99 UN

99 UN


1.0 Dear António Guterres, your, holiness,

1.1 There are but; two things to mention in this letter: one of peace, on a global scale and seemingly, deliberately co-valent a forecast of ‘peace of mind’ for a global population tired and strung of poverty, fundamentalism, imbalance, a lack of golden opportunity and finally resources depleting to the point man-made science will replace old paradigms of invention in visceral demand to have a slice of the World as their palace of dreams.

1.2 When complete dichotomies, of equality of wealth, keep the masses under fire and guard of a staunch leader. A leader in stealth, making adjustments, only to health policy, pollutive business deals and making wealthier those friends in high places, never appealing to the mass majority that a peaceful world is quite nominally the only plan that will save this environment of Planet Earth. Earth citizens I ask you to rise.

1.3 We all return to God.

1.4 And to you the UN for guidance on an issue I would like to talk publicly about in the name of a progressive plan to inaugurate World Peace for the undeniable principle fact, that the environment and human health according to the World Health Organisation states that 23% of all global deaths are attuned to the environment, a fraction due to climate change but what does Greta Thunberg expect the future to hold? (Not to mention deaths of war and migration of people as refugees/ There have been approximately 170 million innocent deaths through the power of war, over the last 100 years, 1900-2000.)

1.5 The main premise of this letter is to align political power in North/South/East/and West, all four corners of the globe with World Peace in order that we as a people may unite to heal this planet as fast as we can in order to create synchronicity in our creations of how the World may look with a frugal view to resources, and, yet, more innovation influencing global policy from best given solution country to country. By asking every government in power, every party, each representative, and every future party made, to sign a global Peace Treaty held in the: Magma Arte y Congresos, Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Las Islas de Canarias, España. 'The Island of Faith', close to the equator.

1.6 I ask you World: what would it take to build a castle of dreams, in the land from which you derive? (Using local resources and international fair-trade?)

1.7 The house as an architect, is synonymous with ‘Peace of Mind’ the eloquence of which comes with a pure, whole and complete disarmament of the World for the children of the future. As if we could not negotiate democratically a way to divide and apportion the Land and the Seas in the name of equality for each man, woman and child. A prediction on the next war, being over water, can be stopped right now. Potable water on a global scale can be resolved. The house is a home within a house and that privacy, security and containment allows a family to thrive. Even those on the lowest poverty belt of ultra-poverty, where a family receives less than 80% of the minimum caloric intake whilst spending 80% of their income on food, as noted by Michael Lipton, not to describe those without any food or water, as we see those homeless even in the UK spending donations on a diet of recreational drugs, heroine being the biggest killer. In the UK, 14m, one in 5, households live below the poverty line: whilst there are 60% at the median line, of an average income, a much larger majority than the 35% at the top. This causes unsettled, drug, induced, abusive behaviour. There are links between drugs and a poor environment, as there is no environment other than, prosaic TV, and people too easily get bored, therefore, we need to give everyone something to work towards, and that is a better planet.

1.8 We have now established the security of a house alongside the fact only 5.5bn people globally have access to sanitation, leaving 2.0bn people without a toilet or latrine. To have no basic facilities of civilised living has always led to civil battle for crime to take a principle place in a society that cannot contain over-population and a burgeoning lack of opportunity to ever move out of complete depravity in order to gain a living wage in a competitive World market that does very little for those seemingly content to exist and haphazardly pro-create for a better future that will never exist.

2.0 Now is the time with your backing and my drive for the IMF to destroy all I.O.U.’s and to allow free-money and infrastructural, investment to spread into those areas worse off. At the same time as making the World exponentially richer through capital investment from the people through a poverty tax in order to allow not only global countries that are growing, our home poverty to be eradicated. If we never see the light, make up free-money before macro economics forgets the microcosm of the hardship of the individual and competitiveness, causing a war for resources, trade, and the difficulty in simply building a decent home, sanitation and the life of positivity and security achievable. Two clear cures to cancer which as a scale rule from small to large, along with fruit and water are a pure source of vitamins; which will allow Peace globally and the destruction of impoverished civil conflict that currently causes an utter imbalance between Northern and Southern hemispheres, that is another solution we shall touch on later.

