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251 Lost



If there is a consequential additive to a bad time, it feeds another bad time, as an escalation of negativity, knocks down positivity and personal building.



Lost Schizophrenia is a syndrome defined by the Mental Health Act of ‘83/’07, defined by its strength of will by the Mental Capacity Act. Whereby you may make unwise statements or judgements in the opinion of others. A mental illness is a learning disability or personality disorder. Yet upheld by an accumulation of medication and misfortune of how others mistrust and so one can mistrust oneself or others by its uncivilised virtues to keep and misdiagnose on prolonged medication itself. Why, because psychotropic medication tends to make psychosis by its own immunity to stop it rather than perpetuate natural healing. There is simply nothing but reliance on medication with very little learning involved in both unclinical and hospital settings.

To cope or not, to cope that is the question?

The unfortunate circumstance that medication makes lives of money, and money out of lives. Many are seen as unforeseen genius who will never get out of the system, but used as bastions of war & peace.

The Capacity Act states it requires to understand the information of a decision. To remember this information, to use this information to make a decision. And to communicate your decision. They are determined to have no will to live or ordered thought in reality.

Stage 1.

Proof that affects the way you perceive abnormal as real. The way the mind works or once worked. To have a second-rate opinion of oneself.

Stage 2.

There may have been a specific decision at a certain time.


The question is, is it self-perpetuated by a doctor & patient relationship?

One may have a strong attraction to stimulants. The Capacity Act will tend only to be used to tale away capacity in the best interests of repeated misdemeanours. Bad behaviour tends not to be repeated with harshness of punishment or the answer of the lesson itself and an understanding of its stem, unless as ever caused by another showing signs of disorder themselves, if only by ridicule, mockery in the Bible.

There can be many selves in some instances, as spiritual and as physical. Through the Akashic record we get what we give. But to who’s standards?  And to who’s judgements? What goes in is what comes out. Like Karma/Coma, In Perfect Love, we know of Gods judgement that will temper us, by Jesus Christ. But of course, there is room for everybody’s healing in forgiveness. There is a dream-like reality or pure love. The answer for many of these judgements can seem untouched. But we are being judged 100% of the time. The answer is translated by virtue of the spirit guides. The accuser, a hereditary spirit, by God. It feels like we are paying for someone. But the Whole complete answer is of our own virtues, and to look at self-improvement. Most likely the virtues of ourselves that we know we need self-improving, by Gods telling.

Are we chosen by someone, to know & meet each other? Most likely we are, but sometimes it is not obvious who we are. Who they are and why? Therefore we have strong feelings from the major decisions we have made, for them or for someone else as a sacrifice? This will reveal itself. So, hang on in there, everything happens for a reason. Where does love lie? In a childhood perception into adult habits, seen from the outside are not truly who we have become or the virtue of who we are, but may be something to learn as a nature of our past in God. What comes first, he commands.

Unfortunately, the reason is, maybe no reason but medication, as a money spinner, and to wrestle with the spirit. Therefore, why predict an epidemic but to make money for a squandering government. The disorder is merely feeling a lack of expression on the street, clutching at a status of aesthetic presumptions.

The lost schizophrenia feels like an escapism, a drug accusation, a problem learning, something parallel with the world, an internal dialogue, a lack of applying, a wasted drug, wasted days. From day-to-day activities, to cleanliness, to the execution of an idea, to earn a living to cope with seeming self-perpetuating medication ensuing what? It takes control, like you are on autopilot in Earths Automata. Forced to be good and forced to be kind. Much like we all are, all of the time.

It takes our responsibility for the inner growth of habits as seen on the outside. We just want to put something out there, over our high functioning selves, as we were born and always have been.

The social logic of persona and anima, self and shadow, makes us question ourselves, as an epitome of a complete life at any given moment to be questioned like this by the medical profession. There is me in the background, and in front the elements of the other people. The ethics of people; give meaning to the material of chances, a pre-history untrue. We are deemed as either, by Jung: thinking, feeling, sensing or intuiting, or in some instances as parts of some or all; it is as if the initial long-term memory is re-paraphrased anew every time we see the doctor, with the same emphasis on negativity.

Does this lost schizophrenia exist?

Only in anger, a prevalent self-awareness, by resilient exhaustion, and as ever if not for money, why would it keep changing its definition with the Ages?


