101 Night

101 Night

101 Night & Day & Nigh . . .

Do not tell me you are sleeping properly right now?

So, much lethargy, detoxification and re-ordering is going on.

It is rather strange the vagaries that expand and contract on the beginning of day and night, like a pregnant woman going into labour, we justify our path to bed on what we have achieved and created, and get ready for battle or disregard – depending on how tired and rested we are. So, no more coffee, no more screens, no more spontaneity and we are more spontaneous, we are looking at screens all the time, and never mind how much coffee we have drunk today, more than before. Late at night, we must avoid these things, but some beguilingly are going against the grain, as if rebelling will cure our ill of the frightening thought of remaining unconscious at night for a whole eight hours.

It can be frightening to sleep, but often so good, to let go, of all stresses and be sublime to love yourself, with no fear, and to really break off the day before, at the point at which we descend into deep relaxation. We begin a new chapter every day, in our minds, so do not be tired of your emotions, neighbours, or environment, otherwise you are being cajoled into unnecessary aggravation. For as long as we have been awake, if only for the newness of the next day, the unexpected, and inexplicable change or situation allows one to feel normal, by tomorrow – importantly with fresh blood, doughy eyes, and replenished skin, not to cry about yesterday. A body make over goes on during night-time. We are all willing to go to bed (with our sexual fantasy), for the fact, we will feel new the next day – for this fact, even during the day, but seldom enjoy a night times rest, for its excitement prevails.

Sometimes, we are always tired – due to diet, lack of exercise or confidence levels. We lack enthusiasm, so tomorrow build your dream, living as the inspired, aspiring to better things. We contemplate on work, but cannot work as well, after a 12-hour day, for our minds are placidly content with the accomplishments so far. The night is so different to the day, that there is an air of enthusiasm until we have disciplined that comedic contempt for not seeing a midnight blue sky with stars, do we even have a view of them, with so many street-lamps? A glass roof would be better. To a rising star yourself, and to be successful on first attempt, never mind it takes 10 years to perfect something, of never-ending suasion; and to gain credibility – for it makes a work seminal, and is therefore, surrounded by jealousy. And, when we feel sad, we have no energy to put a good enough effort in, at least to Hosanna! Those around us.

There are 12 hours of night and day equally in the World. Accounting for time to fall asleep or awake, the night can be reduced to 9 hours, but we like our entertainments for the remaining 3. Night is generally termed to be, 18:00 - 06:00. But there is a dichotomy between night and day, the day is like the transparency of the void of glass windows, a view, but a positive function. The night sees the void in darkness, and fills that void with a negative function, in its solidity of shutting out all light. This circadian rhythm, and with a current lack of order to our day, leads to a self-criticism, and actual loneliness, within the company of others – unable to express the dilemma of feeling trapped, in the same environment. Our acceptance of our surroundings only comes on leave and return – to confide and then be congenial.

The morning tells of sleepy eyes, a yawn, a kind of lack of appraisal, when we have to be conversant with everything, like every immediately rapid new beginning it must not be wasted, now we are in love, expectantly stumbling on every line. And so, there is a cliché of finding one is so annoying, in their love of the start of the day, as if not serving others, or reaching clarity - done naturally, when someone else is still in turmoil from the last day. Therefore, we need a middle ground, of knowing it is the start of the day, and similarly, an unknowing of not having too much affinity with what will happen today, other than what we are doing, and so, what we can affect. And what can we affect? The days work, our vision, our influence on the outcomes of decisions, with the power of attendance, and good-natured, persuasion in the name of ‘attraction’.

Night and day have always been. From day one. In maleficence those, who talk of the blanket covering the sky with small holes for the giant angle-poise lamp to cast the light of the stars, you are only possessed by yourself – the feelings are voluntary, and science tells us quite radical propositions that the dust and rock around us exists in different forms miles away, all orbiting, an orbiting sun. The science of astrology goes somewhat further, to discuss our daily habits, as if we can be read, but only know these are warning signs for a personality type. Excuse the turbulence, but we as aliens have just landed. If you fight it, you make it stronger, so, often the conceptual life wins, and we romantically look-up at the holes in the blanket. But it fulfils no useful purpose to see it like this, it is just the creative suasion of the heart, that the Universe is so unfathomable, now imagine it. We do know the fusion of the nuclei of light elements is compressed in interstellar gas by the force of gravity, to make new stars. In effect the nebula: the gas and dust self-combust under pressure.

The philosophy of life is to do what is good for everyone and make yourself happy at the same time. Does one remain happy like this staying up all day and night, or does one just avoid inevitable, eventual sadness of the condition of life, when we would all rather be on a rolling win, with the anticipation of all listening in. That is what we can have, if we want it that much. But like day over night we must learn to relax most of the time. This is indeed the ideal time to learn to reframe our happiness as wise over perpetual anticipation of being happy and knowing our trade. In order to feel equal in our lives as just human and not to run on adrenaline. The purpose of night-time. Or are you just running away from the other? When you are not contrite enough to present, by the logistics of presentation, an idea or schema – within the public eye. Running on high. Night over day.

Every generation makes a new take on the evolving mind. You make your own reality, so, you must remember again the day of presenting an idea, by way of conceptual thought with your heart – meditating on love: then you will succeed. Your idea must also be intelligent, with company, because we can never exist alone in business. But the sun-shone daytime aftermath of love can be pure sadness, so with the melancholy, we need the strength of rhyme, and to climb again, with those who carry us? For they carry us in Conception. At these times can we all wake up afresh with devolution on a biological level, and the beautiful almost Spring like rupturing sunshine blazing through the Sky and promise to give those outside a wave from a window of light. After all, the day is fun to work in, and at night, secrets happen, that leave our hearts pounding. For there is only love and light in us all, and God.

God Bless You.

A/F x

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