2.1 To be at war is a psychological debate, but never a healthy solution to a growing community who must avoid extinction, as we are seeing in our planet and animals, a rise in child and adult respiratory diseases and the eventual downfall of all natural habitats of which there is reported, only, Brazil, USA, Canada, Russia, Australia and Africa, who can claim to contain 70% of the Worlds remaining wilderness, of which makes up 23% of the World’s land and only 13% of the World’s seas are still wild and untouched by man. There can be a claim then that all nature will be domesticated into farming and heavy or light industrial use by 2100, only 80 years away, the approximate life span of my late Grandfather, for which I wish to see this world, as natural as possible and completely healed. With the Mental Health Act, and unreliable medication harming rather than healing, it is a case of Man-made Man, we are losing our nature, as we parallel the environment in which we are born.

2.2 War over resources, goods, crops, civil-rights, and human rights must go on peacefully if those respected leaders are to see opportunity on the atrocious injustices that lead to a precipice of economic bargaining power and authority over oil, gold and other precious metals, including quarrying for stone in a World that will feel some amount of chaos for extreme weather changes as the icebergs melt and the sea levels begin to rise, with the continued increase in carbon dioxide causing the fight, quite humanly and naturally as even the modern World is stylistically based on survival to fight an eminent predicted ice-age, by Al Gore’s: ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. We are in effect saving ourselves and killing our chances in one go. So, it is the pollution of war that is to blame, and the main thief equals the car.

2.3 By now, all societies should be living in a way that is constructed and connected to support one another. All governments on a global scale can no-longer use corruption, causing in-fighting and should be sound enough to know what they ought to be doing in order to live in peace – this coincides with a growing free equal economy, possibly of a standard wage with humane working hours to have leisure time and to encourage the vocation of the individual to create and not build global war as an ideology to a World that cries out for justice first, then peace, consequently Peace of mind followed by good health no-longer available by the community of a lack of community, opportunity and organic food, water, music and all the arts. The mind no-longer has freedom. Only availability.

2.4 Physical activity is both a primitive originator of physical war, and in a conditioned well-established democratic World the birth of the freedom from war to release endorphins and find a civilized competitive sporting nature. This goes alongside the great Nelson Mandela’s fight in captivity to finally be released after 27 years inside on February 11th 1990 to defeat apartheid between two racial groups. His importance was to make sporting games and the human’s natural instinct to win, as a solution to Peace. We see, sadistically through modern day health barriers against the disabled and continued racial inequality by those who have never experienced the company of someone of another racial background to use competitiveness and to win against the other as if we are now fighting for spiritual psychological purity, to achieve our godly desires and holy purpose to be here from birth, and with a lack of empathy to understand spiritual intentions.

2.5 This leaves governmental power with the premise of strength to be right even if not believed by a majority; they have to be right in order to continue social and economic improvement in general: in order to affect the needs of the individual when all that is being decided, on a whim, by every office of government at some point in its life is a relative statement of change. At the beginning of a new policy to balance the failures of a depleted and unsupported last government in latter days, therefore, politics is decidedly relative, when debate goes on with the futility, to the traditional sound of the chairs: ‘order, order’ and yet no or little order is achieved very rapidly even in a democratic, relatively rich and happy United Kingdom; that lack the flair of the European design ideal to equate beauty in life in order to find a communicative reflection of an ideal by the people in unison to believe together along with a friendly government, in the unbelievable as achievable so as innovation can go on to eradicate poverty, in turn destroying civil war of a drug fuelled nature, and create social cohesion. For if we don’t look in our own backyard then we cannot go on to help those worse off in the knowledge that our state economy will pay back on the self-motivated Peace and consequently ‘Peace of Mind’ we have together achieved, so far.

