10 Ameliorate

10 Ameliorate




Harder-earned, harder-fast, make mine a date.  To ascend from labour is to create and to make my creations elevate themselves into an original control; leading, conducting and directing my impassioned mind and soul to ‘ameliorate body’©.


Forsaking, polemics of old course into new dimensions of fortitude.


Heavenly beings come for me.  V.  Michelangelo’s  Sistine fresco of ‘The Creation of Adam’ painted in 1508-1512 depicts angels, the heavenly father and Adam as heavenly bodies ameliorating Adam into being, making, by the maker, only God is dressed for his humble piety which shows he is a domestic god; a God of courage in human form, attributed by a mantle, whilst his angels gather behind him to remind him of the naked form he once knew and has made in his vision.


Over and over, we try to create but forget, we are not mortal, in an everlasting world, so must make immortal creations.  Legacy bequests simplicity, I am ready for my legacy hunter, destroy my past of lacking heretical achievement but worked pleasure of fame for its determination and originality but not its direct original answer in haste; didactic not countenance.


Mastery comes in all art forms, and in spiritual body, jettisoning melody of vice, ice and price.  We set ourselves up as heavenly because we cost, not purgative prostitution, sex is a mile away but through determined belief we can guard ourselves against anything and any.  To touch may be better in an age of remedy.  ‘They will never forget the time you gave’.  Love knows no bounds and allows us determination as a ‘together’ party.  Surely the world needs armies for it to work through its problems, not disruptive dissolution of abandonment.


If you think abandonment is creative, try being it.  I believe the rise is in our souls, and our spirits are laughing back to ‘ameliorate body’©. 


Ascertaining knowledge and ascending knowledge will always hark back to the romantic poets: Byron, Wordsworth and Coleridge.  However we are now in a state of house over field, room over nature, and there is not enough space.  ‘I have started, I am space, I have become’, with the power of word.  To fully ‘ameliorate body’©, we must not just work it, but invigorate it with supremacy of self, over ourselves.  The mind works in cataract traps, of a lack of worthiness, challenges, and disreputable damage to go hellish in the last 9 miles, of wisdom from behind.


Piety is really all that is needed, a healthy religious outlook of self; one and all, all god, one god, guides, a face of god.  When we look in the mirror do we see god or just ourselves.  Is it healthy to see god?  If god were dead which we know it is not for the resurgence of faith and strength in a belief of sanctity from the movement of disruption we keep coming across.  Really?  There is nothing like uncivilized production?  If we keep looking we can recoil to a reality of non-believers and good music.  I’ve got the lot.  Have you ever tried to be evangelical, it does help to live your next 12 hours as if it is a chance to be or chance to change something, not live in conditioned wisdom that heat, cold, and a little ice will tell you all you need to know to stay sane.  I grant you, life is not easy at the best of times, why revolution cannot work, but sound does, evangelical sound.


Democracy is the ultimate form of change.  We all have the right to vote.  In 1678 a consciousness arose/ ‘the anticipation arose as time froze’ BT 2017/ from The Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan, writes: ‘to show restraint to ascend to heaven’.  From noble character to commoditisation of personality, we become monetary, we become talented commodities.


If history does nothing for our ascendance, we can rise to tomorrow, but really there is a time in everyone’s life when we remember a rise of success, or industrious making, making our lives better.  So the ‘amelioration of body’© is a celebration worldwide of our entire lives, rising out of struggle, out of depression for the emancipation of not only soul but spirit.  Humble in one's use of substance I can say today to go morally sound and to avoid purgatory makes one kind, less distracted and in wealth of not only health but syncopation with a future of self-belief, and a prophecy of making good at all times, rising.  It is about making one’s present future, for time is always moving as the planet spins into a constant of good.  Tolerance is not a virtue because it is not required, but benevolent success, of the ‘amelioration of body’©, mind, spirit, soul: that is body. 

We are bodies.  I have become.  Heavenly bodies gather.


Belief is next, belief in I, belief in you, belief in us; belief in yourself, your life, as an art; God’s art.  We are art.  I constantly search for new ways of bringing the abstract into being in life. 


'Expressing religiosity to the masses; it is not just hollering but mimicry, statues, poses/ ‘the anticipation arose as time froze’/ making the world, get up and look; to be a part of something bigger, "notional love"©.'





