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Return those curios, those ice belongings, those credence’s in each other.

Now, Ossie Davis states it’s not even ‘black power’ never mind the dilapidation of the Negro throughout history, but to get down and rise together, that is why devolution is just an answer to social injustice, abuse of power, and localised sinicism, as if glory had gone to their heads. There is no insight, pharmaceuticals making us look beautiful, when it’s love and light, I repeat there is no insight. None in the professions. Everyone’s scrabbling for a piece of the lime.

My weakness is to please. If I had a lot of money I would build an architecture firm, hire an office, employ and look to train those with an interest and passion for the subject but without experience or an education. And cypher ideas from their own narrative to give them purpose to the team. I would like to own a National Park to re-forest and harvest local materials to manifest cradle-to-cradle building. Finally, I would like to build a non-for-profit company in re-building the slums of this world with flat-pack houses and bringing livelihood back to those with the least in financial gain. That is my message. I am in no hurry, but it will happen. Not only do I believe it will happen, but an affirmation for you all to take home, from which I started my quest, is the following:


Please write it down and allow yourselves to evolve.

Another useful tool is to take a plain piece of A4 paper, and to write over and over each statement, in different colours, both negative and positive attributes, not only values, but habits, and affirmations of how you will overcome your past, accepting the repetition of reverting to dependencies and addictions; they are just traps, and the unconscious habits, stopping you achieve. If you are bored or lonely, you are not singing, drawing, reading and writing, trying to explain yourself to yourself, a bit like psychotherapy without the huge bill from a demure bo-chic therapist, who has nothing other than to reflect, what you know, but you can do it for yourselves if you try, by calming the mind and letting answers come. So, now you have stuck your A4 page on the wall, there is no need to read it until you are confused, but to know it exists, as a reminder.

Creation and our cosmos are such difficult subjects to deal with, to understand them we must return to the texts whether religious or evolutionary, either is valid, and not one dictates the other, so personally I am confused by Genesis for its seeming to be a metaphor, and yet see the whole as a beauty of its own, that only God can explain to me, one day, somewhere, somehow, without feeling peer pressure to re-instate school day education, and minds that wonder into conflict because they choose a different path. The answer to the cosmos and God is within music to me, both pre-dated and modern, and that is the closest thing we have to an answer to the cosmos. Music is both divine and holy, because it is a subliminal empowering, all encompassing medium, not of singularity but like the Bible has a personal biography when read in conjunction with a stifling problem, or conjunction of understanding oneself, too easily leading to misjudgement about who is God, what is God and where is God. God meant voice originally, so for the Jews the Synagogue was the calling place of God’s voice to be heard and understood. Like a Synagogue, Church, Cathedral or Mosque still is today.

I feel I can change you all, not to become Christian or believe in God, that has a lot to do with humanism of today, and talking of the Earth, but to be spiritual in some sense to begin with. The Bible helps some, the Bible may never help you! But if you do not understand we are all spiritual, then you will never come to grips with creativity; your calling in life, your spirit guides, by way of sign, not voice, and then maybe you will find God’s voice among the debris of the past, and realise it’s truly only love. Love is spiritual so remain with that. But imagine a world without music?

God means “I AM”, hence the previous affirmation. The Jews never mention the word, so I will stop there, but they say “I am, because I am” for example, and nothing more, it is so sacred it must not be said in that faction of religion, something unbelievably prophetic and sensical. And there is something important to be said about this, for if we force each other into belief systems that have no meaning, we will never understand each other.

We need communication and understanding.

I personally via any plausible telepathy, have no idea what you hear from/of me, but I do not understand my experiences at times. Accusation seems to keep this world spinning. I have no enemies, like water, I am here to help, in love and in kind. I have never had bad intentions towards another, or wanted to harm anyone, and since growing up I was always a peace maker. Not to be pushed over, but to allow others to be themselves, without judgement. The psyche makes us believe another human being is responsible for our ill health, then spirituality, and for some prayer will save them. Opinion, jealousy, and big-headedness all too often get in the way of progress. I am merely humble for my gifts, and just try to be a better person than yesterday.

A great celebration is required for me, in the not too distant future: friends and family, for recent achievements, in my personal life, yet similarly personal losses of work, depress my motivation to begin again and try to salvage 2 ½ years work of architecture, to which I am working on re-building, and so I am adroit at my meandering to relieve constant pain of loss, and hardship – not an accusation to name, but feel the trauma of feeling like I would have won far more easily without this personal loss. Not a title, but a life. If I had not become incandescent over recent short comings. Tests will not help anyone. We must accept we have all suffered and move on. So, I return to Ossie Davis, and say let us get down, and rise together.

Those walking away, I would recommend you look back and recall the love and prayers of those you are fighting for independence from. One day you will need them again. Those still loving you, will never be far away, and will always be ready to have good times again and again. And I remind you of this: it is not just a memory that binds you, but they have not stopped loving you; no matter what. Their presence is invisible, but just as you left them, and they felt your loss to succeed alone, you are forgiven, because they have forgiven themselves for your decisions. There is no competition, it is not one against one, but I against I. So, grow as you prefer, but please promise me everyone you will make the effort to help someone in desperate need, whether that’s on the bus, in the street, in the café, at the bookshop, at home, or in the workplace. For, if you have helped one man you have helped them all: (Mohammed).

To let go of the storm is to conquer all and so do not get way laid by lies and hypocrisy. Chaos only leads to disorder for the other, and order is the only thing we need right now. Organisation will save you. So, be re-born into whatever you aspire, in any form you prefer, and find your own heart in it. Be honest it is not only you who is suffering, but while everyone thinks they are helping, there is no shared empathy of suffering, to explain both sides of the story through open dialogue. There is far too much control of each other to say I will advise him or her because I know better, when you are doing it from a distance, and there is no context to the conversation. We are not shire horses working for each other, we are merely searching personal freedom, and so too easily we split, divide and forget to convene, commune and enjoy what we once had, and that can never be broken.

A language is not enough to define what it takes to do this, but those strong enough make a stand, are either right or wrong, we all come to public judgement as life becomes fairer in our cycles. Everyone cares, and has empathy, but if it doesn’t seem like they do then they are just suffering at that given moment so be patient. Never believe someone has more than you, because with all the possessions in the World, it just comes down to education. The wisest go empty handed, and yet I continually traipse around with a thousand books in my bag, to find I only needed one, I just didn’t know which one it was I needed. So, let us de-sexualise the problem and help platonically, jumping in bed, is never an answer to a mature solution when helping those who are more vulnerable. I offer mentoring, and advice to all those around me, and learn as much about myself, as what I project. It is about letting everyone be themselves and finding grounding. The most important part of this lesson, alongside our grapple with nature and man’s pollutive problem, is to express ourselves for we are all innocent of our views and expressions in a land of free speech, not assumption, Failure is something we never plan for, and so we persecute ourselves as if others are judging us, and again that is the human psyche, it just no-longer works , we must release ourselves from the prison cell we have made for us, break the chains, and look for the signs of good hope.

In fact, everyday we are growing and evolving to new realms of brevity and getting closer and closer to a world of love, kind, and harmony. In God or not in God, that is merely your own disposition. At once we are all the same, to get down and rise together.

For this is the return of communal love, the break down of barriers and fear, and to feel free, to succeed at last!


God bless you.

Love, AB, x.

Thanks be to God.

(And those who do not believe!)
