207 Sex

207 Sex



So, what is sex if not a contract? For I’m a preacher man! Because I can, so I am, all praise be to ABBA the father and Christ Jesu!

So, what is sex? If not a contract? So, where do perversions come from? Animal instincts, primitive war like attraction or loving kindness in Christ Jesus and suddenly we all become consummate. Can we really do this and hold on? Or are we an American highly sexed generation and everything went wrong at seven. Are all parents inherently perverted and must switch frames in front of the children, or are we open about sex to them? So, they understand how they were born, how it works? And how they will grow up together in harmony. Avoid drugs and porn and get real with someone you fancy. Are drugs and porn a life for a child who considers their considerations for the democracy within themselves. This is too much to bear, and they become dependant and start getting abused. Well, I’m a righteous brother like my black and white brethren, who understand how it feels growing up. So, be consummate please because it is a contract. Don’t touch. When you are consummate you know who you are truly in love with, not who is just a perverted perversion! Peace, I like your face from the left side!

It's just peer pressure from seven upwards, and we all fall for sex at that age. So, tell them not to please. And respect them wisely. With a constitution there are positives to past ills, but keep it real, if you are really going to play out the perversion’s, at least make them love and fun! And then you live with no regrets, because at the end of the day, it’s just love! Please love each other! And promise to stop the porn and drugs and live straight. Not therefore we’re not straight, we’re just not open. And then we’re in love. Not just love, but in love, because ladies and gentleman right around this world, sex is love.


Love, AB, x.


208 Archi.

208 Archi.

206 Look

206 Look