2.6 The moral intention of free money allows man to gain grace over his brother and sister to create pure existence in love. To create free money and to destroy a market led system with the statement above of moral intention, would only leave land divisions to be decided, a regulation on numbers of children to allow sensible growth and the return to empowerment of the people to be happier in the knowledge that they live in a progressively equal society free from war and poverty, no-longer hap-hazard in taking part in the growing revolution to better the environment, but to enjoy their free-wealth with a level of quality that meets predicted quantities and to be environmental by way of organised means, only to accept some must industrialise mechanically and digitally the landscape before them, with a view to a better environment, whilst those in the city gain more independence of community thought, enjoying business, design, organised progress, freedom for future debate and the natural power of a beautiful and practical transport, living and working urban environment. The key is sustainability of the World as a whole.

2.7 War in effect industrialised the world to create aeroplanes, tanks, radar, ships, arms, cars, and as a result raw materials trade and new buildings. However, the industrial revolution of innovation from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy happened between 1750 and 1850 with mechanised spinning, a method of weaving in 1780 and high rates of growth in steam power and iron production occurring after 1800, including the development of steel and factory manufacturing which still today, 200 years later, is taking on a global scale as the fastest method of socioeconomic development in order to provide a job and a home to each individual in the growing population of the most deprived areas of the World. Where some are now! Countries that are growing, and that are now capitalising on the emotive burning of coal for power to drive industry as secondary global powers to the UK, US and Europe, are making a mistake. We must not forget however the first computer, the Z1 was born in 1936-1938 by a German inventor: Konrad Zuse, from the understanding of a weaving mechanism, born back in 1780, 160 years previous. Who knows where we will be when all wilderness is qualified dead, and the World is a man-made paradigm, maybe technology will advance so far, we will be happy once again, in truth. Missing the organic? So, let us be careful!

2.8 Remember and I say it quite apologetically whilst Israel has always been the home of a primitive maddening of conflict over disputed evidence based religiosity since the Romans chose to destroy the two Jewish temples and Europe has always been wavered between varying degrees of civilized factions to take power from barbarians to Romans. The islands, most war torn country of the West, the UK, formally agreeing to be divided and united lands has in fact begun the biggest killer to the environment to date, burning coal and wholly uncivil, it invented the biggest killer known to the Jewish state and continues globally in the modern World, the concentration camp, as begun in the bore war, in Rwanda, which now leaves the UK to undergo 50% of the population under, police corruption, governmental devolution, a new generation of black and white fuelled magicians, a lack of encouragement and commitment to truly beneficial investment in innovation, poor new suburban housing developments, no party line on the environment other than a state of emergency, and a medically care driven service economy for cancer, mental health, and child disability. Not only did we invent industry and concentration camps, we are prolonging the repeat of history in both terms with the return of the parsimonious National Health Service, which again does nothing to the individual patient of much good other than traumatise those previously comforted by a wealth of new modern practical technologies, and homely self-made interiors to leave one wondering why they must fight to get home again living in a disparate society of a lack of understanding for the sheer loneliness felt by the West in a corporate modern market led economy like shire horses to the grave. Claiming their ideology in sufferance to be better than any other known global phenomenon, because the World like its current fundamentalism in historicism sees only tradition as the solution to separation and its dependence on the mobile phone, despite the Arabic World’s celebration of modernised novation of a whole new social order through wealth for oil, which we happily use to make and burn in our everyday persuasions of poor survival. The suicide of a country not willing to get rich first, through the copyright and ingenuity of human ideas.

3.0 The new economy of free-money as will be launched by the IMF’s agreement with the backing of yourselves, the UN and my drive to make it happen on behalf of all people of this planet will allow the initiation of a global green economy, countries and their standing governments gaining points for the most radical mechanical and digital new environmentally friendly energy sources, alongside the highest specification technologies in the manufacturing, built and lifestyle metaphysical economies, of water, mechanics and electricity.

