34 Locality

34 Locality



Devolution is the buzz political word of the hour.  But does it fane beauty?  If the chimpanzee has all the social hallmarks of the human, it is getting to know ourselves that counts.  The chimpanzee is a remarkable animal, but the human, through one different gene, is especially more intelligent to use language, as a basis of communication.  Language just as you are reading this blog post, describes heterogeneously how we come to describe the world around us in recorded form.  Plants may live and adapt but the chimpanzee like man were denounced to deny not living by too much more evolution.  If you look at the problems surrounding us: obesity, drugs, crime and punishment there is little scope for saying we have evolved other than become more socially mute.  Where does evolution take us today, in modern society?  Devolution of course only describes the opposite to evolution and therefore should be avoided in our locality but to be called the consign of variation.


To consign means to entrust, to commit, to transmit, to transfer, to devolve, to sign or seal, to convey, to deliver to a persons keeping, or to be put in an order to be rid of it.  Today devolution is a variation: to consign. Power is slowly officiously making its way to locality. That locality is governed locally and therefore controlled by local government.  This evolution of tribes; i.e. counties disallows generalisations in life, but does allow far more freedom in terms of change.  There is beauty at the end of the tunnel.  It also however carves a niche for polarisation that tightens on liberty as the mainstay: central government has to be higher still on governing strictly and not allowing any rings through the net.


In May 1997 the Labour government was elected to promise the keeping of devolutionary powers, in progress with its origins in work and labour in the early 18th and 19th Centurys.  Power has now been devolved to the Welsh Assembly, Scottish Parliament, Northern Ireland Assembly and London Assembly to remain independent and a political strength in our government.  It is as if the more devolved we become, the more grants are available and the richer we become as a public body of people.  This is due to the proportional representation in public investment and fewer private fiscal packages.  The commonality of the public means more investment in public goods and services and scope for everyone to win.  Cities account for 59% of the population of which comes 61% of all GDP, nationally.  Every city knows what it wants and needs and so will survive the demarcation in the ground for cleverly applying their budget, to improve real peoples lives.


If chimpanzees are fighting these days there is something to say for evolution as we climb a more democratic ladder through devolution.  When our intelligence serves us to organise ourselves better in the City, to a decree of privacy, settlement and peace of mind.  Sanctity in the form of home is normally all one can expect, now we are seeing better public facilities and spaces.  There is a tight reign on the housing boom, which increases year by year, otherwise there is no market to climb.  Today we have a number of options and variations to allow for a modern day out with parks, restaurants and cafes, but one million of the 25 million homes in the UK were built in the last 10 years, and therefore are deemed fully modern.


The key to the consign of locality is it's market driven.  In effect showing the promiscuity of our Capital London.  Contracts go out to tender, and within the public realm the cheapest is chosen, but high standards are a part of the remit and one is expected to go and lose their soul for the sake of a contract sold.  Fresh blood sees the light on ex-nanny state ruling and leads the way with a very mixed younger workforce.  For example modern France is now being led by a revolutionary young leader Macron, aged 40.


This disposition of power starts to look to Switzerland as I predict there will be a County wide devolution to a central state of no more than 5-10 individuals.  There are however only 26 cantons in Switzerland some nearing the size of England but with a much more finite population and so Counties would make sense.  In the cantons even locals are asked to vote on local architectural schemes making a perfect form of consign to power.  With a budget for roads, HS2 and more infrastructure to update London we are far from such radicalisation but maybe one day.  By which time we will have forgotten to check our rule book for Birmingham as we step up to the 15:10 from King's Cross, the consign is Locality.

35 Egality

35 Egality

33 High

33 High