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92 Sacred

92 The Sacred Within

A dedication is owed to Eckhart Tolle, who’s ideas from YouTube, inspired some of the text.

My parity does not begin with me, but the inequality I see, towards myself, in comparison to others. This is not to herald gain, once aboard my boat to the other land, but to resort to profits of a prophecy, first and foremost of finding a sacred within me. Someone thinks deep inside themselves, where, there is a sacred realm.

Exodus 3:14

‘And God said unto Moses: I AM THAT I AM; and He said: “Thus shalt say unto the children of Israel: I AM hath sent me unto you.”’i

We look deep inside ourselves, to carve open our bodies and insert our own emotionally responsive, weathervane as the wind blows, in and out, directing our path. For, the blood drives us.

‘Too fidgety the mind’s compass_R.S. Thomas’ii

The supposition that the dichotomy of the human and divine acts through the mind is supplanted in our thoughts by use of language, a transparent commodity. But I use this pen to write in black ink, upon white page – the merriment and the deluge of God’s word and the blood of man in bone, make’s our divine source, the heart of all mankind. And fair shedding one cannot and never deny the hearts following of the mind’s inevitable tides of emotional dismay with a longing for one’s own heart to be cherished and abounded in love.

‘People try to get away from it all – to the country, to the beach, to the mountains. You always wish that you could too. Which is idiotic: you can get away from it anytime you like. By going within. Nowhere you can go is more peaceful – freer of interruptions – than your own soul. Especially if you have other things to rely on. An instant’s recollection and there it is: complete tranquillity. And by tranquillity, I mean a kind of harmony. . ..

. . . And among the things you turn to, these two:

i. That things have no hold on the soul. 

They stand there unmoving, outside it.

Disturbance comes only from within –

from our own perceptions.

ii. That everything you see will soon alter

and cease to exist. Think of how many

changes you’ve already seen.

“The World is nothing but change. Our life is only perception.” . . . 

Where else could they come from? The earth that composes me derives from the earth. . .

So, I thought must derive from somewhere else as well.’iii

Our perception of nature is born in our spirit, like the way of the Tao, we instinctively know how to do our task, by practice, like the tools of Mother Nature, continually constructing, deconstructing and rebuilding it’s supplant on superseding the world’s libraries of science, evolving into new being, just as we slowly do, from man to man, a new version. But our addiction to thinking, the greater addiction of all, leads us to self-presence from a sense of self, and not to understand more, but not to think, beyond being and to accept the present moment in the mind, for its simplicity. Thinking may not disappear entirely, but awareness becomes primary. This allows us to think of our mind and heal in time, or a mind, waiting and achieving forgiveness for the past and making future prospects achievable, planning all the great things one can do, and one can be doing; logging this in the subconscious, making a symbol, to allow the time and money, it would take, the two biggest restrictions and stressors in modern life, but through the creative spirit of the act, of making something.

‘Geometry and astronomy help the city dwellers to learn.

By making solids in rotation come after plane surfaces, before we’d taken solids in and by themselves. The correct order is to go on from two dimensions to three, which presumably takes us to where we find cubes, and anything that has depth.’iv

To have depth, is to see the light at the end of the tunnel. To observe oneself in a relationship, as a philosopher, and to analyse the depth to which care resides in you, and simultaneously the depth to which you express care, is to find one’s purpose. Not to belittle, but to know everyone is fragile, and so to make the relationship kindle one would seek a reflection in each other. If they cannot find a reflection, are you basing your relations on a compromise? Someone, beyond your twin flame, feeling lazy, not to work together, as a team. Making problems beyond those which exist in the world and not uttering, the words: ‘I Love You’, at least every day.

1 John 4:18

‘There is no fear in love; complete love drives out fear. Fear has to do with punishment, and anyone who is afraid has not been completed in love.’v

The ego, of the behavioural expectation of one special person, and the sexuality of physical form are important. But the sacred unknowing of knowing everything in unrequited universal love, is more important. Like, a universal love of all, but the domesticity of the tight programme of the house, concedes, from the local perspective; all is made correctly, and so the suffering stops. Love moves on, but there will always be a depth of longing for the innocence of the stillness and presence of recognising perfect love for the first time, and later with another.

To repair our hearts, we must recognise the rivers flow, and the stones being worn at the bottom of the river, as our feet take a few thousand steps every day. It takes approximately 16 seconds for oxygenated blood to reach the feet from the heart. There are simply billions of galaxies: to predict life elsewhere would be reasonable. So, who is walking on water? What life exists? Is the Universe a centre of healing broken hearts? But consciousness helps us, to stay in the moment, and bring effervescent tidings back to the self, with a bank of memories, like, a box of photographs, mixtapes, smells, taste, touch, sound and vision of the person you miss. To take action to move on, from the ego’s blind enlarging of the relationship, when one can see the minutiae of a new relationship. The brain swelling, of using vices to believe in rekindling the relationship, something not true, is a dogma, that one must let go of. If there is to be a new creativity, one must ride the wave of a tide inside, as:

‘the Secret of life, is to have no fear.’vi

Now I am comparing less myself and my relationships to others, and I am on the other land. This is the journey into the now.

When we have a strong bond, from a past relationship and it was easy to love, we know all. Unlike, if you are reading this, and consciously trying to make the change into love, man-made love, lead by the physical mind, not the heart. The love of this kind has no depth to it, and seeks no real sacred within, it will take the release of an insouciant oxymoron, to find out the relationship just does not work. When that bond, from the past, is broken to always live for that person. We live with the Tao, and the flow of life, to inaugurate as the Bible speaks of Perfect Love.



i The Jewish Publication Society of America, Translation by, Anonymous, The Torah, Kuperard, 2004, London, UK, p.112.

ii Laird, Martin, Into the Silent Land, Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd., London, UK, &, Oxford University Press, USA, 2006, p.19.

iii Aurelius, Marcus, Meditations, AW&N Paperback, UK, 2003, p.41,43,46.

iv Rowe, Christopher, Translated by, Plato & Socrates, Plato’s Republic, Penguin Classics, London, UK, 2012, 528a/528b, p.258.

v Wright, Tom, Translated by, The New Testament for Everyone, SPCK, London, UK, 2011, p.532.

vi Kuti, Fela, & Afrika 70, Fear Not for Man, Fear Not for Man LP, Knitting Factory Records, USA, 1977.