3.1 The Universe will be a power of resistance in harmony with our forward thinking.

3.2 For ‘free-money’ to be too radical an initiation, as the right kind of innovation, to remove monetary markets, from a global system, of free and fair trade, in order to make, and keep making on an individual basis to provide each other with an equal salary. Another idea that could function, better, would be to take a median yearly wage, to be paid by the IMF to each and every future owner of potentially a carbon emitting, petroleum or diesel based vehicle, and to guarantee under covenant, for it to be retro-fitted into an electric or hydro-cell vehicle within the agreements being passed on behalf of Greta and Extinction Rebellion. This would come with massive global reach and awaken governments around the World to go carbon neutral, and stop the proliferation of PM2.5 particle, causing men, women and children pollutive bodily ingress of the equivalent of smoking four cigarettes per minute, when walking down a busy road or using the underground in London for example; just as any international road or metro system.

3.3 Now history will be made with the end of war, (Hegel), and this must happen!

3.4 An end to global conflict and war, the equal share of wealth and resources, a return to the Earth and Nature and greater considered care for the planet and one another, the people. For we are only people in a World of people.

3.5 Imagine a World that needs no peace makers, as neighbours and for the UN to no-longer exist but with mine and your help to create a new World order.

3.6 Peace needs to be intellectually based through the power of education for non-judgement of thoughts, opinions, critiques and others who still struggle to find a reason to celebrate civilized life for what it is. War is there to scare the opposition into submission, in order to make resourceful, financial or bartering gain for a stronger attacking well-armed government. The deceiver and the deceived, the devil and the holy – the dictator and the righteous – the harmful and the abused must stop. Why a Labour government namely Tony Blair saw himself as an ally to George W. Bush in the illegal, according to the UN, 'Iraq War' (it may have finished yesterday, but that war has continued since the 1990’s, near 40 years! Think of the degeneration of Iraq now), to find Saddam Hussein was innocently killed along with the destruction of one of the most original civilizations in the World, not to have chemicals or weapons of mass destruction is simply a sign of Western paranoia (passim). For which hypocritically Tony went on to become a peace envoy. Similarly for a Conservative government, namely David Cameron to produce technologically advanced systems of arms for war to be sold around the world to pay off debt, when presumably we still hold the red button to switch off their demonic power if a country who fell for the tactic will bite us back by starting a war with, (again I warn you), a country steeped in war and the innovation to capitalise from it. There are so many households below the poverty line, and drug addiction, child abuse, and a lack of decent housing, for every government only to leave their mark and initiate a disproportionate number of jobs in industrial manufacture making the number of those in poverty a growing task. We will find everyone a job in the World government and negotiate each other’s needs retaining cultural identity in a modern World. A World of new internationalists.

3.7 War can begin as a pathology in an individual's mind as we have been with the fundamentalist group ISIS and the Ji-Hadi movement to bring back a global Muslim domination, yet surely the real reasons for their extreme religious state of mind is in revenge for the war we began in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, their homeland with affiliations to Pakistan where Osama was found in a palace, by someone, alongside Al Zawahiri and El Fadel all captured. The rife attitude of an organised occupation like Al Quaeda to have been believed to cause the kamikaze plane of 9/11 in New York and for the Americans to be hit home with a calling from the East, Osama Bin Laden, Al Zawahiri and El Fadel, for all religions were evil, this meant it was time for America to never live again, through a version of its Armageddon predictions of blockbuster films as a reality in a World that could end. If they bombed, it was only a matter of time, before they got bombed back. The lesson just as the UK were attacked by terrorism, the Madrid train bomb, French van suicide attacks and continued with multi-numerous attacks like the Ariana Grande suicide attack and further smaller incidents. War will end now. After all this as philosophically described by El Fadel, armed and trained by Al Zawahiri and finally financed by Osama himself and they had a war on Muslim domination directly but a righteous excuse to bargain World political power by militant means. To rise out of poverty and in effect cause the London riots. To create a World of poverty in opposition and find equality through poverty itself. The eventual collapse of the American mortgage lender's shares causing a domino effect to ratify the World into a downturn and bring the World to a scary proclamation that was to be a terrorist World War IV in the aftermath of WWIII in Iraq and the family connection to again another illegal George HW Bush’s war over Saddam Hussein’s invasion into Kuwait in 1990 for which the media story read that America needed power over oil supplies, yet could have been simply World domination according to Al Jazeerah media. All America has ever really needed, says Trump: is to be a super power that his split mind can dominate the rest of the World with an order to gain better import and export sales, never mind use the power of youth to patriarchally raise the flag to pronounce their faith in their global dominance not on self-improvement, despite being an underground successful economy exported globally today by the real Americans, since Dale Carnegie, but to sell themselves and a dollar bill for a pseudo war hungry God – themselves as described on the dollar bill. My mission is not to dictate but to indite reason, fairness, equality, freedom, respect and peace. The illness is money and the new need for a ‘free-money’ economy: the symptom is a lack of peace of mind and the de facto ‘go to war’ effigy. This ties in delightfully with Greta Thunberg’s predicted illness of the environment and the consequent symptom of extinction. Both scientifically based, that climate change will eventually kill us if we as Darwin’s nature, cannot evolve, (not that it would be a pleasant transition to turn into an oxygen giving tree, as a human); and that money and it’s market has never been an equal societal function with the psychological, and monetary driven expensive education system we live with, to end up in a mundane job that never excites you as much as working for it did. Both forms of science need utter creativity applied fast, but you will never hold down the spirit of peace and compassion.

