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15 Midas



The touch of love brings us all to tears.  We forever glance at our loved one and say how come they’re so perfect?  How come?  And we dwell in our towns and cities amongst the lights at night, spending a night on the town forgetting ourselves and say: ‘that should do’, to just forget the hardship one felt today, yesterday, or my whole life, and we are renewed, replenished, transformed, invigorated and restored to our original selves.  Is it that much hardship to go to work, the daily grind and get up for it, and make love to it, and then return home and say to your loved one, that ‘courtesan’ was filthy, and exactly not what I needed!


We are earning money.  For what?  A new lawnmower because the grass keeps growing?  Or because we love our Jewish/Aetheist money devoted lives.  God is rich.  I will save.  First I must save myself.  So how do I go about that?  Gold is the heart and mind in unison not money.  ‘The age of remedy, a time to touch’©.  ‘Call it magic, call it true, I call it magic when I'm with you, And I just got broken, broken into two, Still I call it magic, when I'm next to you’.  Money repairs us.  Money declares us.  Money infers us.  Inference means we must coalesce in an ‘OFFICE FUSS’©, making our way to heaven with that lawnmower.  If only we had the lawns and the ancestry to sit on one.  We make our lives in the office, and watch it on TV at home, living some kind of dream when Coldplay come on the radio, and we sing together whilst Ma’m has her lawn cut.  Inference also means we are succumbing to the fact, whilst God began in year 0 (meaning goodness) and EL is prehistoric from the days of polytheism but post Egyptian one would presume (meaning the ‘mighty’, the father of all fathers of creation), why must we follow?


Do we follow God?  Why did Jesus heal?  Did he have the Midas of touch, like King Midas of Phrygia, who turned everything he touched to gold, a power given unto him by Dionysus.   Unable to eat or drink, he prayed to be relieved of the gift and was instructed to wash in the river Pactolus, which since then has had golden sands.


Today we need the ‘Midas handle’©, and ‘Midas pen’© to document our efforts at work to have a handle on a team to work well, cohesively and efficiently.  We are also forgetting something: our environment.  When I worked in Tenerife for AMP Arquitectos, the landscape, the cityscape, the smells, the Midas of touch, was everywhere.  From the exotic nature of being somewhere exotic, and legitimately able to be a part of such a royal engagement.  The life was sublime, the office functioned like a European office does.  A poor island but helped financially to have more luxury than an average English City. 


'Is it because we do not care for the ‘creatively articulate’©, or because we have no knowledge of sufferance to a degree that means we cannot afford to deeply create'.


Our time holds no bars, but our creative environments are few and far between.  We do not have obvious statements of creativity.  We do not have the public transport, the care for the city dweller like Europe.  The Midas of touch is not in government, unless of course it is new.  We do not have the spaces that promote thinking.  It is too contrived a lot of the time and the rest, too artificially systematic.


A business park is so last year.


Contrivance means we become the office TV programme, and are contrived in our realm of the ‘OFFICE FUSS’©.  Too many bricks, too much of the same and not enough love.  So love is expensive.  Now I will have to use the strimmer because she wants a party dress to flirt with all the other ‘office strains’©.  Movie, music, lights, camera, action, paint, water, coffee, wine, beer, shots, ice, building, takes us to another world.  The inner-world.  Touch it.


To be partisan to God is not necessarily sectarian, in the formal sense, but to be partisan to creativity is.  It is not that it is not loving, but the divided heart only becomes monocardian in its product, the realist end of making.  The work needs the Midas of touch.  How to bring gold?  Work your way up, make suggestions, run something, be the best, aspire, have ambition.


Day in day out we see yesterday’s failing, then live again.  Forget everything you knew of your environment and apply just your mind to the task.  Now you have had a spark or momentary glimpse at the answer live it through and make it your best shot.


We begin to unravel the tide of pain, and suffering and say we just need more love, and then our loved one is associated with that support and refused inner entry to our mystique, still playing the magic, and broken in two until we forgive ourselves for our selfish loving needs, which are utterly unselfish but refutable to our daily lives.  Long live the Queen, long live the Government, but remember we are upholding ourselves on a daily basis and there is no excuse but to try, in trying we are.  Not aspiring, we are.





