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160 Stillness


Is there enough salt in the heavy water of the ocean to keep it clean? That only sheds blue light out of blue and red. Do some fish see the sea as red? The red of the ocean is it’s constant motion, undercurrents, and top tides, foaming with the waves, let’s catch that next rip curl, especially a good winter sport!

Pot, Kettle, Coast, is a compendium of poetry under Soundcloud’s platform through the Video link on the site. It talks of God, pollution, the braveness of a child: etc. through brevity. If I were a King, I would put this World back together again by my leading example, and that is what I will do; to do that I must first take advice. To write my own happy narrative. Someone once told me only joy exists, maybe I am unique to find true happiness, which is obtainable through the zeitgeist of containment and to truly contain your inner contentment the whole time.

Is sex of greater prevalence than love through the mind, not the heart. Is a turn-on true love, for the infatuation to satisfy each other? It is neither-nor, but to be in each other’s company.

“We are no-longer under the ripple effect of the surface ego.”

Many famous people reading this blog may know Eckhart Tolle. But I suspect there is something they do not know about him and so this post is dedicated to one of his teachings, available by email sign up: to Eckhart Tolle Now, no fee required, a promotional video, entitled: Awakening the Essence Identity, 2:00 hours long, this informative speech is quoted highly here for its beautiful insight. (Tolle, Eckhart, Awakening of Essence Identity, 2021). Quotes are a surmise of his teachings:

He is a happy man and enjoys to tribulate over the mind and it's suffering. We need positive, creative, high-vibrational thinking in the realm of life.

“To go up in consciousness, i.e., presence is healing. You are breathing and alive. Take all past thoughts, all future thoughts, out of your mind and be at one with yourself in the present. Try hard to let go, and look around you. So, what does it feel like to be you? Beyond concepts but living by the senses. We are in the ‘deep I’ where we just know that we are. You are now conscious of being conscious. This is the: ‘essence identity’. No-longer consider yourself a physical, psychological: ‘form identity’, but know yourself as consciousness. It is deep rootedness to the Earth and its natural landscape, in being. Be in touch with the transcendent dimension.”

One can make magic happen. Sometimes I am lost and do not feel deep enough, with daily routine, but that comes with time. This exercise is guided, so please return to it occasionally; it helped me to stop rushing emotionally. There is a reason for anger. Burning, like we all do at some point in our lives, is just starting a war – particularly with yourself, and your alter ego. We incorporate things into our own identity like children, now let go of them and re-design in your own mind to find answers of what is autonomous and anonymous. I have a strong identity, but is it just narcissism? Narcissus identified his image with his identity, there are so many more parts to me. But image is everything in the lands of icon, and yet that is not who we are in essence.

So, I have been sold a dream by my family, which I cannot afford, but humans have a relationship with themselves, that allows them to rise out of depravity. My life has always been based around a lack of money. I never, like most have enough, but I will be found one day. I believe in God, who will bring me wealth. God talks to me in my thoughts and civilizations begin: and began with the grain of a hillside stone settlement in the Middle East. I am at home, like a Bedouin monk, on the verge of discovery! So, I carry a happy self.

“People tend to carry a burden, of ‘my life’ from various problems: parents, life has treated me bad, I have lost faith; never do that. You cannot stop thinking about all the bad things that have happened to you. But it is a conceptual reality of moving thoughts. So, you say to yourself: ‘one day, my life situation will restore itself’, an unconscious state.”

“It is the narrative we tell ourselves that makes us unhappy. Getting ready for the winter: your interpretation is that it will not work out well, but just let it be, it is a very important season for the plants and wildlife. It is the mind created self when we need presence and awareness to study it and enjoy it.”

The ego knows solipsism: this explains self-surrounding luck and coincidence as if our ego were the only one on this planet, when we are all heroes.

“So, we want the world, ‘others’, to make us happy. But Buddha stated: ‘everything is impermanent’. The World is not here to make you happy, but confront you with obstacles, to make you conscious. It is easy to think everyone is OK except me: ‘I need to worry’. Worry is just unconscious, totally, unnecessary, thinking.”

“Time does eventually kill us.”

But some of us who are so happy, are resistant to ageing quickly, so de-stress and be in the present; time drifts fast, before you know it your children have grown into men and women. So, we sing, hold our hearts, and put our hands up open to the air in righteousness to God.

“Time is a thought of the mind. It is always though, the present moment. No explorer has found the future: future and past are a form of thinking. Fundamentally you have a life situation, with a proportion of suffering, but more importantly you have a life: inseparable from the present moment. The ego disappears, you do not complain, and you find challenges easy.” . . . .

 . . . when your bourgeoisie self-forgets the bourgeoisie and remains present in the moment.

“A Kingdom then, is a dimension, when Jesus talked about the Kingdom of heaven, he meant the Kingdom within: an inner dimension. So, once you have practiced stillness, you become a true creator, channelling the conscious practice of thought into form, of a deeper, dimension, of the universe: ‘the light of God’. And the end of suffering.”

Lots of love AB x


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Tolle, Eckhart, The Power of Now, Namaste, 1997, Excerpt: The Power of Now A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment - Eckhart Tolle | Official Site - Spiritual Teachings and Tools For Personal Growth and Happiness