3.8 The general split, of a World community fighting to protect themselves from imminent attack of each other on a global scale for resources and a local level for the competition of health, the relativity of mining the game, to then denounce no longer, of ever there being a split in the first place, a sign of the times as described by OSHO. This means we are not only fuelling a pseudo psychologically stronger community ready to go to war, but we have a severe lack of communication and cohesion between ourselves. It is a form of forced secular accusation over religious indoctrination that one leader with the delusion of the devil’s voice to start a war has then stepped into the realm of mass genocide only to find it was a bad entity and they are fully responsible for the murder of innocent people who will then rely on the UN to find a legal and disarmed, fair path from the war incurring.

4.0 We do need power given back to the people over dictatorial leaders and politics, but this must be attributed to the vote and those found guilty of dictating, that must eminently stand down in power before civil war ensues. A guide to all leaders on the motives and ramifications of dictatorship should be made.

4.1 Peace is a conversation in a hot-air balloon above the beauty of the remaining wilderness. God lives, so let us find ourselves and our own beliefs. War is like making the World a concentration camp. War can come from social breakdown, of none other than poor quality housing and deprivation through a low minimum wage. The regulation of cost and sale of resources means some countries have to accept poverty as a given, and so corruption ensues until World governance can empower a lesser country to rise in civilization with some of the benefits found in those developed societies in order to bring a life to the poorest people, many of whom go about their business in honesty, yet suffer as a result if it were not for their faith in God. Poverty can both divide and bring together a community, but often jealousy, crime and drug addictions get in the way of clarity of helping one another when they would rather keep their quickly made profits.

4.2 One man’s reality, their Universe is in no relation to another man’s reality or Universe. So, like my own personal experience to blame someone with an independent mind to be guilty before proven innocent, when you feel set-up, as a reaction to the blame leading to the economy driven expectation that something will always go wrong for those with bad luck, that the accused of idealistic visions and the poor – all are the causes of causes towards crime unless educated by themselves and educated by those in power as to what they meant.

4.3 Class rules of education, behaviour, manners and etiquette will be tested in the World today. When everyone is working in society today to make more and more money for themselves, within a competitive market of business competition which often rules out a given chance for the working class through a lack of education, and so for them it is merely survival. America rules a gun shot with only hundreds of years old history in civilization, in mirroring the most original civil war zones of Africa and Israel. Many emigrate to the USA, not solely to own a gun, but to make their claim in the fight for the American dream – idolatry for a given skill or talent and all the domestic perks that come with the financial success.