The inner magic of devolving means power begins to take shape on a local level, but too many people are governed by the day’s drudgery and daily news of angst, pain, and say: 'at least that is not me'.  There is no real concern for the self.  What the eye cannot see, the eye does not know, but the mind knows through memory and spatial recognition of models of experience and the same history never stops repeating.  A very depressing outlook indeed, but none the less superfluous to anything else tangible, and instilled in us to return to, once you have finished reading these wise words.


Taste is how the inner workings work.  Our subjugation is subjugated upon us, so do not buy the paper, do not turn on the TV, to see another scandal of artificiality on Love Island when your 'hygge' moment is on the cards with your loved one tonight, to just sit around and talk about love.


Love is our inner working, our heart, our damnation in God, Gods, EL, spells, living, costs, bills, and freedom.  After all we choose to put the washing machine on, beyond necessity.  In Victorian times we would have scrubbed.  So history is one long past of work to build, and build to evolve, to give us purpose.  After all while the Victorians talked of love at work, they did it for us to talk of love more often in our relatively maximised free time.  We must strive for the chance for the majority, maybe every one, to talk of love all the time, no-longer refuted, like nothing will happen, well, nothing will happen but more and more LOVE.  





Our outer selves give off attitude and diligent cool.  The cool takes over us, and love is cool, but not as cool as the thug we became the other day, without knowing it.  That slight at the man in the street; the dig at someone because they have no understanding of us; our outer suffers, particularly in our expressions.


Evolution tells us to try to be beautiful, yet our office looks like it was made for a forgotten time of prosaicism.  We look about our houses dwelling on the wedding photos not building a marriage of a wedding every day, treating ourselves to what we need.  We stand back, resist, persist, and only believe we are in bliss.  It must be true.  Our outer needs as much creativity as our inner from love, but also a mind.


Cupped hands, left facing upwards arm bent at 45° at the oesophagus and right hand cupped upwards, arm bent at 90° at the belly button, releases that spirit in the belly, all the angst, the jelly roll, the shaking, the movement inside, making us pace and question everything.


Standing on your head, with a cushion on the floor, up against a closed door, making sure no-one is coming through, will help the mind to recalibrate.  I practice these exercises regularly to feel in good health.  Ultimately the outer needs love, but more importantly through conversation, through flattery, to feel good: to recover from the forces of nature around us.





The left side of the brain is said to be more logical, some of us are lefties and some of us are righties; but we must make a judgement in both minds on most things, and if we do not, we will lose some logic, or in the right side intuition.  The Midas of the left is to see clearly in sequence, so all becomes sequential.  Sometimes this is prosaic or too rigorous, spontaneity does not come into the equation.


When we have had enough of putting bricks together we can do the same through another medium, in order that the magic continues but we get a completely different and similar result.


Logic means we can make sense, both scientifically, and as a matter of hard work.  One task leads to another.  If the left were not so logical, evolution would not be civilized and declared safe for human consumption, as a sequence.  Allow the right to take you into the dream world.





The right as discovered is more intuitive.  It allows for spontaneous ‘eureka’ moments.  It’s Midas is to join disparate points to conjoin and make heed of the lack of logic but passing between the left and right.  It also allows madness to reign.


If madness were not preferred there is still a lot to be learnt from the connection to a God, a spirit, an energy, a metaphor, a story.  It starts somewhere and ends somewhere else.  The right is journey, not sequential, but the path.


The pathological state prevents ‘the gold of Midas’©, because it is inner fighting making walls to destroy.  A required part of the human condition none the less as we learn to find out what we are capable of destroying.  Then apologise and then find ourselves again, just as we did after that night on the town.  So if we love the right and stop fighting, are we in the world.  It feels like war to travel this journey.


It might be requited love that stops us, our existential sufferance allows existence, a control (like a familiar spirit, so the wizard will win if we are not careful), that we must feel each others pain to make it fair.  But just remember if we do not make our own minds up as to how we love, there will be no devolved community of individuals living by the prayer that man is here to ‘justifiably love’©, and will go on stopping lowest suffering as a requirement to understand when he or she just wants to ‘exclaim in exegesis’©, nature’s call to have the Midas of touch, in work and life.