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167 Sun

167_Sun_’The Centrifugal force’.

The simple truth is we do not realise how powerful we are over the egotistic things we do, the crawling of each other, the weightiness of our unfathomed desires, for retribution in loneliness and internal dilemma.

Without God you are empty or feel dependant on someone or something else. Your ego runs your life of worldly possessions, status, but for the Magnificat: ‘my soul magnifies the Lord’. Why are we taking the Lord as an abundance of things and colloquy of egoism betterment? Why can we not reach deeper to our souls? Is it the question of Religion over Christianity, that religion is prescriptive and restricts us, while Christianity releases us back to God and revives our spirit, to let go of our, past? Let us not be too sad to rid this World of chemical warfare in petroleum, and medications, chemicals to sustain us in a false suspense, but be real with our deluge of toys.

What is a sad song? Not a happy song, or just melancholic for its existence next to the heavy pumping house track. So, it is less egoistic, more beautiful, and less false in its predicament.

There will be a long and meaningful transition into eco-commerce and its rise to the mass-majority, it is almost still the alternative, because it is made correctly, and does not cut corners like the average commercial product. So, we will pay for technology, if given the chance to advance our minds into the future, so, surely, we can solve the problem of packaging and making genuine, original products as a reasonable commodity for the masses: organic and green. It is a requirement not an excuse for a better future.

So, our egos are suppressed by a zeitgeist of nature, because for once, while the product is still conceptual, and of the mind, the outcome is it must be prioritised for nature’s ways, not as a result, of our doing to nature. Therefore, there is a natural harmonious pattern to follow in nature and to be studied by all of us in our spare time.

A rising song, while fun, can race us to adrenaline, when we need to look in our backyard and face the reality of itself and its lack or lustre for more nature, to encourage the bees back, and the animals, the plant life, trees and attach ourselves to those things we grow ourselves to nurture the nature.

There is something unique to me that is: ‘congruence & riposte’ in my Gemini stance. Riposte, not so, much retaliation as a comeback in congruence and accord with authority of the planet. Governance, yes! But more so doing the right thing for the sign of the times.

Today, these are just self-inflicted tests through Christs Consciousness, on God and the Truth: My future promise of opportunity and not a synthetic belief system, but an original, genuine belief system that puts my heart in the prayer of those others suffering and needing opportunity. Serendipity can be hard to find, but I want to perform. These self-inflicted tests are expanding my soul to new depths of suffering, to understand others through self-compassion. It is a catalyst to a rising memory that works on pain for the sake of God. For God: to learn lessons in love, for making heaven expansive rather than narrow and didactic.

There is very little forgiveness through the struggle, and so, as God said: Matthew 3:15-17 NIV,

“Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfil all righteousness.”

Then John consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said,

“This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

‘I Feel Love’, for God, and his 12 apostles. Just as I would not be here without my sibling and friends, for they love us. We all want to do everything in life and be invincible, sometimes we must accept that is the impossibility of life, and make our settlement known to be one of a virtuous occupation in time and space. With your inner self-contained contentment there is nothing to prove.

The voice is the efficiency of the people, and who talks wins does not hold true, but who communicates, and feels they have expressed their emotion, and rejoiced with others to feel satisfied, and held back to retain a little goodness for themselves.

So, God and not God speaks to me, and I must decipher the few words of wisdom he claims for me, among his disciples. I am awakened to God, and ready to rise. The ethics of believing in God are good intention, for we are all sinners, but to do the opposite to what the mind wants, is the split of now, the unethical, mis-environmental, anti-body of the human condition, just once more to get it out of my system. “I cannot cope”, yes you can, make it simple, and meaningful, make it complex and dally. We are just us, ourselves and to know we are all here, as ourselves with good intentions, no matter what has been instigated to obscure us, an obstacle, a battle, or underground deterrent from this blissfulness, (Dad). We can rise and be ready for the next generation of eco-warriors, and truth speakers.

So, I must remove something to make this whole. I do rise, all music is good for us. If it is sad, we feel sad, but some are tuned into different levels of compassion. With “I” to fight, for justice now peace is the next movement, we wish all those at COP26 the highest regard to sort the future out and to recharge us ready for an even quicker demonstration of how we can reach our goal before deadlines are too late, by yesterday, not tomorrow.

A True, Green and Blue Planet.


AB x