4.4 In comparison, Austria and the beginning of the 1st World War and Germany the beginning of the 2nd World War have become two of the most proficient, efficient, clean and beautiful countries in Europe through a strong grip on immigration, self-investment and a design ethos to beautify functionality in all of life. The fact they began the first two World Wars whether provoked or not does not mean they should be the resultant example of war to beauty through a small note of apology in future generations, just as Britain has apologised for its part in the slave trade, but has only caused a strength in reaction from the black community, not necessarily a stronger force to be wealthy.

4.5 Is it man’s natural evolution to fight things, and one another in an attempt to create an urban form of natural selection, when we discover the wealthy in comfort are peaceful people, often philanthropists understanding the criminality of poverty, and therefore this is a phenomenon of the poor. Or as Africa takes example the poor are just as happy and positive as the wealthy for, they have community and enough comfort to survive. Therefore, if there were a theory to a purist belief of war from the individual mind to take global power seemingly to their heads, an oversized approval, often creating an oversized disapproval for want of them, to have a more civilized ego, it could be just a semantic, creative madness driving for a do or die attitude of mind: to push each other into provocative corners and to hope they will carry on the fight to creativity, making man evolve through his or her creations without a scientific, practical means to do it, merely a forced error of insightful drug addiction, abandonment and gun crime. Proof that natural selection still exists through an attitude, not skill, brawn over brains. The talented will be celebrated.

4.6 England an, advanced, yet majorly impoverished society began the first prisoner of war camp. A concentration camp in the bore war of Rwanda, and, seek today to still make arms being sold throughout the globe. And so, war is history on repeat at varying scales, from country, to country, making hate claims over arms, to internalised racism, sexism and un-neighbourly anti-social behaviour. Fighting for invocation of the voice. Therefore, we must be patient with each other, and use positive affirmation through our heavenly held communicative selves, in a World inspired by our creations and designs to help the environment for the children of the future. Now is the time to be responsible for disarmament. Advance time in today’s World.

4.7 If we were to advance time in today’s World then we would be looking at the utopian ideal of a peaceful planet re-aligned with a healthy environment and the curtailing of any form of extinction. A chance for the land, seas, rivers, streams and sky’s to heal since 1750’s industrialisation and a more natural way of life in harmony with green business protocol, industry housing, homes and transport systems. When God claims life this is what he means, God’s not a living monster if kindness can prevail. Is it just a parallelism, and therefore reflection that when we suffer we are simply suffering with a planet that scientifically is under threat from over-heating and too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to psychologically fighting to prove the value of the individuals life when hope and radical change can only predominantly come from those in power who need to make the general rule that the mental, physical and spiritual health of the people comes first. Please stop the fighting.

4.8 A mind piece of the peace puzzle.

5.0 The people: War is to begin ones own and stop another’s flow. A giant in the land of both humble and monstrous dictators. We will all be well through security and positivity alongside the winning fame of a personal challenge to solve that ensures our voice is heard just as mine is today.

5.1 The product: Without peace we will never grow old to find out if this World can truly heal from which, our hearts grow fond, in God's faith.

5.2 The Process: Peace, Justice, Health, Environment, Opportunity, Community, Sustainablility, Business, Green Economy, Organic Food, Water, Music and the Arts.

5.3 The United Kingdom apologises on behalf of the World for its origin of exported evil to drive money forward yet remains impoverished so, we assume it is a conclusion of regal control. We, will stand united by scale rule, as the islands are a World and the World an island, that we will bring heaven to the ground united for the World to follow as innovators of export. This time we will get it right through art. The medium of life. It is no-longer kill-sex-kill. A symbology of moral, true equality and geometric proportions in the organic materials that surround us. Something indigenous and perfectly real. In true love. We have now advanced time in today’s World and are all ready to make this Planet a better place. Tenemos qué movar en frente y basear.

5.4 Please take me seriously, to make Global Peace Talks by 2021, be in touch.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr Andrew James Brinkman, aka Florian Jesu Pepo. X

(N.B. I suffer from computer hacking, so please, please, avoid any previous sending of this letter under a pseudonym, I am the reasonable, and honourable true and perfect author of this works.)

100 Ab'ram

100 Ab'ram

98 Animal

98 Animal