135 Abuse

135 Abuse


Why am I here? Neither to abuse nor be abused!

I keep doing almighty epoch-making renowned things and then I let someone down. Under a deuter age, life is full of dichotomies, oppositions, split, contrary polarities, otherwise we too are one-way more than the other of a liberal society. The split is the manipulation of another, by force. So, is devolution one of a political split? Should it exist? It is a culture split, and the current temperance of a universal mind split. By consecration on devout Christianity, and yet, a cultural background of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll. I sit in the middle of equal politics and fair game. Am I sex driven? Am I driven by heresy? Am I, morally right?

To be trustworthy, to do well, to try hard, to be clean, to resist drugs, to not drink excessively, to know right from wrong, to treat women well, to always tell the truth, to not destroy property. I have courage, I keep my promises, I do not cheat, I treat others as I want to be treated, I do not judge, I am dependable. I am forgiving, I have integrity, I take responsibility for my actions, I have patience, I am loyal, I have respect for myself and others, I am tolerant of differences, I seek justice, I have humility, and I am generous. These are all qualities I have, so what am I worried about?


This abuse of a nature of force over others comes down to drugs and a lack of moral standing. It can also be down to sex or partying too hard. The cleavage, or the fracture lines, start to be associated with the abuse of a victim’s lack of understanding as to how they should be treated, because they do not know what to expect, and that is not right. It is a mental prison. To have governance over oneself, is to be able to predict one’s own happiness all of the time, not just sometimes. We are all here trying to perfect our lives, so let us go on perfecting.

Auto-revelation to make clear what we do to each other and ourselves as an explanation of understanding, when the abuser in smug righteousness, of an ulterior kind, stops us from progressing and keeps the accused static, when we need to work with each other through flow. This flow will allow us to be free, even carefree, to trust and adore each other in love.

Conspiracy is against the law, and makes up the majority of the pseudo-comedy of the game, this is no fun for the victim of the abuse, because vast amounts of drugs, game theory, a steal and ‘Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress – iied’, (against civil law) is attributed to two or more perpetrators. Neither of them is really listening to the victim’s requirement for change, amongst the many entertained. And now we have the Virtual Sex Offence Act controlling our virtual fantasies, stopping spiritual foreplay and generally making us more monogamous to a degree that we can find true love, and live happily with respect for each other’s bodies, and minds, the soul.

I will not be joining my abuser for more abuse, of a condescending, “apple-tree”, schoolyard kind. If only they could grow up. They think they were the first man or woman here, and none of us believe their claims, we were not born yesterday. There is no trap, I choose not to participate. We are not marinating, Jeus is just a creative response to Jesus, to find a new sanctity in Christianity. I am not dead because I have never been dead. My free will is my own, my likes and loves are based on how you treat me. So, treat me well please, as you know and I know what it takes.

Old habits die hard because there is a direct connection between escapism and self-abuse. This leads to a chain effect, participating in agoniser’s and antagoniser’s of oxidation of the brain. Making your blood full of free-radicals, toxins, and stimulants, to control mood, and cause gland problems, stopping white blood cells – leukocytes, being made, and leading to madness, with a poor immune system. It comes from the desire for a child-like excitement, a complete immaturity in drug addicted parents. Therefore, neglecting and abusing a child. Relying on one of two of the parents to be a fixer, and one or both to be permanently high. Resisting a regular healthy diet, and the child going hungry. It is a form of madness that kills. We are here to be sacrificial to our children and therefore, to think straight when we save ourselves to teach them correctly.

Magical realism then is subjective, but a beautiful creation to enjoy. If we did something with this high, it would be half the battle, now imagine doing everything right without it. Now, is not the time to be taking drugs, as we gather for real love, and festive cheer at Christmas. We must think twice over making a fool of ourselves, when karma, calm and behaviour make real lives better.

We can break the future into two – the fearless, and the fearful. The fun of the game is to ridicule another’s anger. So, stay calm, civilise yourself, and tell yourself: ‘I have proved myself, which is more than I can say of you!’ As you are trying to learn more right now, so be a good student to everyone. No ‘could’, ‘should’, or ‘would’, but I can, I will, and I want. I want change. We need love not drugs, and to come to God as a child, in love. We can still be loving and young at any age, this is not a prescription in demure overly done maturity.

I will from now on, take responsibility for myself, for I am a child of time, when God was in his prime, my mime is my shard, but remember your intentions, I have never abused, but got carried away at times. I am not to blame but feel a little messed about with. So, do not cajole, especially a child in to doing something you want them to do, feel, or act on. We are done with abuse in this country, now is the time to explain yourself?!


AB x

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