History tells us something of now, history is place, culture, what happened a moment ago, past statistics, a roman cup etc.  What it doesn’t tell us is how exactly we want to be now and forever more.  Its use comes in fabric; fabric of society, fabric of city, fabric of cloth.  The fabric of us, is a fabric of past styles, old clothes we don’t like, so why not throw it all away.  Is it dictatorial to start again?  Do I say that to make one feel better about buildings that sing things I don’t want to hear?  To compromise is always to feel destroyed.  So rise out of history, all that has been, do not stagnate, leave all behind and rise.


To account events is a sort of media diary.  Should we get bogged down in past struggle or relinquish ourselves from all that has been.  To begin with the most futuristic sound, taste, smell, touch, or vision.  We need vision that is exactly how history happened.  Ah! I see.  History was vision, history is vision, should we stand around masking ourselves making a re-interpretation of revolution for its time, for its own sake?  We could, it may help to see history always as progress.  If anyone refutes me to be in good health to succeed to fair well, to see history as my backbone, my lean to, my canvas I will make them pay.  There is some of the past I care not to mention, care not to look at, care not to live with, but I dwell.  As I dwell, I live with good memories, and so I will go on as a new internationalist making way for the new sound, the new vision, one of ‘notional love’©, join me please!





Conceptual thinking allows for expert advice.  Phrenic shaking keeps the soul, to ‘ameliorate body’©, this abstract take makes me who I am.  Painting says one static story.  The body tells of life, wear and tear, wabi-sabi in human form, but the one who refreshes, re-news and creates will always be younger.  Without repetition of madness: hoping for a new result with the same drone; making love to love oneself, and creating children, life and familiarity with oneself, not Spiritism, not the cataract of mind traps, but the emancipation of mind, body and soul with the help of conceptual living.


Concept seems like the conceit; the conceived idea, never practical, so sustenance of concept is required; making sustainable happiness, to rise notionally.  Love is all there really is, since history made progress with love, so we must go into the future with love in our hearts and find rectitude in our work, our creations, made by the creator – US!


Classical is often a sad story, when future comes first.  Concept of mind means we have to re-invent and that is exactly the challenge of ourselves, as evolution.  I am not really sure the depressive malignance of devolution has really worked, like Van’s circle of life’ we must come together for our concepts to be performed under the banner, heaven is entertainment, entrainment.


Synchronicity will allow us to find concepts, just as the ascertaining and ascendance of knowledge makes us who we are.  Synchronization of lead, joining dots, taking money as our totem, but money will not ‘ameliorate body’©.  All we need is a pen and pad, and to synchronize, deep inner healing child.





To identify with an image of ourselves gives us the ‘notional love’© we need.  For we can all be on the cover of a magazine, but is the notion media, supposed timeless commoditisation of personality, system error!  All we really need is identity of self, a re-written scripture to see disability not as a disadvantage but difference.  When we are all the same, express identity, make yourself, be someone.


I’m incredible.


My identity is one of wholesome organic, creativity, trying it out, in the words of Bill Withers: ‘take it all in and check it all out’.  What I need is sustained amelioration, ascendance, props, rise, and for that I must master my high.  So let us all be practicing ascenders, making love to our hair and bodies.


Identity does make for something else as well.  Belief, for we are influenced by those around us to delve deeper, as existentially pain brings success, but only I know success can be sustained in love, from love, and to continue love.  Disputatious ratiocination is never mine, never yours, and will be dead, unlike God.  Together as one.





Legibility makes us doubt whether we can be humanly creative, look at the sadness of the Parthenon, the Acropolis, in all its ruin.  The perfect place for a party!  Making headway will mean our party will start at legitimising the past, but heading for a future of re-written historical courage into new forms/  ‘Bahamadidi, epitome of MC’. 


Legibility makes us fraternise over what is right and what is wrong.  While everything is right and nothing is wrong, that is not style.  Style allows for the legitimacy of legibility into again new form.  Why are stripes historically utilitarian, as we become the legibility of work (labour), in ascending from labour; we are labour in style.  If we cannot go on, without using each other for sex, struggle, to get a grip on each other’s necks then we will not learn evolution is not about that.  That is retarded, backward, and ‘back-ward’.  A knack for swindling is not progress.  In effect chaos is not legible love is.  To ‘ameliorate body’©, master high and make love will do, so don’t trust, advance, thrust forward, and invade without aggression!  Peace. 

11 Cognition

11 Cognition

09 Posit

09 Posit