227 Save

227 Save

Remember to SAVE your work!

If the World were full of hero’s and heroines it would only take two turns to save the planet: his and hers. When we’re sworn to secrecy about voices not heard or overseen, then we share introspectively - but feel none of the change in the imagined order. Maybe I see the World through rose-tinted glasses; because adults are sensible old beings without the wisdom of a younger man or woman. It takes reasonable evidence over emotions, to blame the system. Emotional baggage is expected to be dealt with, but under an attack of the nervous system - one can find hereditary problems return. So, let’s save hedonism for those with Christ - in his holy name, we are righteous to follow the herd to the clubs and pubs and have a party.

When the party is over, the peel is circumstance in a heavenly abode - ready for the next one. It takes friends to make it work, and to satisfy one’s soul without provocation or shared experience, less showing your love to one another, than becoming it.

To really save this planet, means making educated choices based on the science. Feeling composed about our party with the environment is essential. The children - I bet, cannot wait to party in their new found healing environment. But staying clean is inherent in any party saving mind. And staying clean on the re.

There are cartoons for the children, but it would be better to act out on film a hero’s life. As, a memo to what lies in our children’s hearts and minds as an amoebic response to their home and the parts of planet earth they have already seen and are used to, to be recognised for their loves and attitudes to the world.

What lies at the centre of saving your computer work, and the world, and yourselves and family, and your children from ongoing psychological agony is a good way to save others. The Lord talks about the truth, the life and the way. And these three factors are inherent to our well being and given direction. No-longer walking aimlessly - the streets at night. Or with our bug-bares.

The whole picture is most important, why a hero is so gracious. A whole picture and its fortitude of clocks, with both positives and negatives thrown in. And of course, a hierarchy for a young bachelor or bachelorette - or at any age, for who we are and what we believe in, is so important to us, never forgetting a parents’ important lesson. Of space, our nurture - self and others, and us, our nature - place and time.

Thanks be to God.


Love AB x

228 Assume

228 Assume

226 Freedom

226 Freedom