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24 Solitude



It will come my dear!

Appear and disappear.


It starts as a vanquishing dream to covert ones appearance, as if an epiphany in motion were a timeless spell of indignation.  There, per chance comes a break in the sugar beat, just as slavish kind fell swoon, but became outdated in the plight for racial equality and a daily living on a global scale.  There exists a despondent player in the midst of it all appearing and disappearing, as if by magic culminating in personal growth and death of an idea to exacerbate the glory of God.  A terrorist sits lonely in their room making way for better visions as we learnt from Jim Foley, trapped, this time not alone, but 'rationing the reason' (Nick Mulvey 2017) to find only a death trap.  He was unfortunately brutally killed on 22nd November 2012, thanks-giving day by an apparent english ISIS member.  So many times solitude can be mixed with ideas of dystopia, as if making a man depended on the pure sanctity of loneliness.  Solitude is far from lonely and allows some interaction, when in the company of self and a good living.  There are said to be philosophers, such as Spinoza, Santayana, and Shopenhauer who lived subsistence lives and enjoyed their study on their own most if not all of the time.  


The tranquil of making is our own and becomes an ownership of space, place, time and mind, that regrettably are not our own when in the turmoil of possessive natures through fear.  Our growth from a baby allows us free reign in solace to take heed of the mightier powers that be and to find a little grace as a quiet and content human being.  To polarise this experience it takes often until we are in our middle ages to find it again; as if perfection were taken from us too soon as a sign of the following: self-responsibility, growing up and the challenge of our own mortality growing into a pubescent being looking for stimulus, often getting way laid from hard work, and walking the keen but treacherous road of teenage years.


I will come my dear!

Appear and disappear,

For whence thou is insincere,

I will beckon my dear!


I will come in tribes,

Appear and disappear alive,

For whence thou conscribes,

I will bring my tribe!


I will come my wife,

Appear and disappear,

For whence thou is rife,

I will command my wife!


The prologue describes: 'It will come my dear, appear and disappear!'  Is this perfunctory or vivid?  Imaginative to a lesson of love!  One of appearing in a room and then disappearing to another.  The tranquil of making is solitude.  The solitude of two's company can help the wandering mind but it is the disciplined individual that shows no trope and discovers the world as it is.  A sobering mind of all reckoning beckons back, to the days of sole traders busying in their nests of locus making.  Genius Loci presents a surface of this planet of makers in solitude.  Even the manager is a designer in solitude surrounded by brains of distinction.  The genius locus carries a responsibility to material, craft and method of making.  The Queen can see her emblem on many a fine local craft, and where once there was the locality of sales, now the global market replaces that, and begins, ever so slightly to make its way to local craftsmen and women.  The lone trader began as one, and continues to make his or her mark, the makers mark at all bequest to royalty and beyond: a legacy in making.  The guilds are all that umbrella the sole traders in solitude.  For today there are the following specific guilds: like the furniture makers, music producers, writers, broadcasting press, picture editors, and the independent publishers guild.  What was once a merchants life is now in the hands of those in the service industries as well, albeit craft is involved.


We must imagine the workplace, as a place of cohesion, as well as a place of individuals.  Our vocations, are our living right to exist and be represented in our chosen field.  Individuals for whom without the right support will not become bright young things unless nurtured.  After all the individual mind does wander, and simultaneously as Descartes describes in his theory on Animalia, the mind like an animal's, becomes a cog in a series of networks that: build bridges, make clothes, sell chocolate, and even brew beer.  The form of the sole trader has not changed and is ever more prevalent in the tranquil of solitude today as we make way for changes under and over ground.  A mini revolution from one's shed.  It makes many a head turn to see what a startup is capable of.  Animalia on the other hand as cogs persist to work, would be a better name for the current zeitgeist aside from consumerism, information and technology.  Aside from pastiche, tradition and systems builds in construction.  And aside from black rights, women's equality, and green living politically.  Animalia is a system of thermal, wind, sun, rain, water, ice, snow, comfort and design proofing; to ensure the animal is well kept before it keeps the people.  A furry friend not furry dice if you know what I mean by a 'machine for living' (Le Corbusier 1923).


Monism comes in three forms: Neutral (Spinoza), Idealistic and Materialistic.  But Neutral Monism is a belief in one kind of ultimate reality, like a shared reality, although more ultimate than just perception. Medication, drugs, alcohol, even cigarettes change our perception but these are not true states of happiness and may be in line with altruistic behaviour.  Occasionally associated with the extreme diametric poles of the proletariat and ex-aristocracy but more predominantly the first.  They begin to sway perceptions into superfluity and damnation, just as tolerance allows and disallows us to more or less easily overcome obstacles in real reality.  The ontological parsimony of Ockham's Razor: not to use too many words, and not to multiply entities beyond necessity, make Neutral Monism very attractive.  Even here at Monouni we will be slimming down to get into our Springtime swimsuits and, becoming more minimal.  For mind over matter is matter over mind, and are always in equal force.