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119 Extrapolate

119_Extrpolating the Universal Mind

To understand a busy mind there is an exposure to externalising it and making it busy – making haste not speed but travelling through paradigms. Until cool cars, bodily transporter’s and old London, Georgian, houses put you in the party. To simply: teleport you to the next venue, place, and habitat, if that one is not your cup of tea.

Will this nouveau-riche international style survive fashion? We are all on about the natural, the way nature planned it. The way God planned, our lives? I do not think we are anywhere close to God’s plans. To rationalise nature is to make a simple cuboid, detailed so finitely, it is that which is working smoothly for you and your family. We are at the end of an ongoing zeitgeist that defragments creativity – to a personal personification of how new designs come about.

The world is changing to find more freedom incrementally one step at a time. We need to be kind to each other, to talk more of love. Of each other. Making haste does not treat one’s health convivially, so go slow. We need synchronicity in time to clean to the rhythm. Yes, clean rhythm is what it is about. Women need special attention and care from their soldier. Reliability is what they need, dedication and availability to make heed of your crimes, your sins, your signs. It is the image of the signifier, that gives the idea of the signified, brought together as a sign.

I am too young to die.

“We have all got the blood on our hands,

We only receive what we demand,

And if we want hell, then hell’s what we’ll have! . . . .

It wasn’t me said the boy who pulled the trigger of the gun,

You can’t blame me because I’m too young!”[i]

I am just booked for being too heavy, book-heavy like a philosophical boss; so I demand an apology on ‘conspiracy’ and ‘intentional infliction of emotional distress’ (UK, Civil Law), to make console in my heart of hearts. I am all loving just us sensitive folk believe we are not required unless serving! So, what will it be? Because I utterly apologise for all my misinterpretations and misgivings towards my loved ones. I absolutely love all my history of friends and family together!

May we unite and internalise the extrapolations of a Universal mind and be concerned for the interior of our souls. Architects gather, for it is just a house that brings peace. Peace of mind will then be free, so let the Kingdom come!

None of us must be too exposed to the realm of the Universal mind, so, it makes easy, easy! And we fall forwards on our hands. To stop us suffering we bring the pre-frontal cortex – our rational lobe into action. So, let us put the effort in. There is a complexity of the Universe that represents the synapses of the brain. To be in emotional bliss, or turmoil reflecting the Universe contracting and exploring, and extrapolating on its expansion.

Our Universe is our heart and mind, to extrapolate the mind, we must write down it’s inner workings in space and time. We must wait, assess, command, “I am King or Queen”, and “You are who?” (W.A.C.K.Y) There is an algorithm of inner chatter shared by no-one other than the self – for this is proven. No-one is begging belief to listen and be heard by you, while your inner chatter is going on, it will be completely different for someone else, i.e. you have no idea what the other is hearing?! But to know one-self, do not let the inner chatter silence the mind, but find the silence before the inner-chatter is there and focus on that silence: moving from the sub-conscious, to the consciousness of time.

In God we find the chatter, to test us and challenge us. It is the worn body fighting back, like it is talking to you. Yet, we have normally, not realised what the test is? If we were to pass, we would duly know. Maybe we are not ready – or maybe we are just too stubborn that we would rather build a defence and fight. For everything can be a fight in the Universe, until we find we are done. And the struggle is finally over.

“We must extend the application of a method or conclusion to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue, or similar methods will be applicable”[ii] in the Universal mind.

[i] Johnson, Jack, Song: Cookie Jar, (part lyric), Album: On and On, Brushfire Records, Hawaii, 2003.


[ii] Oxford English Dictionary, “extrapolate”, definition, online, Oxford University, UK, 2020.