91 Control

91 Control


We are ordained in viscous, vain iniquities if born to gross, slanderous mongers of war. A vicious future relationship will lack a heart in God, and not be of love, through its own incubation of tepid, bitter, vinegary residue, that only cruel sex will mop-up. If sex is the only rider, then there is no equality, and so, two bodies must be in love, by way of each other's heart, mind and soul.

'What motivates those decisions? Has it not most usually been the rage to assert control, or to resist its assertion by others? . . . . . the power of possession brings . . . the driving forces behind events in the past that is called history: . . . . . The history of the World is not the biography of great men, but the history of power.'i

Power is our first position of control. The history of power, is in effect, the history of war. As if its post coitus fraction, was the end of history in terms of every residue, left like an undying stain on a blanket of dreams, that could pass for the reckoning of all eternity. And without that one experience – there was no commune, no communication and without its deceit, a conceited heart.

Once undignified, conscience-stricken and contrite there is an aim to come to, with our second prong of control; to normalise. Repentance does not come easy, it is rueful to be so absurd as to our third strut sticking out, to object. One can make life objectionable, serene and pure, but it is merely a concept in one's mind.

The . . . 'Thinking mind functions by means of concepts, images, words, and so on. But God is beyond the grasp of concepts; no word can capture, God, no word can have the final word, on the Word made flesh, who yet dwells among us (Jn 1:14). . . . . “God can well be loved,” the author says, “but [God] cannot be thought. By love he can be grasped and held, but by thought neither grasped nor held.”'ii

God is to destroy all powers of evil, and the determination of war, through healing and forgiveness, our fourth strut. The final conceit of power, normalising, objectionable, evil is our surmise. So, we ask, how did God control his mind through a heart of console and Deuteronomy 33:7? To bring power in a good nature and destroy all boundaries, of conspecific man in his demise for the greater madness of unhappy a use, for 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush' Ecclesiastes 6:9. The birds are soaring in the sky, and how many celebrate these tiny affirmations of self-push for the bird does; through relaxed survival. That is a clue. To have relaxed survival, then we are in a position of well-mannered, undeterred, reflection, but not one of love, and impassioned eternal direction. So, we must try again, to find callipygian form, and something to grab a hold of, if desire, not the use of desire, calls us into a showing of less is more; mere nakedness.

Nature, God's creation, sits fornicating in front of us, all of the time, not just for some of it. But, there must be a seat for the King in I, the King in you, and your Queen. So, dutifully we serve showing, ourselves to cum out of our bodies. As if, all sexed up TV brandished false, receptivity, yet we act rhetorically to it, and respect the sharing of coitus images. There is an ethereal nature to the sex education of porn to satisfy couples. But to love God, is to take away a nagging self-control, and to keep an acumen, of self precision and to put control back in God's hands.

If we have not been put off marriage – then we can all still remember a good childhood growing up, and the innocence of children having never been lost on anyone, their gift, in a growing mind, of a first birth, to evolve, through nurture, and later as adults, find their nature, of a little self-indulgence, or prudence as just; for their own well-being.

'”Well, now, my dear Kitty,” he said to the young girl, “would you like me to give you proof of that love you doubt?”, “Of what love?”, asked the young girl . . . . . “come here till I tell you that you're the prettiest Soubrette I've ever seen.” And he told it her so much and so well that the poor girl, who asked nothing better than to believe him, did believe him.'iii

There is always a break away, in a good marriage, at first glance, the inception of finality, in true love, but persistence along with it's relaxed survival, to know the right time to ask. We come to persist at love until achieved finally. Our common territory of old knowing, past, if past cannot be broken through loves sweet way. Our health as a growing man one of the last things to be relinquished.

A Mothership allows a father to bring his wife, good hope and glory, for the fortune ahead. Inserting, vain, iniquities in the bin, and making black prophecy of the Creator's Master Plan, a surmise for all to follow, in the revolving World of slighting recumbent plants and birds. As we, migrate South in Winter, we leave behind a history of wars of power, to control territory, until we have inspired, one aspiring heart, at least.

Our good tidings of persistent and powerful, relaxed, surviving, hope and glory make us tribes beyond reckoning, yet explained in our delightful passion toward one another.

If there were an incumbent retort, to gain from bad power in line with normalising objectionable evil, it would be that the men and women of war, are a farce to themselves. If on the other hand the good tidings of persistence are to serve them, then we feel, we have all gained. And it is not necessarily requited, but shared work.

To jump the gun, and fire it, at the same time, from the resistance of the assertion of others, is all talk. And so one, must be thick skinned, in the field of play. Unrequited behind mirrors of locked hands, and shared laughter – the best medicine for anyone, a product of the mightiest of broken hearts. When alone or in doubt, remember it was that persistence that you fell for, to discover their bare naked flesh, like God's Word, and of course, Himself on the Cross.

'You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you feel.'iv

Like your partner, God, can be invisible, yet becomes, and was flesh. But the heart always finds itself with them, in deep breath and calm; before the environment is set.

'Claude said, “The minister has been made a pretext . . . . . He is a charlatan. But he deserves better than to be made a pretext.”'v

The real reason for control, is the lack of direction for one's love. Clutching at straws, and finding none other than, inflammatory, Lethean markings of men at war, to control merely a minority, relaxes the mind, until the fear of paranoia, abolishes, their slightness, of forced, revolving other minds. A planet as a mind, a mind as a planet, just to see them every day, as they planned to create it, in a controlled environment, and therefore to control them?


iHeffer, Simon, A Short History of Power, Notting Hill editions Ltd., London, UK, 2011, p.4.

iiLaird, Martin, An Ocean of Light, Oxford University Press, UK, 2019, p.xiv.

iiiDumas, Alexandre, The Three Musketeers, Penguin Books, USA, 2006, p.364-365.

ivFisher, Mike, Mindfulness & the Art of Managing Anger, Leaping Hare Press, UK, 2012, p.104.

vMantel, Hilary, A place of Greater Safety, Penguin Books, UK, 1992, p.224.

92 Sacred

92 Sacred

90 Spiritism

90 Spiritism