127 Exotic

127 Exotic



We must never forget the important research on the afro-asiatic roots of civilization.

The Jews, the greeks and the romans may have originally been black people, who evolved into the great thinkers and philosophisers as white people.

Therefore we must never deny Lucy's freedom as the first ever human to be found in the world at 3.2million years old in Ethiopia.  This means there is no such thing as being British!


Is drinking a cup of tea, and eating a banana, or listening to the latest jazz record on the radio British?

Really these three commodities come from India, the Caribbean and America respectively.

Why have they become traditions in England when they are all imported.

So what are the traditional British ingredients to a day at work and an evening after work?

How many industries are truly british like cloth weaving, milk churning, and building houses?


Is it the woodsman; originally the green-man working in the forest?

The woodsman, coppicing the trees and building houses in the forest?

Foraging for plants, and berries, and fruits, maybe even shooting deer to eat.

Sustaining the forest and keeping the ecosystem alive by controlling breeding, and replenishing timber stocks and more importantly tilling the soil in the ground.


Therefore how will the British man sustain himself in the future?

Will we return to the forest?

Will we become craftsmen once again?

Will we all be artists of life?

Will all our lives become a commodity?

Therefore what does it mean to be British in the future?


Simply our lives work from home.

There may be no school, no office, no supermarket, no shop, just a laptop, a wifi hub, a dongle, and of course a mind!

How much does it cost to just stay at home, and create your own world around you?

Is the exotic the contact we have with each other; at the shop, at school and in the office, our social interactions?


We no longer really fight battles within England, and rarely abroad yet we are trained to, some of us, and we have strong defences, even selling arms to the World trade market recently.  Thinking of Afghanistan previously Iraq, now a war we let go on with those supposedly British fighting for the opposite side.  What kind of democracy and ideology; as Britain;  a country esteemed for its history of battles, are we exporting?

Do we need to be in a Muslim country what is our duty against radical religious extremism and re-balancing World power?


We stand as a land built on land owners and wealthy aristocracy dealing in art.

Where does that art come from?

Is it exotic?

Has it been unfairly sold to the rich and pompous who care for art but not the social and cultural roots of that art?

Or is there value in the golden answers found in World Art and really we are sharing something unique and personal.

Really we are sharing the World's Wealth.

However where did the gold in the crown jewels come from?

Should it really be returned to make power even throughout every nation, is that conquering the backbone of what makes Britain stand up, and get up every morning for the rest of their lives.

Now we have artists, from Africa like Chris Ofilli, using cow dung to create modern British Art in Britain for the British because we are a multi-ethnic culture.


DNA even evolves and changes just as society.  Should we be getting to the roots of our DNA without the exotic, or is it inherently a necessity for everyone.  Eating a pineapple, protesting, having a promiscuous sex life, taking drugs, doing bizarre things?

Genetic DNA mutates with stress,

And will go on mutating with our diet and cultural influences and religion.

What does it mean to have the Holy Spirit.  Is that too traditional and boring to comprehend; real healing.

Or is it the bizarre comedy, the ephemerality of life, the throw away, the quip comment, the exotic and bizarre that the lay man needs, to cope with his or her social standing in the world; a classist reprieve not to be nieve to their own opinion of themselves when the American Dream is now a global phenomenon.  Anyone can have their wealth, wisdom and piece of mind if they try hard enough without accepting the bizarre and exotic.





Some of our best loved british brands are now foreignly owned, like Hp Sauce, Cadbury's, Heathrow Airport, and Jaguar/Land Rover.  A third of all British infrastructure; energy and transport is supported by foreign investment.


What is British anymore?


Perhaps a better question to ask is; what was British?


What was Britain built on, even if it has a foreign influence being an island?


Is the exotic just the unattainable, literally and historically?


When really all you need is at your fingertips.


We must undoubtedly work with what is existing, but that is certainly not to deny personal invention, with a historical perspective, which is why that relative historicism is so important to be within the continuum of time.


The new; or applying your own conceptual mind; in essence your mark makes the seemingly exotic, a deep innate knowing obtainable.


Exotic as art is a genetic expression of oneself.


An assertion of yourself in the World, wrapped up in past life, experience and birth through to childhood, constantly in balance.


A reflection, your own truth.


Everything is sex.


Everything is voyeurism.


Everything is expression.


Everything is orientation.


T H E  E X O T I C .


I S L A N D  I N F L U E N C E S:

'The moat defensive'      Shakespeare.


Early British hominids; found flints; Pakefield on the Suffolk coast; 700,000 years ago; still joined to mainland Europe; Mammoth, rhino and giant beaver roamed East Anglia.


250,000 – 30,000 years BC. Neanderthal man was discovered in Britain (named after remains found in Germany in the Neander Valley). 


Although not always an island, for in periods of glaciation the bed of the North Sea dried up and reverted to plains, Britain was always on the extreme margin of the European mainland.  Humans retreated 27,000 years ago in the last cold spell, then returned 15,000 years ago at the first sign of a thaw.  Another brief period of climatic deterioration cleared these pioneers out of Britain 13,000 years ago.  However


The exotic becomes ourselves whether through sexual attraction or just intrigue.  We will all become a commodity through our lives.  Documenting our lives as an artist would, just as the selfie has become the new Mona Lisa.


128 Always

128 Always

126 Cleopatra

126 Cleopatra