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200 Oblivion



I love thee.


We set out to be wholesome and graceful. But like any war it is one big drag. People have already got there; people are worsening, and it is like a new set trauma to be alone and cold and with a heavy cacophony of things to do for work. Break the ice – speak aloud or in your head, we are all just talking via our own antenna – the higher self – a plan from the Creator. So, oblivion – remember you can fall back on vices, but they will only sicken and tire. So, ask yourself what is missing? A change of clothes, a change of scenery. Food, drink, less stimulants, more natural power. As we move to renewables so do our bodies. In fact, God is asking us directly questions of ourselves to answer and we know not yet the right answer, but to pray to relinquish from ourselves and our habitual lives.

So, we must say No!

And experience the serenity of abiding by his loving guidance. For all that hubbub, we can know we get it right when he acknowledges us, and we give back to him by way of ourselves. For, we have everything we need. So, what was it we needed? Karma needs to release in its accusations of feeling originally accused by a panic. I know I have done the wrong thing, but only when and where, for and with my own healing happening, as I am. God enjoys celebrating and partying, but in the aftermath, time will heal first and allow us to know we love for our grace and coming.

When emotional turmoil of the past has gone, then the next stage is knowing how to be trajected into the cosmos at night and find a healing star to loosen and cease the fight of the next day, but to be aware of the now. There are ways to find the cosmos, through spiritual energy or by a path we take in the daytime. ‘The early bird catches the worm’: be prepared earlier than before to take credence in the sensibility of the self to find your loved ones on the street.

Think of nature, the patina on a leaf and the patter of rain on those leaves drinking up healthy water down to the roots underground. The underground can be an unfathomed dullness or an invigorating rich matter of nutrients and soil; it wants human hand to touch it, as we turn the ground. Life at times can seem like a puzzle for its disjointed anonymity and complexity of nature. It is just a whole, from picket fence to front door, evergreen and natural. My designs on it are sparse for reasons of superabundant pleasure: to make, conceive, build, and live in; in a World that needs order. So, I order things. We find everything in our making is autobiographical of a past life now in order. And so, we notice everything wrong with everyone else but tend not to notice what is wrong still in ourselves, if anything?

Old books tell of old things and new books tell us of new things. But there is always something old in the new and that we call the continuum of time. To invent is magnificent, but it must not solely be for neoteric means, but as a support to changing sociological times. For, the lack of community to share, then we must build purposefully for organised societal means and social congregation, as a gathering amongst a neighbourhood. To converse was always the building of empires but this time not to command from a distance. If we are to remain in fair England and the UK, then we can make our holiday at home: both literally and nationally. Well, where are we to go? Here is a list of places, all but one I have visited, can you guess which one I would love to go to?

1.     Dorset’s Durdle Door, natural beauty spot.

2.    Cornwall’s St Ives art galleries.

3.    Hampshire’s Mottisfont National Trust House and river walk.

4.   Kent for beach combing.

5.    Hampshire’s Hengistbury Head for flying a kite.

6.    Wales’s St David’s coastline, for walking and surfing.

7.    Wales’s North Mountain range for rock climbing.

8.    West Sussex’s Weald and Downland Museum, and wood workshop.

9.    Hampshire’s Gaze and Burvill wood workshop.

10.  Scotland’s East Lothian Chippendale International School of Furniture.

11.   Liverpool’s Cavern.

12.  Dublin’s Guinness factory.

13.  Hampshire’s Bombay Sapphire factory.

14.  Manchester’s canals.

15.  The Norfolk broads.

16.  Somerset’s Wells Cathedral.

17.  Edinburgh’s narrow streets.

18.  Bath spa.

19.  Isle of Wight’s pottery.

20. Hampshire’s River Itchen walks.

21.  London’s The Shard.

22. Hampshire’s Sir Harold Hillier Arboretum.

Thank you for having me!


Love, AB, x.