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04 Theory




Abstract means to be of a permanent quality, taken in briefly, moved by the trajectory like the velocity of a composition.


Why do we ask questions?  Because we want to help?

And receive the answer we want to hear, by not helping.

We receive an abstracted inner truth, but not the normal outer monist reality.  That inner truth, abstracted by expression and others inner perception shows a glance, whilst the outer reality helps us to get by but is it true?  We come and go in waves, and for those who live in an inner hell how we come across becomes less prevalent until we find our solace in another we love.  Until we can express a true happiness in love.


Gather yourself together, and Koban 'give to god'.


Insanity is said to be doing something on repeat but expecting a different outcome.  However, the abstract is always re-interpreted, re-expressed in a new slightly different sunlight, context, frame of mind, and relative to a billion light fractures, resonances, changes in air-temperature, air pressure, sight, sound, and inner-vision.  Therefore, is it the same result or just entitled 'untitled 002/003'.  Is it a personal signature recognised through a healthy repetition?  Our lives are very repetitive so must be mad, however sanity means we know what to expect! 


We must not dwell in the amygdala, 'fight or flight’, but we must also not lose our inner child.  It is a hard part of growing up but to let it go means we can be king and queen, with tranquillity 'or' as our foreplay, our forte, our forever.  In company.


Is Abstract the self-perception of rationality?  Not a universal rationality.  Something more sensible, refined, and therefore steeped in history and tradition through our evolution into civilization.  It might not be.  It could be deemed the eye of the artist, someone with talent.  Do drugs add to this context, an expansion of the mind.  To be out of it, to find the onomatopoeia of rhythmic consequence for what struggle means.  The quintessence of our very existence.  Or is it the naivety of a child?  Or aim from all experience, and visual recognition from the history of abstract art?  Do we aim or naively draw?  Therefore, does everything go, and everything abstract is good, or just personal to us?


Restraint is important as an adult.  Not to be thwarted by an overactive ego, an overactive mind, but a considered palette of what we know works best.  Discipline.  Are we therefore becoming Worldly and Universal?  Maybe, if the universe were abstract.  Which it is, because we know from Wilson, and Penzias' Big Bang hiss recorded in 1964 by their horn antenna, there is no steady state, but an abstract moment of creation.  If there is a beginning is there an end, and we must all conjure ourselves to fight for life.  Not particularly sane or healthy, but 'no one knows when we go?' Lau and Elysian Quartet, The Bell That Never Rang (Live).  There are aliens underground in the dark, and there is life above and around us in the dark matter?  Or is there?  There could be and we should not be frightened.  Dark matter makes the universe abstract.  The space.  Space itself.  So, gravitational cyclones (My theory) protect the stars at the outer circumference of spiralling galaxies making those stars travel faster through universal gravitational weather.  Just as our heads and bodies, retract, and expand with energy, dancing to be energetic.  Moving and making.


There is an abstractness about the Universe for its primitiveness.  Just as we were once primitive.  Now is the Universe no-longer primitive, is it expanding or collapsing?  It no-longer is primitive, and will possibly, or surely collapse! Sorry! The worst news is not how we go, salvation exists, so do behave yourselves please!  But what we see may have already died it is so far away, spooky.  Is abstraction therefore joy or pain, within the containment of the atmosphere, it is a joy, but maybe comes from pain of not knowing, not knowing ourselves.  Is it inherent in all of us?  It is not an inner-critics context to justify a universal example of bad abstractionism because it was just something funny, nice, or surprising that marks time from the perspective of an individual.  There is of course a universal truth to these abstractionism's if the universe is abstract itself, from what we can conclude it is. 


Is the abstract in nature?  Or human inner-nature?  Creation.  We hope at Monouni to be discovering more truth about Creation, by following the signs in the coming weeks of May 2017, stay tuned, until ‘Universe’:32 is up.  Could it in fact be a form of reproduction.  Sex, sex, and more sex!  The pleasure, the loss of nervousness through the overcoming of an orgasm.  The sensations in the body, between bodies, body on body.  Is porn abstract? Or education or just a drug?  It is probably more than that, an image of sex, a perfect image by choice and preference, and perception.  There is however a spent feeling from sex, if we are not in love.  The overuse of porn!  But it is like creation, it is healthy to have lots of sex, it is healthy to grow your appetite.  I'm not sure I agree with multiple marriages but call me old fashioned!  I just like to keep my lady to myself, and then you know them intimately without handing them over, like an object. Be careful of polyamory.


We have discussed beyond insanity to repetitive satisfaction.  Is it a symbol of life to be abstract?  An effigy.  Or is it art for art's sake?  A commodity.  Or as we know from the story of creation, something sublime.  To appreciate, as a, and as creation.  Can you universally find an abstract answer?  Man and Woman, and baby.  Or is abstract art something shown to, but not perceived by the viewer and consumer.  It is exactly that face of god, that god, you, your perception of that work that makes it abstract because it is presented as someone’s abstraction to be re-interpreted as someone else's abstraction of life.


Abstract means to be of an ephemeral quality, taken in briefly, moved by the trajectory like the velocity of a tangent to a slope, by a composition.  That velocity is what dictates when we will collapse.  But for now, let us remember the parallelism of Moon and Lilith, Object and Shadow, Man and God, God and Woman, working from a drawn mark, to a 3dimensional womb to hold this all up.  Through the belief of two people making something together, from one we came, to two we remain.  Here is to us, true love, and destiny, to grow creatively just as the creator made something into and out of us!  A drawing?  Or a model?

