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180 Relinquish



To relinquish ourselves from a long day at work, we do what we want, when we have learnt to be efficient in our responsibilities. To pass the time we concatenate our day, our week, our lives, consecrating them into equality of our virtues against all that has happened or gone wrong in today’s realm, and its historical path of an event or failure in the past, from which it may have led. In all our lives we look to some form of God; husband or wife, or Jesus Christ or both, to find an affirmed self and an order of fetching blithe.

We are shaped the way we are for a reason, to characterfully make each other happy – whether in the bedroom or not. Our dress sense can make or break a relationship as to whether we are candid about our skinniness or bulges. We make for a party on the quest of being flattered and surprised to see all regale in monster suits to suit our souls and hearts. To smell the geraniol and pheromones, the hypnotic testosterone. At our age we are all hormonal giving us a passive unconscious primeval verisimilitude of animal instincts, often getting in the way of etiquette unless tempered and comedy.

In fact, the next big phase in Architecture could be ‘ANIMALIA’ dexterous to the outer weather, detailed well and soft and cosy on the inside. So, we have gone from Post-Modernism, to Pastiche, to System Architecture, and now perhaps to Animalia? And the eyes that see through the looking glass react to the weather and blink at visitors. To make moving objects that spin and dance, and run up other buildings, with robotics to fathom clean, spacious making.

To relinquish us from a government with the best of intentions in not protecting its people at heart, for their rights of freedom, we will have to question our own ethics and party on without doubt, (this time), that playing up will only make us down and out for karmic guilt gets inside the soul and heart. Our polarities in polder or mountainous ranges seems to equal a vanity of fun on the flats (dykes), and civilization in the mountain to feel protected. Yet, that is only a public foray, not a true element of the human psyche, when we are all so similar as human beings.

Recompense is to be stated under ‘relinquish’, to find we are glad to be forgiven by God for sacrificing sin to allow us to worship as sinners. But, not to forget our localities and to commune on a level of greatness and to invite those we trust to the tea party. We are after all making new history to find the end of a spell in language. So, who is who? Is it just a name? Is it who was there at the time? Is it just a game? Is it determined by birth-rights or proven through one’s work and virtues of significance of those works to be on point; and seminal to a degree of real execution: yet an idea can still stand alone on a computer screen and therefore, an image is an innovation of someone’s thought, but reality always bites and states more adherence to permanence on the map?

New history requires to relinquish forgiveness to one another; to make and create something political, religious, or stately that cannot be broken.

In comparison neither can a square rubber band:

Reference: https://nendo.jp/?lang=en&s=Rubber+band

(Search the entire site for Christmas – fabulous young Japanese Designer – highly recommended.)

And all that Japan wipes the slate clean with, to completely refresh the modern skill of making unique objects.

The oppressor always takes enjoyment in the retaliating of another’s work as a deterrent, just to critique everything through their own dogmatic opinion, when success suffers, so does the victim of that success, so, there must be no more war. Through trauma there is an urge to get upset - perpetuated by our internal animal instinct. If a rabbit and a wolf are in separate cages a distance apart, unknown to each other and cannot escape. Their mind transfers to an instinct for the wolf to hunt the rabbit and the rabbit to be scared of the wolf. That is who we think we are, but we are so caught up in getting upset we see no convalescence with our unhabitual adult selves. In order to regulate the dichotomies of hunting and fear. So, healing will begin.

It is repeating history and new school just became old school, especially with the children here, who are all highly evolved, energetic beings. I believe they want to be natural or a part of Animalia, to find their animal instincts and how to deal with them, and we are back to our roots. But we decide now if we are making giant leaps back, or small steps reversing, I would say giant leaps are required.


The garden is our best place to relinquish first, and bring in fresh cut flowers, for the table. So, thinking is my 100% flow – for some it is feeling and others intuiting, but while cutting those flowers tomorrow morning, be careful not to clash in each-others flow, and lose your mindful prayers, to let go of each-other and yet be inspired by one another. Money heals and then you are at the end of the first DNA twist, and God is the other to make our double helix. So, to pray we use ACTS, this stands for:

1.     Adoration for God.

2.    Confession to God.

3.    Thanksgiving to God.

4.    Supplication to God: (To ask for something in return.)

To make money the natural way is to be holy and to ask God for help, as a catalyst to our own instincts and to guide us when we are wayward: now we have relinquished good health. For, if a person is not respected, neither is their opinion nor taste and health becomes a competition; which is old fashioned. Let us heal and relinquish each other this Christmas through the praise of what we do like in each other, by genuine sincerity: to let each other just be.

Love AB x.