213 Reflections

213 Reflections


I see myself: I see the finished article and I am good to convene with my front page spread, but my sides are wrangling with ‘left’ and ‘right political gain around this planet. An Eastern man once said the World was flat, but humbly so we live in a sphere of not so perfect circumference for it’s wobble, much like our latest PM story. So, we seek ultimate authority over us, if we are tidy, ordered and less confrontational, unless in the name of the law, which is already set out, in essence we are happy, and free.

So, I like many are not happy to see failure in others, unfortunately in a narcissistic way; but comparably so, it drives us forwards. Do I fight? Heading downhill, now in my forties. Do I compromise? Am I stopping the Lord defeat me? Am I to blame, but it is so susceptibly, subliminal, there is no eaves to the pudding, but milk in the broth? Do I like to fight authority? Or can I live side by side, with people given their role, who can take away one’s human rights at the click of a finger. So, human rights at the UN, is a good thing to study. The Lord loves me, and neither defeats or conquers, but expects me to learn, and to be taught, not to show chauvinism in bands of doubt.

The Lord is an invincible healer, yet human all the same.

“Humanity in itself, is nothing but a true knowledge and feeling of oneself as one is.” [i]

“Whoever walks into the fire,

Appears suddenly in the stream.

A head goes under on the,

Water surface, that head pokes,

Out of the fire.”[ii]

We cannot all be common and loaded. Or can we? Maybe? Maybe-not, because the common-one is known. None of you know what we truly need: The Commonwealth to remain: as an OBC & MBC, not an empire. This “MCA” will convict you if you are guilty of a felony, but an education is better, I need less back-chat, less control of me, more privacy, more freedom, more intimacy, more love. Like everybody!

So, we do not understand ourselves, our lives, and our direction, without another; what our jobs are worth, the cost of money, how much honey is left in the pot. How can we better ourselves?

We can look introspectively, find expression like ours, and confirm our enjoyment of shared occupation, share the wealth, share the food, and water, share in the good things. Be generous, kind, and honest.

We know we can, then we know who we are.

So, our magic number is still three, in the De La Soul, Three Feet High and Rising album.[iii] Politically: health, education and business, but the 4,5,: “defence of the environment”, now define them.

We imagine how someone else would cope in our shoes, but that is superficial. Do they understand themselves yet? Do we just project what people want to hear? We do not know how to relate, and someone else’s pain makes us break to want to sympathise. It was never meant to be like this. But we really have too much love to say. So, we are forced to follow them into their love which expands ours. But now we are abandoned and shipwrecked, will we ever be the same again. Once we have seen through the hate of fear on the other side of the fence, we can happily be left to help them. We as a collective just want to get back to who we once were.

Sometimes we can be 100% sceptics, predicting, assuming and convoluting the truth; purposefully places, spaces, and people we do not inherently trust or understand. Like a predetermined headache of extracting something by adding some of the source – like a dead medication. But this is dead end of melancholia.


Like life, art is complicated, some things are meant to be there, some things aren’t, I could, but I shan’t. There is only one way to live – in nature and trust. We save ourselves from problems, by searching for them – wrong! Don’t believe in problems, when we can pray to Jesus for an upheld answer.

So, pace yourself – not to be to a detriment to yourself.  One must face oneself, and one’s weaknesses at some point. We struggle to explain who we are because we are all relative and comparable in our own life histories, but the angelic sympathy we give determines the level of self-approval we receive for our hardships.

Threat causes loops and therefore, we must turn naughty curiosity to hypothetical means to break free from the clinical and embrace faith in God and nature.

I hate to say it: “But I am not to blame, for any of this! Has someone stolen my money? Can we communicate on the telephone? (See @perfect_fold - twitter link above).

Proverbs 21:3

To do righteousness & justice

Is more acceptable to the

Lord than sacrifice

Proverbs 21:8

The way of a guilty man is perverse;

But as for the pure, his work is right

Embarrassment avoidance leads to procrastination, opening and closing doors, until you are lost in your own deceit. Or just baffled in someone else’s deceit? The World is the mind externalised, so, be nice, sharing stories imparts our blueprint on others to share that dichotomy of experiences giving us an impressionism. Organic over the mind’s symbology of mathematical organic virtues into science. Is this logic? Do we carry a good or bad part of each other with us, some or all the time? Does it rise and fall out of us? The dilemma today would still seem to be sex, money, and drugs: by, provocation and faith.

The 5 hindrances of Shaolin Kung-fu are:

1.     Sexual desire

2.    Ill will/ Aversion (dislike)

3.    Dullness/ Heaviness

4.   Restlessness

5.    Sceptical doubt

Without clarity there are no inter relations.

With clarity, you will make better decisions.




All of our lives are too unique to copy any other, we must master ourselves.[iv]

I used to have a love of rebellion, but as I grow older, I understand, authorities’ course of nature, and even naughty little secrets go undefined, fighting mediocrity which loves from expression of our own arousal – happy and excited! And calm and content - happy and unaroused.



Love, AB, x.

Thanks be to God, x.




[i] Anonymous, The Cloud of Unknowing, Translated by A.C. Spearing, Penguin Books,                                                     London, UK, 2001, p.37.

[ii] Rumi, The Question, Penguin Books, London, UK, 2004, p.97.

[iii] De La Soul, Three Feet High and Rising, USA, © π 1989, Tommy Boy Music.

[iv] YouTube, Master Shi Heng Yi – 5 hindrances to self-mastery | Shi Heng YI | TEDxVitosha, Master Shi Heng Yi – 5 hindrances to self-mastery | Shi Heng YI | TEDxVitosha - YouTube , Vitosha, Japan, 13th February 2020.

214 Science

214 Science

212 Eco-Warrior

212 Eco-Warrior