11 Cognition

11 Cognition



Barefoot warrior, start, now is your art.  But it’s impossible, trouble looks up, stop working, stop thinking, stop breathing, and we realise the impossibility of this world, ‘cognitive spell’©.  The inner workings of the mind tell us we do not really know what is going on, we don’t really know what we are thinking, most of the time we are wondering what’s going on.


Well what is going on?




That is not all, whilst the mind is talking to the body and brain, it is also taking on millions of nerve endings, to coincide with what we confront on a day to day basis, and how we go about sensing the world, our interpretation, and our perception of how we present ourselves, how we act, behave and react.  We are not ‘comatic grace’©, but ‘automatic state’©.  Drum and Bass is the equivalent of a good time in our mind, repetitive action, a thumping heart beat, and plenty of melodious life surrounding us.  We are dark.  We are light.  Sometimes we are fighting.  Sometimes we are in flight.


Unfortunately after all that, civilization and a system keeps us from expressing our inner selves, emotionally, which is why music is so important, to live through it, and by it.  But inner wisdom is highly regarded, and that is not impossible, just a complex cognitive creation, i.e. evolution.  Darwin went mad, because he had evidence of truth, and there comes the science.  Evidence means we know from brain scans some parts of our minds are working at different times, but it is when we start to push for a whole mind, when the majority are on such ‘automatic state’© as to fall into the trap of using only 20% of their minds causing paranoia's, eating disorders, faint hearts, and dyslexia.  It is not we cannot use our whole minds it is we don’t.  Can’t/won’t.


Robotic wars begin.  We are so automatic, we get bugged, stuffed, wasted, and lose it all, to find we are conscious, but frightened of what prophecy is, and the religiosity of life, to lose its entire purpose, god as self, and make ourselves numb to innocence, morally good times, and god damn – communication!


In the words of Paul Simon, ‘The Boy in the Bubble’: “The dead sand, Falling on the children, The mothers and fathers, And the automatic earth.”  The sandman however is really a mythical character in Western and Northern European folklore who puts people to sleep, and brings good dreams by sprinkling magical sand onto the eyes of people while they are asleep at night.  Pat Ballard of course released ‘Mr. Sandman’ in 1954, in which it states: “Please turn on your magic beam, Mr Sandman bring me a dream”.  If sand were light like glass, it just takes heat, like the mind to push it to work.  Who likes a cold head? (Sand is not dead).


We push, and we push for rehearsal to perform.  We rehearse life, especially family life, helping our children to make the best of themselves.  To cuss and curse all, means we have too much negative energy, we are just not getting through to ourselves.  There is a lock, there is a key, it goes tick-tock, endlessly.  We must wind ourselves up musn’t we to do time.  Time is not doing time, it just keeps us stable, so don’t bug yourselves over it, ‘be here now’.


Maybe we are doing time.  God’s time?


Why are we all superior in our own minds, and then act hesitantly, or overtly confident when it comes to expression, and communication, because we don’t really know.  It is impossible.  This is no cause for breakdown, there is something possible in the coming text.


Time is remarkable, it is never stagnant just as we can put our foot in a river, at any given point and it is always the same, but the water keeps changing, so it is always different, now there is the mind, ‘like water you got no enemy’.  ‘Comatic grace’©, may in fact be the cause of the ‘cognitive spell’©, for we are not awake.  ‘It’s just a mind talking to a brain’.  To be vindictive, is like being asleep, you are using someone else to find yourself again, because you live in fear.  ‘The key to life is to have no fear’.  The duplicity of our lives, our communicative brains, our insistence on feeling depressed in one zone, over and over, like it is a requirement to feel perplexed, upset or pissed off, because that’s what life is, have not played their spades.  Dig deep.  If you have ill-health, bad religion or rarefied insolence, try saying to yourself this affirmation: ‘there must be a way!’.  When you start saying that and thinking positively your spell unbreaks, so unbreak the spell.


The dyke in automata feels unkindly to the soul.  There are flirtations, and polygamy, but remember your commodity is bringing it, by showing it, not just a style or look.  Our children need us to be examples.


‘Satisfy the spirit, to shh!, it’s a riot on hush, to invoke the spirit, spiritual awakening, spiritual entropy, bless.’





