42 Stones

42 Stones



Leader on war

No progress yet

Just fighting on

Do not throw stones

You live in glass.


What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow

Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man,

You cannot say or guess, for you know only a heap of broken images, where the sun beats,

And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief,

And the dry stone no sound of water. 1


Son of man 

Breathe; rock knows

Son of mountain

War like buddha

Like the fire sermon

Brings its liberation

Down to the ground

Disenchantment can equate to freedom.


Here is no water but only rock

Rock and no water and the sandy road

The road winding above among the mountains

Which are mountains of rock without water

If there were water we should stop and drink

Amongst the rock one cannot stop or think. 2


Rolling stone gathers no moss 3

But moss plant life

Sits in the stream

Happily under water.


If there were water

And no rock

If there were rock

And also water

And water

A spring. 4


Rock with no water

Springtide is gone

Rock like son

But no water

As war burys

Life until now

Prevailed under glass

Life requires

Water on rock.


World dependant on us

We are dependent on goods

Goods dependent on rocks

Rocks stand still

Their dependance on gravity.

The world declares its dependance

Dependance declares war

And all dependants are struck by gold.


Gold resides in rocks

Rock is continuously destroyed

And gravity binds us

Rock has been sold

And goods are gold.


Gold is the ocean wave

Secured by salt along tide

Lively action from the moon

Lifts us up and down all the time

Buddha dies, war dies, god dies,

And money resides in our pockets.


                            Liberation from war takes time.


Liberation from suffering becomes a transaction.


When war builds rivers of money

Rocks scatter themselves in the mountains

Known only to those of war

Leaving water by the ocean

How much does the river of war cost?

Winding sandy road ends at the beach

River stones remain as water flows away.


I do not know how I may seem to others

But to myself I am only 

A small child wandering

Upon the vast shores of knowledge

Every now and then

Finding a small bright pebble

To be contented with. 5



1Eliot, T.S., Faber and Faber, London, 1954, 41.

2Eliot, T.S., Faber and Faber, London, 1954, 54.

3Chatzi, Maria, Beach Stones Inspired.com, Rocks and Stones Inspirational Quotes, Beach stones Inspired,http://www.beachstonesinspired.com/rocks-and-stones-inspirational-quotes.html, 1, 27/09/15.

4Eliot, T.S., Faber and Faber, London, 1954, 54/55.

5Chatzi, Maria, Beach Stones Inspired.com, Rocks and Stones Inspirational Quotes, Beach stones Inspired,http://www.beachstonesinspired.com/rocks-and-stones-inspirational-quotes.html, 26, 27/09/15.


43 Song

43 Song

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