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106 Routine


We see regimen as a vexation, when in a dissenting mood, but this can be reversed by a smile and to put on a valiant joyous front. Once convinced we have ‘reasons to stay alive’ (Andy Burrows, and Matt Haig, 2018, album – Reasons to Stay Alive), and to gratify our early morning desires in a vice. We are of course, better to stretch, shower, eat breakfast, and clean our teeth. Our sleep hygiene becomes paramount to making our early morning rise become true. To settle down, do a body scan, read a book, low lights on, light relaxing classical music, sex, love, and an embrace.

The cumbersome point is wrangling with a day’s lack of hard work or entry into theoretical activity. The bastion of sleep is our teddy bear, and yet we feel old enough, not to take that too gravely. We need something intellectually moving, a party, a second-guess, a confession of a fantasy – the needless vim lightens the mood, and only aggravates others you are living with. Particularly if you are a night owl. So, we remise with mistakes of the day and comprehend we have not enjoyed the twist that ensues. Both a dance and a mindfulness of combined dark shadows and light movement, we analyse ourselves briefly, and for a moment feel free, before we move to the beat once again, and realise we have gone too far to reverse the spell, out comes the coffee, and we are smoking all night long, remembering the lyrics of a song. So, we realise we need down-time and to pensively apply ourselves to a good night’s rest. Yet, some of us, need the continuation of the party, never to let up, especially on waking up. I would say, positivity is a lot to do with a good night’s sleep and a return to the day, that spells out a positive intellect.

Getting up in the morning can be debaucherously disastrous, but it is important to keep our circadian rhythm going. To embrace the morning summer sun and to get outside for a cup of coffee and breakfast. To take flight with the bees for a honey pot and breeze through the trees. To be an early morning lark, is a kind occupation, as you have had your share of light sleep, deep sleep, and REM patterns. So, we get up and feel beautiful for the day ahead. Our biological processes recurring on a 24 hour cycle: our circadian rhythm, involves digestion, replenishing the kidneys, liver, and adrenal glands, and getting water to the organs and brain, pumping that blood around, with a healthy heart beat, and big lungs of oxygen, at night time. I often have a jug of squash before going to bed, before brushing my teeth. We can get into bed and analyse what we have eaten over the day: what fruit we have had, how much water we have had, whether we feel, rejuvenated, rehydrated, and relinquished.

An alien getting to know itself again, is an important lesson to the vice taker. Our motivation for the day, will be a great deal improved if we have slept, but if, like me, we like to sleep in, then we need a mental note of what we are to achieve in the day to get us out of bed. An affirmation like: “I will achieve nothing here, if I do not get out of bed, I will imagine I have already had a shower, and kick myself into gear”, may help. You can come up with your own. And so, we start as we mean to go on.

The envelope seals us down at night ready to depart for a mind of dreams. We seal ourselves into bed and make a prayer, promise, or wish for the succeeding day. A florist makes flowers in our minds, and then we are riding the helter-skelter with flowers in our hair, until we fall and momentarily wake up. The course of time. Then it is straight back to sleep, to a dreamland of more vivid friends and family. Maybe, a sexual fantasy: with her back-up, feeling those boobs, hard on, writhing and penetrating your old friend from University. The days and nights go on.

We can manage time with simple arithmetic. Adding up the minutes and hours until we have a fully scheduled and organised framework. Maybe making a spreadsheet of work and fun, and meetings to be done. To cover all bases and fill our day with life heartening tasks. We lack the spontaneity of a day off to while away the time, chatting and doing nothing at all, but we can break the rules and divert our attention as long as we prioritise what is most important and to get back to some structure – otherwise we are just putting things off until the next day, and that will not do. So, we want to be calm at night, with good sleep hygiene, making ourselves prepared, and to awake feeling positive about the day – a day filled with good hard work, expressing our charismatic virtues, and never faltering far from our busy schedule. For work is a festivity, a gathering, and a celebration of life, and so, we can go on in that vain. It is mesmerising how easy life is once we have our protocol in place, and how enjoyable things are. It seems preposterous, on analysis, why we cannot cope with an early morning and good night’s sleep, so let us try tonight. You should be reading this piece of writing, outside the hours of 22:00 – 06:00, for good sleep.

Remember, sleep makes us beautiful beings and a belief we are ugly inside, will only put things off, keep up the routine, for, it is a formula, with the power of positivity.

X + Y = Z

X = Sleep, Y = Positivity, Z = beauty.

FP x