72 Meritocracy

72 Meritocracy



Anger, fear & stress are heteronomous (a desire) to a degree to find that natural friction of resilience to fend off the mediocre and feel great delight, obsessed with an outcome or product.


Meritocracy rules in a different way defining the ruling classes as only those of merit, i.e. a Prime Minister with an Eton College education will always rule, when merit can be built over years of dedication to habitual past times.


To feel unworthy means not to reach your merit or goal in chief. You lack lustre, feel lazy and generally find life hard.

·         Is that because you are not deemed attractive enough?

·         Have a disability?

·         Or just prefer to get wasted on a regular basis?

It could be that you are ignoring your true self for all three, or individually you feel subordinate to society because you keep losing your chances of referral to a higher claim you are genuinely worthy of, through the disguised habit of bad luck – it does not exist! It takes hard work to build out of poverty.


I always got confused by the ego, as an epicentre for boosting self-confidence, when Freud clearly states it regulates between the moralistic superego, and birth right instinctual id that forms our inner most primitive ideals. Should we be regressing to a child-like mode in order to find our soul? Quite righteously.


Jung describes us as a persona, i.e. a personality, remembering in America we went from the age of Character to the age of Personality in the early twentieth Century, with the beginning of the modern movement, thanks to speakers like Dale Carnegie (How to Win Friends and Influence People, Vermilion, 2006). To Anima or Animus (Anima, Thom Yorke, 2019), an opposing sexual sub-personality, to shadow and self: self-explanatory. Jung was in fact the first to discover the concept of introverts and extroverts, where selling our own personality, as an embodiment of our creation comes in. We can be, according to Jung, four types of people alongside these given parameters: ‘thinking, feeling, sensing or intuiting’. It is clearly an intuitive/thinking extrovert who gains meritocracy faster than the others.


Sometimes we wish for things like becoming extroverted, and less aroused, more mature in our evocation of meritocracy in-order to overcome our desire to be angry, fearful or stressful, in order to achieve. We are like animals sometimes to keep our own so close to our chest and to fight for our creative spirit. So, it is O.K. to be angry, and upset and to wrestle with the dichotomy of what exists and what we are creating, so that we improve. To give in to fundamentals and follow the most provocative form of creation to beat the spirit into submission and impassion it to do better; to kindle an answer, in effect.


We must remember, however, to take responsibility for ourselves, and a combination of provocation and reaching our merit to govern ourselves allows us that freedom, but to miss the beat would mean things could get out of hand so stay tight. Inner-growth and acceptance can be hard to come by, but they are both givens over time, and when we look back at the id we discussed, we see a paper trail of misnomers and misdemeanours that got us here. We mature and evolve, but the ego regulates with the superego for it to be a safe rise, inadvertently causing the anger and pain of the mighty reckoning we take on to achieve our merit. So, we want happy memories of our id as Freud stated, a good childhood is like gold dust, therefore, we have to help those without.


One cannot blame another for one’s outcome. But read it and build it incrementally, for it is all elemental. From building to rise. True elements harness the brave with an attitude of mind of getting across a message or some other form of social manipulation. Refresh for the re-birth and you can keep on going and creating the same through a personal evolution without doubting your angry single mindedness.


“But one can go further and say that the buildings we inhabit, the objects we purchase, and the actions we perform are of interest to the semiotician, because all the categories and operations through which they are invested with meaning are fundamentally semiotic . . . one is dealing with the image projected by the particular house . . “[i]


The things we purchase, are charged with symbology, and signs of the heretic, it’s singularity now mainstream in love thyself first. We use them to sinfully find ourselves under the merit we carry over our heads. And they become the status symbol affording us the lifestyle to gain the merit in the first place. Therefore, to be born rich is not fair on the poor. It is difficult to say whether money or an education stand up to bettering one’s meritocracy, after all they would seem to go hand in hand, but it is surprising how many rich stupid people there are! So, we must see this scientifically:


“The Amygdala: Perceptual Library:

The amygdala, a double almond-shaped structure located in your brain, is designed to keep you emotionally alert. When you become toxic in your thinking, it steps up to protect you from any threat to your body and mind – such as danger or stress. It puts the passion behind the punch of memory formation by influencing another structure that is very important to memory formation, the hippocampus, enabling you to give more focused attention to your existing memories. The amygdala is basically designed to deal with positive love-based emotions like joy and happiness, but it doesn’t work as well when you are in a negative state of mind.”[ii]


So, it is deemed as ever we need a lot of positivity, whatever our walk of life. This incurs that we can dig our way out of poverty better through meritocracy than the elite who began there, by building good memories, being empathetic, and dealing in love not war. Be autonomous to the system, and then you can set your own boundaries. It is not loving everything we are after, to reach meritocracy, it is loving yourself, and your creations first.


Love yourself first.





[i] Culler, Johnathan, Ferdinand de Saussure, Revised Edition, Cornell University Press, USA, 1986, 117.

[ii] Dr. Leaf Caroline, Switch on Your Brain, Baker Books, USA, 2013, 165.

73 Pseudo

73 Pseudo

71 Make

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