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123 Peace 2

peace |pēs|


1 freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility : you can while away an hour or two in peace and seclusion.

• mental calm; serenity : the peace of mind this insurance gives you.

2 freedom from or the cessation of war or violence : the Straits were to be open to warships in time of peace.

• [in sing. ] a period of this : the peace didn't last.

• [in sing. ] a treaty agreeing to the cessation of war between warring states : support for a negotiated peace.

• freedom from civil disorder : police action to restore peace.

• freedom from dispute or dissension between individuals or groups : the 8.8 percent offer that promises peace with the board.

3 ( the peace) a ceremonial handshake or kiss exchanged during a service in some churches (now usually only in the Eucharist), symbolizing Christian love and unity. See also kiss of peace at kiss .


1 used as a greeting.

2 used as an order to remain silent.


at peace 1 free from anxiety or distress. • dead (used to suggest that someone has escaped from the difficulties of life). 2 in a state of friendliness : a man at peace with the world.

hold one's peace remain silent about something.

keep the peace refrain or prevent others from disturbing civil order : the police must play a crucial role in keeping the peace.

make peace (or one's peace) reestablish friendly relations; become reconciled : not every conservative has made peace with big government.

no peace for the weary see no rest for the weary at weary .

ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French pais, from Latin pax, pac- ‘peace.’




Peace is within.

How does one find peace?

By taking the right path.

Where does peace begin and end?

In the heart and mind.

Once peace has found the mind then the body will heal.

But true peace, must be found in all people.

Except those who use fear to make evil.

So love the spirits in your heart and mind.

And let them guide you.

Let heaven and the realm combine.

Heaven being god's world.

And the realm our spiritual world.





Reading – Winchester – Europe - USA - Africa Kilimanjaro – Cardiff – India (tea) – Norway - Tenerife – South America – Lanzarote - Sweden - Naija - Italy - Norway.

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What EL makes EL becomes.


You must open up the right side of your brain through your work.

Reflecting the task at hand.


Money is beginning to become an over-valued commodity – like petroleum, notebook paper, milk, and copper, but maybe not milk and copper!


Money should be sown back into the ground, for future harvest – it's been bought, sold and genetically modified.  I don't even recognise it anymore I just use it, like it's going out of fashion.


We need a money free detail – which is what this book is about.


Everything we do is designing spirits.  Affecting the two worlds we live in, and war only adds to the destruction and confusion, it's time to ride peace into our lives.  We all need a 'bubble'; karma.


We need Cradle to Cradle thinking, what we make must be able to be deconstructed. And put back into the ground to be re-built again.  Is this the end of monumentalism? And return to the primitive individual finding spirituality through personal means.


To avoid war we have to think RAW. This means stripping down traditional thought to it's bare essentials.  Principles of thought, abstract thinking, and re-defining the whole.


The future must be sustainable, but will only be sustainable if we want it to be.  There is a difference between want and need, necessity only leads to obligation.


If your thoughts don't stand up then you will need to meditate.  Transcendental meditation.





The Rules of Making                                                                                                         5.11.11


The Rules of Making are far and few between in terms of how one can govern a conceptual art into physicality?  Making means; 1 form (something) by putting parts together or combining substances; construct; create; compose; prepare or draw up. 2 cause (something) to exist or come about; bring about; carry out; perform; or produce. On close inspection we have many meanings.


These meanings conclude to define, first the method of making.  Second the process of making, and finally the production of making.


There is a power to architecture that satisfies the mind.  The joining of a community of individuals happens through the built environment.  Therefore buildings are about space, ultimately public space as much as containment.  Containment and space have always been inter-related in order for public life to run smoothly.  Containment itself is dictated by the rules of making and these are; comfort, light, utility and for many simplicity.


Utility has always been an important element in the germanic speaking countries.  Through engineering and efficiency we come to find that their ideals lend themselves equally well to a bridge as well as a house for living.


Comfort on the other hand tends to be assumed as the final touches; furnishings and fixtures.  However comfort can be gained through practical ingenuity.  Such as a shelf, a chair, or a table that is combined integrally to the construction of the building.


Light can be amplified or restrained depending on the ambience preferred.  Light has never been exploited in a traditional house because the tradition was always to contain heat to keep the building warm and so historically windows have never been detailed well enough to prevent draughts.  Instead thick masonry walls were used to create thermal mass.


Joining of form is the final element.  The combining of two 3-dimenisional forms or two materials allows an element of zen.  That means enlightenment through meditation and intuition.  This is achieved exactly as a meditation of design to consider contemplate, intuitively bringing mass and form together.


Simplicity is the most important design tool of all.  Because without it one cannot navigate through space.  There is also an aesthetic ideal of clean lines that draws one into a home or building.



Buildings are artificial constructions.


They haven't grown with evolution.


Man's interruption on man.


Brings with it brackets and braces.


Our knowledge is far from tacit.


It takes too many.


Too many hours.


To deliver a material manifestation.


Where was the doubt?


In which natural growth is found.


A detail without conjuring.


Is surely more inviting?


When it is nature's aim.


To be a part of man's new World.



Artificial Construction: Natural Growth