Clarity brings us out of the ‘cognitive spell’©, barefoot warrior, start, art.  Climb, and we make it to the top of Everest, forever, ever more.  Clarity is out of the water, out of the drugs, out of the slaughter.  What really is the difference between animals and human beings?  The anticipation of humanity to rise, rose.  We make our lives in blurry muddy water saying no, no we’re better, we know better at least, we’ve been there before, you don’t know, because aren’t you exactly the same as me?  Well, sorry boss, no we’re not, so never I say never push someone, push yourself.  ‘My present (past/future) is better than yours, My life is superior to ours, I could teach you, But I’d have to charge.’


Survival at least allows one to move forward, but those who are discerning will tell you it is not an impossibility to advance with wisdom, and a kind heart.  We are all a gradient of different colour, different creed, different ability.  What survival does not do as animals know is allow for clarity in evolution.  Are we evolving yet?  All the time, to find more and more love, not always learning, but always learning about love.  ‘Evolution = love’©.  As we rise out of the well to pure light, let us remember light and love for God at all times.


No more questions asked, for we have clarity.  We know we are OK, and that is all that matters.





Logic means we must find the love to order and understand our world.  We are never disabled, we are only at all times trying.  Will that do?  It might.  Maybe it is just a case of perfecting, learning, and never forget Teach, teaching.  The pedagogy of life means we can all find ways to learn in our own way – through colour, noise, light, play, fauna, giving, making, and receiving.  Love.


Logically we do not always know the impossibility of the ‘cognitive spell’©, but we try, and in trying find a dot, to join to another dot, making something up, and in turn finding an answer.  Not sure: ‘Bust this shit open beats’, when ‘containment hearing’© is so important.  The mind listens, and too much derogatory noise never promotes learning; like we didn’t know.  Exclaim is good, but unfortunately in today’s conservatism, which works, reputation goes beyond guidance.


Selection, of a natural cause, and a choice in hand helps to for-see the road ahead, but don’t feel unselected, plateau, and cruise.


‘There is possibility from dystopia to utopia.  “Follow your heart, not mankind”, for the tumultuousness of this cyclone is a dream.’





We equate our minds, like arithmetic to envision numbers, as fibonacci’s sequence.  If we were to plug the golden section into fibonacci’s sequence what would we get?  Did we start at one, a made up entity of singularity, when the truth behind phi, tells me we started at phi, not one, almost like one is relative to phi, whilst it’s invention comes from 1 and 0.


The binary code of my equation is 0 = 1, and similarly 1 = 0.  There is something of nothing, and nothing of something.  Do not see the mind as an impossibility to achieve.  A lot of us look to the dark for we are nervous of achievement when we did not have enough love, a test I see all too often in people’s hearts.


Don’t follow warriors.  Animals stay together as an act of survival, but it is not with haste that they will evolve to find their own way once rehearsed in the ways of the jungle, nature.  Nature on the other hand, keeps still, and reaches for the sun, constantly a source of pro-creation.  To equate phi = pro-creation, whether you have the face of a model or not sex = phi.





To contain ourselves allows us to heal, and take cognitive space from ‘comatic grace’©, in essence mindfulness, evidently more and more important, when one’s head is buzzing, coming down from the hype, the stuff, the not enough.  But remember to completely let go.  One will make space for all that is being blocked by the ‘cognitive spell’©, and you will find that is what hurt.  The mind?  A brain talking to a mind?  Existentialism going wrong?  Take back control.  It is quite normal to find solace, in standard negative purgatory to feel helpless, though presumed, in miss-interpreted religiosity.  I am God.  I am not God.  I am confused.  Why am I dying?  What’s that noise?  Oh god, where am I?  I wonder how I’m doing.  It is all meditation.


So contain me, surround me, CIA expound me, understand me, overstand sí.  ‘Make us maker’©.  There is a way to understand yourself.  The inner workings of the mind are deep, so are we.  Containment means we all need help, to know we are loved.  Containment allows, sanctions and suffers possibility.  Think twice.


'The possibility of every member of this community to stand up and say "I love you world and everyone", is just around the corner, bring.’


Contain us all everybody.  For we stand together as God.  God bless you, and may you find possibility in everyday of every week of every season, of every year.  Love.  I’m friend. 

12 War

12 War

10 Ameliorate

10 Ameliorate