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143 Decree


The observable Universe seems to go back to about 13.8 billion years, but we really know it is older than that, if we consider the lack of research into our own intuition.

The Cosmos produces a baby star every 6 seconds, or a billion, every 190.25875 years, and a 100,000 stars die every similar period, for every billion, (1 every 1.90258 years = 22.83096 months), an increase of 10,000%: Creation is happening! It is an ever-growing cosmos, waiting on the Lord.


People like to be validated, people like to be heard. Are we all control freaks over our inner turmoil of emotions to constantly ride-out? Relax and accept people are different only in the contents of their ego’s, their differing beliefs, and so their perceptions constantly change. Until we in-still constant empathy over evil, to be cool. Do not let things wear you down! We tend to expect the same from each other so, praise thanks over those who have gone further to help, and who’ve praised you.

Save yourself for the positive things ahead if the negative emotions overrule you right now. And believe things will work out with excitement in your heart. Do not set yourself up to fail. We all have plans to see our entire collective, inspirers and associates again over the coming years, however we can, even if it is only by Zoom. Ultimately, do not feel depressed – the pub and shops are open ready for that fresh haircut; so, mosey on down everyone!

Do not be provoked by guilt, but see it as an exciting treat, even if there are only a few of you in town, you can chat and converse, about what it was like the last time you were there. Resist temptation to buy everything, and only buy one or two nice things you know you would like, now is the time to save money.

Men are infamous for creating good images, and women for making good deeds. But how do we know if we have done enough? Maybe we should turn that paradigm on its head. Have we had enough rest? Done enough self-care? Do not forget, you could find it stressful going back into the big wide world. So, enjoy it – almost force yourself to, and de-stress. Know your role. Do one thing at a time. If you have not gone out yet – then you are still recharging, working hard in the background, and building those anti-bodies for COVID-19. Perfectionism is control, but we all aim for it, so produce one good thing a day right now. A friend of mine said: “She has 6 spoons in her hand, to count the good tasks she does for her family, throughout the day, the rest is hers”. Not bad advice, I am on more of a constant goodness, and leave the evening to relax, but enjoy my day, the whole day through. Remember to focus on ‘me’ time.


We talked about control, so, you need a decree:

‘I am love’.

‘I am being held in the loving arms of my God’.

‘I am strong’.

‘I am whole’.[i]

Decrees make change happen as opposed to petitions asking for change, well, that makes sense. But I want you to positively use these decrees to yourself on the street and believe in them. If you know of someone suffering, let them know you know about these decrees, and be relevant to yourself, and come up with your own if you want. People do not want to be pitied, so you can give empathy at all times of the day and night.

Now, control comes back again and again to instruction: the mind either adheres or rebels and should at, 99.9% of the time, follow instruction unless being coerced or abused. There is commonly a strong difference. So, do not instruct the wrong thing. You can also write out your decrees as a poem, as we see in so many fashionable positivist, life affirming quotations, and mindfulness prayers. Here is my mindful prayer to you today:

Lord, please let me feel the love and care of this World, without fear.

Let me identify the problem.

Stop the unpredictability, do not let me control or pre-empty other’s reactions, but let them be, in and as themselves, helping them by lighting their way.

Do not let me feel nervous.

Living my life normally, and in congruence with others, like family, friends, associates, and the entire population of this World.

Do not let me hide but be seen and heard in your World as witness to my esteem for you Lord.

Let me live, with resistance for poverty, the poor struggle, the struggle of deprived nations, and let me reign true and good in this World of yours: Lord.

All thanks be to God.



Decree Poem:

I am love.

I am wanten.

I need you to know.

I do care as you grow.

But let me come with you.

Let me find my solace in time.

For big earnings.

And attributive care.

For one and all.

It’s your cell.

But this is perfect.

And true love.

So, remember this is from yourself.

To you.

From me.

To me.

From you.

I love you as always.

AB x.


[i] Ingerman, Sandra, How to Heal Toxic Thoughts, Sterling, NY, USA, 2007, p.47.