, through grief, and post-traumatic stress disorder, giving a God delusion, when God does not exist, but is a word, a spirit, a euphemism for a worldly creator. An artist in the process of creation just dictates a perspective of personifying a creative force of history’s pain of real struggle, that still exists, to be kept, and to have no freedom. So, we live with an association of names, from the first point of the game when we were mislead to believe we were someone we are not, yet, can only claim it once we have a body of work disseminated through an electronic web, based on our own personal histories and stories in order to truly champion ourselves with the sudden eruption of the claim itself.

Now, this is not meant to be a nihilistic piece, for God brings hope, and so does being a fan of a creator, never mind being a creator yourself, but I wonder what is the true future of creativity, and its force in nature to make a better way forward as an example to the children?

Ultimately to behave oneself, and regard human rights highly, within a system that will keep you if it can make money out of a suspected psychological malfunction, will lose the association game of being something you are not. To rise above the system and be lucky enough to prove one’s creative force is the best answer to the problem; older and wiser than before with a healthier aspect on the future. Reactions never help one’s reputation and to be adult in the face of adversity will always help one to recover from psychological demons, as opposed to more madness.

What society needs, is not what it gets, but to live under an innocent umbrella. To work hard without the element of struggle in our hearts, and to see the process of innocence as the inspiration to a better result, maybe unknown at present, rather than the predictable result of pain and addictions that allow society’s worst meanings of self-dogma over others; to prove your creative force is the better, and will never be devalued in a time that sees history as a repetitive fight to prove oneself. Making everything as a personal style always recognisably the best, for creation over struggle cannot be beaten. If only the future could be an autonomous, ‘anonymous’, result of years of working towards, a creativity that takes on a force of its own, in order to truly heal yourself and others. Something bare, minimal and lucid, that allows mankind to return to a modern, clean, phenomenological path of a more healthier, innocent snow-ball effect, to reach utter purity and clarity in mind, body and soul.

79 Symbology

79 Symbology

77 Provoke

77 Provoke